
"I can put my finger through my nose and down my throat cuz I can bruh!"

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Every experiment, by multitudes or by individuals, that has a selfish aim, will fail.” Mother Teresa broke it down like this, “One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody.” My man Dieon Sanders shut the joint down when he said this in his Hall of Fame speech, “If your dream isn’t bigger than you then there’s a problem with your dream.”

Ole boy Jerry Jones needs to listen to these cats because he’s allowed the Cowboys to go from being America’s team to America’s Sunday afternoon joke! When you think of the state of Texas the first thing that comes to mind is football. Well...heat, then football. It's a shame that the good people of Dallas keep getting robbed of it's passion to see good football because Jerry is the Grinch that stole football in north Texas.

Not only is this dun the owner but he’s the president and general manager of the team too! Wheredeydodatat?  Boyz got excited again this year because they were loaded but like clock work they're dull again at 3-5 as we settle into the mid-season mark!

When Jerry was asked on his radio show if he would ever step down as the general manager the answer was a resounding NO! “We are not structured that way. We didn’t structure it that way with my ownership.” Who’s we bruh? You’ve got multiple personalities going on now? It’s only one cat making decisions around this joint right? Is it, Jerry, Jerome, Jeremiah or did you go to the hood and get a personality named Jerimetrious, JeriMarcus or Jerrilious? Either way the same cat is destroying the team.

 In 1989, he purchased the Cowboys from H.R. "Bum" Bright for $140 million. Shortly thereafter, he pulled his first power move by firing long time head coach Tom Landry, to that point the only coach in the team's history. He then hired his old teammate from the University of Arkansas and former University of Miami head coach, Jimmy Johnson. If that wasn't enough he forced out longtime general manager Tex Schramm, and assumed complete control over all football operations. He’s been the Wizard of OZ ever since! Wheredeydodatat?

After bringing in Jimmy Johnson the Cowboys won back to back Super Bowls in 1992 and 1993 but the following year in 1994 Jerry fires him! How does a cat get fired for winning back to back Super Bowls? Well, I guess it's easy to lose your job when you’re working for a clown that wants all of the credit! If someone else gets the praise for winning then he’s got to go! Wheredeydodatat?

Put your seat belts on for this one homeboy! He then brings in former University of Oklahoma coaching legend Barry Switzer. Within a year they win yet another Super Bowl in 1995 but good ole Jerry got jealous of the attention that his head coach was getting so he fired Barry too! Well, maybe both Barry and Jimmy told him to get out of the way and let them coach and he couldn’t  take it. Wheredeydodatat?

The sad part about it is that Dallas has unbelievably loyal fans. Texan's first love is football. Trust me I know! I'm one of them. I was born in west Texas. You learn how to hold a football before you leave the hospital!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! The fans are the real suckers because as long as ole boy keeps selling tickets it’s not going to change. They are no different than delusional Cubs fans! As long as the joint is sold out ownership has no reason to change what they're doing. Wheredeydodatat?  In Dallas and Chicago!!

As long as the money is green ole Jerrilious will continue to crash the Maybach into the guard rail on I-35 in dry conditions and in absolutely no traffic. Why, because he can!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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