Basic Math (Why Skip Bayless is still lyin' to boyz about Jordan vs. LeBron)

"It's crazy ain't it bruh? All I can do it play the game!"
I stopped to get gas on the Low End of the G (Gary, In.) and as I was filling my tank I overhear these cats on the side of the building arguing about illusions. Albert Einstein said, “The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Then his homeboy, Ralph Waldo Emerson, said, “There are as many pillows of illusions as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another dream.” Then Socrates took a squig of the old school 40 and said, “A system of mortality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.”

It seems like every sports journalists out here is emotionally connected to Michael Jordan like they owe him a solid or just a whole lot of bread the way they keep lyin’ to boyz about him. I was watching a marathon of ESPN First Take yesterday and ole dull Stephen A. and Skip were talking about whether LeBron would be able to win 6 championships over the course of his career or not. While Stephen A. did say that it was possible because LeBron is only 28 right now and he’ll be 29 on December 30th, ole dull Skip went on to say that winning 6 straight is impossible to do because he’s already lost in the Finals twice.

Now there is a room full of duns sitting there listening to this foolishness come out of his mouth and nobody corrected him. Now I know that I've only got a Gary, In. public school education but I sat up anyway because I just knew that somebody was gonna interrupt this fool and set him straight but nobody said a word.

If I can’t do anything playboy, I can count. This isn’t a debate over who is the better player or anything like that pimpin’! It’s a debate over whether duns on TV know what they’re talking about or whether they are just trying to see how much foolishness you are willing to digest on a regular basis.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Did LeBron lose two Finals to teams from Texas (San Antonio at age 22 and Dallas at age 26) before going on to win back-to-back Finals? Absolutely! Is it feasible for him to win 4 more titles at his age and most importantly; is it possible for him to win 4 more in a row? Absolutely!

So why is it that when Skip said that he can never go 6 for 6 in the Finals and nobody in the freakin’ room said, “Hold up dawg! What kind of math are you using? He just won 2 straight and could possibly win 6 straight if he doesn’t lose during this run.” That’s completely feasible bruh but to say that he can’t do it because he’s already lost twice is asinine.

Also on some real talk, Jordan didn't win 6 straight Finals! He retired and came back and didn't go to the Finals the year he came back. So stop telling folks that he did. He went to 6 Finals and won all 6.

I’m not saying that LeBron will win 6 straight or not but to use the logic that he can’t because he’s already lost twice makes no sense. If he wins 4 more on this stretch he would have outdone Jordan because he would have won 6 of 8 Finals when Jordan had only gotten to the Finals 6 times (between the ages of 28 and 35). Granted, he would have won all 6 but using simple math isn’t going to 8 and winning 6 straight at the same age as Jordan better than winning 6 after going to only 6? That isn't a trick question either bruh. And he doesn't have to win 6 straight playboy. He just has to win.

Again, I’m not saying that ole boy will do it but stop feeding people that can’t think for themselves foolishness for the sake of making Jordan look like a god. Because on some real talk, why is 6 championships the standard when there are 12 duns in the history of the league with 6 titles or more. There are 8 cats with more than 6. So if championships are the standard, which it shouldn’t be, but for the sake of this foolishness we’ll use it.

Why aren’t we talking about Bill Russell that is sitting on the top of the freakin’ mountain with 11 of those joints or the other 7 duns with more than Jordan like Sam Jones who has 10 or John Havlicek, Tom Heinson, K.C. Jones, Tom “Satch” Sanders that all have 8! Boyz like Robert Horry, James Loscutoff and Frank Ramsey all have 7. Then these fake media cats completely flush Kareem, Bob Cousy and Pippen down the toilet that all have 6 but nobody’s even mentioning their freakin’ names in a discussion that says championships is the standard.

Why? Because the conversation is ignorant because championships are a TEAM award and not an individual one. However, many of these fools that are having it don’t know how to just stop and look things up before they go on national television and start having dumb conversations in front of millions. The problem is, most folks at home watching this foolishness don’t possess a BS radar to distinguish whether these clowns are on point or not. That’s why you got me playboy!

Don’t just listen to what people say to you, analyze it. That’s the difference between you gettin’ ripped off at the candy store at 9 years of age by the dirty old man cheating kids out of their money and the gettin’ ripped off at the car dealership at 35 by a cat that talks fast. If you never interrupt a boy and say, “Say that again because that didn’t makes sense” you’ll always be the sucker comin’ in the door. Basic math is basic math playboy! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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