The Fallacy

"Yeah bruh, just give me some time to spread these boyz out!"

A fallacy is when something is true but not necessarily true. For example, if I said, “People in the projects steal. Ray Ray lives in the projects, therefore he steals!” That would be a true statement however; it wouldn’t necessarily be true in the case of Ray Ray.  People in the projects do steal but not everybody in the projects steal! Another example would be to say, “People that live in rural communities use methamphetamines, John lives in a rural community therefore, he uses methamphetamines. Sounds stupid doesn’t it?

Well if it sounds so stupid then why are people in the south allowed to keep screaming SEC in the same regard. All I keep hearing is that the SEC is the best conference in football from top to bottom because they’ve won the past 6 BCS championships. Peel the onion back bruh. Those 6 titles came from the same 3 duns I keep giving props to, Alabama, LSU and Florida. Do we really want to talk about dull Auburn? That title was all Cam Newton. Before Cam they were dull and after Cam they’ve been dull! These boyz are 2-6 right now so let’s not talk about Auburn in conversations of winning. Really!

 So to keep screaming that the SEC is better than any other conference from top to bottom is silly. What cats are saying is that since Mississippi State, Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina etc are in the SEC, therefore they are better. I’ve been saying for years that the conference as a whole is no better than any other conference. It’s just top heavy!

I wrote a Hot Joint week 2 of the college football season entitled "The Myth of the SEC" explaining to boyz that the 3 top teams are better than the rest of the country annually. I give them big props. But those other 11 duns aren’t raising any eyebrows and winning any titles! As a matter of fact, they’re sneaking in the party on the top 3’s credentials or to take you to the hood with it, everybody is eating off of 3 plates at Shoney’s.

Folks always say if those other teams were in the Big 12, Big 10 or PAC 12 they would dominate because the SEC teams are better from top to bottom. If that were the case then why is it that dull Big 12 perennial door mat Texas A&M is handling boyz in the SEC in its first year with a new coach? The Aggies finished 6th place on average in the Big 12 since the conference was formed in 1996! Since 2003 their record was 51-48! Over the past four seasons they have finished 11th, 8th, 5th and 7th in the Big 12!

Now they are 7-2 in the so-called best all around conference in football with a brand new coach in their 1st year in the league! Kevin Sumlin is the real deal! I know because I went to college with him at Purdue more than 25 years ago. However, he’s still got the same duns that were getting the doors blown off of them in the Big 12 last year! Yeah they’ve got “Johnny Football” but if the SEC as an entire conference was as good as boyz keep saying, A&M wouldn’t be housin’ teams like they are! They’ve only lost to LSU by 6 points and Florida by 3 points up to this point and they’ve got Bama this week.

They are only losing to the same duns that I’ve said are the best in the country. They’re running through the other cats on the schedule because they aren’t any better than the other conferences or maybe even worse! They’ve beaten Arkansas, Ole Miss, Miss State and dull Auburn! The same duns that Alabama is playing! Check the schedule bruh!  Stop telling me about the whole conference because if A&M is gettin’ with boyz in their 1st year, your argument just exploded into a million pieces. Quietly, give Sumy and the Aggies two years and they’ll be the best team in the SEC because of the Texas boyz that they’re going to start stealing from both Texas and Oklahoma in the recruiting war because they’re winning now! He's gonna spread the SEC out and win it in two years! Quote me on that homeboy!!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport


  1. Long story short you are way off. A&M would have finished 11-1 last year if it weren't for bad coaching and terrible second half play calling. Yes they lost 6 games but 4 of the losses were by 4 points or less and the only double digit loss was by 16 in Norman. The talent at A&M has been there the past couple years, it just took hiring Sumlin for it to translate onto the field. The SEC is still by far the best conference and is looking even better now that A&M has found it's stride. If you take the bottom feeders like Tennessee and Missouri and put them in the Big 12 (the supposed second best conference) then Tennessee would finish with at least 7 conference wins (they are 0-5 in SEC play) and last year Missouri went 5-4 in the Big 12 (they are 1-5 in the SEC) with basically the same team as this year. Yes Sumlin is a great coach and Johnny Football has been amazing but you are STILL not giving them enough credit. What they have done this year has been nothing short of spectacular and you can't take that away from them by saying that the SEC just isn't as good as we thought they were.

    1. If the SEC was better from top to bottom A&M would be struggling! Saying that they should have won 11 games last year is like saying Iowa State should have been undefeated!

  2. They have a different coach and a QB name Johnny Football. They would be in the run with Kstate for the big 12 championship if they were in that conference this year. They have a good offensive scheme that would dominate the big 12 because of the lack of defense that's played in that conference.


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