Barber Shop Talk

Dwight: "I say we try to make this happen bruh!" CP3: "I'm cool wit that!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” The famous author, William Arthur Ward, broke it down like this, “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”  Then the big homie, Confucius, said, “When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”
Three years ago when Lebron James decided to take his talents to South Beach boyz in barber shops in every hood in America went bananas. Cats were actually upset that he was smart enough to call his boys and join forces to win a title. Ole boy was playing in Cleveland where he’d played through 2 contracts, his head coach had just been fired and Danny Ferry, his GM, had just quit. So his contract is up, he has no coach or GM and these duns wanted him to stay and try to win in that situation? That’s why they’re sitting around arguing in the barber shop playboy!
Three years! Three NBA Finals two NBA titles and two Finals MVP's! Enough said! Here we go with the idiot that ain't even gettin' a hair cut screamin', "Mike never left Chicago to win a title!" Listen here genius! Mike had Scottie within 3 years of being drafted and Phil showed up in his 5th year! The same Scottie that ended his career as one of the top 50 players of all-time and the same Phil that is the best coach to EVER live! That's why he never left you idiot! He didn't have to!

See Jordan would have been a great basketball player regardless of who drafted him because of his work ethic and competitive drive. He just wouldn't have won 6 titles playing in the wrong place. There was a very high probability that Michael Jackson was going to be a drug addict whether he was famous or not because he had addictive behavior. Instead of dying of a propofol overdose in LA as a rich and famous entertainer he would have died of a heroin overdose as an unknown Joe and poor on 25th & Broadway in the G. I'm just sayin'!
Now Chris Paul and Dwight Howard are looking to do the same thing with their NBA futures. They’re looking to join forces if at all possible to win as well. Like Confucius says, “Adjust the action steps!” For years organizations have been the only ones making the moves to win championships because the players weren’t smart enough to do it for themselves. The old timers used to call that “slave mentality” when people were afraid to think for themselves. So LeBron decided to think for himself and you're made at him?
Do you realize that more than 50% of all NBA titles have been won by two organizations? Boston has won 17 and LA has 16! Why? Because they’ve historically been the two best run joints in the league. That’s not the case now because Red Auerbach  and Jerry Buss are both dead. That’s why you see Doc Rivers and Dwight Howard weighing their options right now bruh. Dwight is still Buster Brown but that's another conversation homeboy. 
What sense did it make for Reggie Miller to play 14 years in Indiana if the goal was to win a championship? Did it make any sense for Karl Malone to waste away in Utah before he ever figured out that he could win a title somewhere else? By the time he ran over to LA it was too late.
Ask Barkley how it feels to spend way too much time in Philly searching for Easter Eggs that were hidden in Boston, Chicago and LA! Patrick Ewing stayed in New York his entire career and it’s one of the worst run organizations in the history of sports. They haven’t won a title since 1973 and they're in the largest media market in the world. Wheredeydodatat?
Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Since the beginning of time people have been teaming up with the best in order to maximize their potential. People that are great at what they do, want to work for great companies. When you’ve got options to work for several companies you choose the one that you have a better chance at maximizing your potential, right?
Since the days of Biddy Basketball and now AAU basketball, coaches have been stacking teams. You know how it’s done playboy! The 2 or 3 dads that have the best kids in the league join together to coach so that their kids can play together and win the championship. Those same duns in the barber shop complaining about LeBron hooking up with D. Wade and now CP3 and Dwight possibly teaming up are running a stacked AAU team as we speak. That’s real talk.
If your goal is to win a championship and you’re not playing in a situation that will allow you to maximize your potential and win one. Then you would be a fool to stay and wait on someone else to shape your future. If you’re working for a company that will not promote you and you’ve done everything in your power to get promoted and an opportunity arises for you to leave and get promoted. You’d be a fool to stay because some clown in the barber shop that doesn’t even have a job says that you should stay! Stop me when I start lyin’ playboy and pass the collection plate because y'all known I'm preachin'!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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