Eye Balls (Hernandez Charged with Murder)

"Hey man y'all got me out here looking like a store manikin bruh!"
Robert Plant, the lead singer of the rock band Led Zeppelin, was real direct when he said, “I hate wasting time.” The comedian, Mitch Hedberg, said, “I like refried beans. That’s why I wanna try fried beans, because maybe they’re just as good and we’re just wasting time. You don’t have to fry them again after all.” Then Ben Franklin hit boyz in the dome with, “If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.”
Growing up in the hood taught me a lot of things. One in particular is that when a boy has it in his eye balls to go to the penitentiary it ain’t nothing you can do to stop him playboy. The old timers at the barber shop would always say, “You can see it in his eyes bruh that he tryna go to the pen. So you gotta get out of his way.”
Obviously, Aaron Hernandez has had it in his eyes since he was a shorty too. However, the question I’ve got for ole boy is why did he waste his time in the first place? Why work as hard as he did to become an All-American football player, go to class to stay eligible, attend off-season workouts, eat right, discipline his body, dedicate himself to his craft only to end up in a cell with a dun that dropped out of school in the 4th grade?

He’s gotta sit in a joint filled with cats that have never dedicated themselves to anything but being a fool and terrorizing folks. If he was gonna end up in the pen he could have just gone straight to the joint without all of the additional work.
 Now he’s gotta wrestle with a dun every night to keep him off of his backside because Hernandez is a pretty boy and brand new to the game. Y’all know I’m tellin’ the truth bruh! Now it’s gonna come down to who’s the hungriest every night. SMH
 This cat has spent his whole life trying to escape the ghetto only to end up in worse than the ghetto because he wanted to be a gangsta and a football player at the same time. I guess he wasn’t paying attention to Sam Hurd, formerly of the Chicago Bears, last year trying to be a drug dealer and a football player too.

Listen up you idiots! You can’t do both jobs! You gotta pick the one that doesn’t come with certain death or jail time playa. The only reason most cats pick a life of crime is because of the money so if you already got the money why do the crime? Help me understand that bruh?
On Wednesday afternoon Hernandez was charged with the murder of Odin Lloyd, a semi-pro football player, whose body was found near an industrial park about a mile from his crib. When they were in the process of arresting him, ole boy probably said, “Hey man can I at least put my t-shirt on?” Then they probably said, “Naw fool, turn around and put these handcuffs on!” Then they just threw the t-shirt on over him as they marched his butt out of the house lookin' like a manikin with no arms in the men's department at Macy's. Y’all know the drill, stop actin’ brand new!    
Then the Patriots fired that dun less than 90 minutes after he was initially arrested and even before he was charged with murder. They ran from him like he had the plague bruh! Not only did they fire him but they removed all paraphernalia with his likeness on it from the Patriots Pro Shop including his jerseys! They also removed him from the team’s website and kept it moving.
Robert Kraft ain’t bout that life and nothing he’s involved with should be either. Don’t even waste your time trying to holler at Bill when he gets back. I can hear the interview now, “Hey Bill? What are your thoughts on Aaron Hernandez?” Who?” Stop me when I start lyin’ playboy!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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