Selective Reality (Why the Heat are still the team to beat & not thePacers)

"Really bruh?"
Sigmund Freud once said, “Like the physical, the psychical is not necessarily in reality what appears to us to be.” Walt Disney had boyz scratching their heads when he said, “You can design and create and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.” Then Malcolm X shut the building down with, “You’re not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it.”

That’s real talk playboy! You can’t be so blind with Pacers hype that you can’t see that they've got glaring holes that need to be addressed. Everywhere I go around town boyz are screamin’ that the Heat are going down this year to the Pacers.

I hear this all day every day, “The Heat have no answer for Roy Hibbert! LeBron can’t do anything with Paul George etc.!” When I hear these duns talking, the first thing I ask them is, are you watching the same freakin’ games that I’m watching playa?

Sure the Pacers are a beast right now! They’ve got the best record in the East (23-5) and they’re sprinting through boyz on a regular. Paul George (PG) is one of the best players in the game and Roy is unstoppable when he wants to. Here’s the problem playboy, PG can’t do anything with the best player on the planet and Roy may or may not show up on certain nights pimp!

The most important problem that nobody in the vicinity of I-465 wants to address is the fact that the “Hometown Hero” George Hill will turn the rock over on a boy when all the marbles are sitting at the edge of the table in a minute! Granted he only averages 1.5 turnovers a game but it's that 1 that kills 'em down the stretch. The Pacers need a legitimate point guard bruh.

Just because they beat the Heat once already this season means absolutely nothing. I watched them beat the brakes off of the Heat last year multiple times during the regular season too. The question is, can they beat them 4 times playing every other day after boyz have studied film? The grown man answer right now is NO!!!!

Not when you've got a dun that has the propensity to give up the rock at critical times in a game because the Heat will kill them in transition. They don’t need a traditional big man in the paint because they take advantage of boyz in transition all day and when you’re turning it over as a team all you’re doing is playing right into their hands.

They’ve got the best player that we’ve probably EVER seen in our lifetime with shooters on the roof just like Jordan always had. If D. Wade is healthy come June it’s a wrap playboy.

Now I keep hearing all of these Miami cats screamin’ about Greg Oden and that whole experiment. Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Greg Oden isn’t going to make a bit of difference because the dun isn’t gonna to play. His knees are shot and he's looks like he and Albert Einstein started school together.!

I know boyz down on South Beach are banking on him being an answer for Hibbert but Michael Beasley is more of a threat than Oden is. If Beasley is healthy he’s got enough street edge to make a difference in the paint for the Heat. Now like Mr. Willie down at the Car Wash used to say, “If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas. So you can’t count on ole boy being ready to go either because even if he is healthy he’s a head case.

Take all of the hypotheticals off of the table bruh and look at it for what it is. The point guard position right now is what is going to kill the Pacers in the playoffs if they don’t make a move. The trade rumors of Rondo for Hill and Granger are floating around and on some real talk, it would be a great move if they decide to go in that direction. However, even if that isn't the answer they've got to find it before the trade deadline.

I know boyz in the barber shop are saying that Rondo isn’t even 100%. However, Rondo at 75% is better than George Hill at 100 because that dun is guaranteed to hurt you when it counts. The Heat are the best team in the league at going the other way and having a cat on the floor that gives it up when it counts is a problem, even if it's only 1.5 times per game. It only takes 1 down the stretch to flush a wad down the toilet.

It’s like giving your last $100 to a crack head to pick up some things at the grocery store on Christmas Eve at 5:50pm that sits right next to the crack house. He’s destined to turn it over and ruin the holiday bruh!

The Pacers blew the doors off of Brooklyn on Monday night and had 18 turnovers as a team! Now granted, George Hill didn’t have a single one but in a huge game he’ll give that joint up down the stretch like he did in Miami a couple of weeks ago. In my Huggy Lowdown voice, "Waaaaait for it!"

You can hide those joints against terrible team’s bruh but not against Miami. It’s always a battle between these two teams and a turnover here or there can cost you a championship. Not to mention that Roy is still gonna be Roy! That dun may or may not get out of the ride on a boy. I’m just sayin’!

So don’t count ya eggs just yet around this piece. The Pacers have the best shot at beating these cats this year than ever before but the holes have to be mended ASAP because you can’t EVER bet against the best player walking the planet earth. Especially when he knows it and he’s got shooters in the ride with him. Like my man Bill Watterson, the famous cartoonist, once said, “It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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