A Fool is a Fool!

In his Florida Evans voice, "Damn, Damn, Damn!"
Plato once said, ‘Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.” General George S. Patton stood up and shouted, “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”  Then Albert Einstein spilled his cognac as he was getting up to say, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Less than two weeks ago the New England Patriots signed Tim Tebow and all of the so-called expert journalists tried to dissect the reasoning as to why owner Robert Kraft and Bill Belichick would do such a thing. Boyz started talking about Tebow’s inability to throw the football etc. etc. etc. I was the only cat out here that said that signing Tebow had nothing to do with him playing quarterback and everything to do with his leadership in the locker room but boyz wouldn’t listen.
 In the Hot Joint entitled "Let's Ride" I broke down how they would use him and most importantly why they signed him to have that leadership rub off on cats on the team. All you had to do was think about it playboy!! Tom Brady is a future Hall of Famer that is rarely hurt and they’ve got Ryan Mallett as his back up! They didn’t even have a 3rd team quarterback last season. So why would you sign a cat that can’t even throw the football to play quarterback and you don’t need him? They don’t have time to teach some dun how to play when that department is solid.
That’s like Microsoft hiring a guy to be a computer programmer that knows nothing about computers when they’ve got the best cat in the world already in that role. How do some of these clowns even call themselves sports journalists if they can’t use simple reasoning skills. Incredible!!
Less than two weeks later you’ve got a fool involved some kind of way in a murder! Bingo playboy!!! Don’t think for one minute that it’s a shock to anybody in that locker room or organization that Aaron Hernandez got himself mixed up in some foolishness. The school is never going to call you and tell you that your child did something that completely blows your mind! You knew who that dun was when you dropped him or her off at school.
 I went to hear motivational speaker Les Brown talk almost 20 years ago and he said something that I will never forget. He said, “Where ever you end up 20 years from now. You’ve made an appointment to be there 20 years ago.”
Aaron Hernandez has been a fool for years bruh! Folks don’t just get involved in murders or have cats suing them for shooting them in their eye out of nowhere playa! Check his history! He dropped off of most teams draft boards and fell to the fourth round for a reason bruh! He failed multiple drug tests at the University of Florida. He was gang bangin’ at the crib in Bristol Conn. of all places, the home of ESPN the World Wide Leader of Sports! Like boyz couldn’t just look out of the window and see this fool! That’s like going over to your mother’s best friend’s street to smoke weed.  
Let me tell you homeboy, the Patriots knew what Hernandez was the day that they drafted him because the NFL puts a microscope up these guys butts well in advance. Think about it, they’re spending millions of dollars on these cats. You don’t think that they were kicking the tires before they pulled off in that joint. Hernandez was just becoming more of a problem than they ever anticipated! You knew that the ride had a leak when you bought it but you thought you could fix it on the cheap but after two years you find yourself still putting money into it. That was Hernandez bruh!
 Tebow was dirt cheap, they didn’t have to give him any guaranteed bread and guess what pimpin’? He was Hernandez’s quarterback in college! The Patriots figured that if they could get Tebow around this fool we’ve got a shot of keeping him from diving all the way off of the roof.
The problem was, Hernandez was already in the air by the time Tebow was signed. He was midway through the half twist of a triple summersault when Tebow showed up! Big Momma always said, “A fool is a fool is a fool is a fool and it ain’t nothing you can do about it!” Now that Hernandez is gone Tebow might be gone too if he can't play tight end because the only reason he was brought in was to baby sit the fool! I’m just sayin’!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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