The Bread Line

"I'm just glad I got all of that bread coming my way bruh!"
We’ve all heard the colloquialism “Don’t hate the player, hate the game!” However, most people either don’t understand it or don’t care to apply it when it comes to them because they love to hate.  Folks always want to act like “Haters” live on a reservation somewhere with racists because you can never find anybody that will admit that they are either a hater or a racist. It blows my mind quite honestly!

For the past week boyz in the barber shops and on sports talk radio shows have been hating on Alex Rodriguez for being in a slump and getting benched by Joe Girardi during the Tigers series. Bruh, the guy is  human! That means that human beings are imperfect and are subject to having bad stretches. Now the first thing people will point to is his massive contract. 

This cat is signed for the next five years and guaranteed another $114 million. It also includes a marketing agreement with the Yankees that could add as much as $30 million to the deal in the form of $6 million bonuses for reaching each of five target home run totals up to the all-time record of 762 held by my boy Barry Bonds. He has 647 home runs right now and his next milestone bonus would be passing Willie Mays at 660. He also has a no trade clause in the joint. That means you can talk trades until you’re blue in the face and if ole boy doesn’t agree to it, he’s not going anywhere. It’s like trying to convince Big Momma to move out of her house that's now in the hood that wasn’t the hood when she bought it 50 years ago.

So again I ask, why are cats hating on this dun? Just because a boy has a guaranteed salary of $114 million doesn’t make him immortal. Is it his fault that somebody was dumb enough to sign him to that deal? Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! There isn’t a person alive that wouldn’t have taken the bread if it were offered to them. That’s real talk bruh!

Don’t act like the cat has to be Superman or Bozo because the Yankees signed him to a clown contract. Where else in America can you go to work for guaranteed money? If they told you on your job today that they were going to sign you through 2017 and guarantee your money, you’d call off sick tomorrow and take a vacation next week. So why are folks acting like A-Rod can’t have a bad stretch even in the playoffs. His teammates were just as bad but because he's big money grip boyz jumped all over him and gave those other duns a pass. Now I’m not a baseball fan at all but I keep it real when it comes to real life issues.

You can’t hate on a boy for being human and it doesn’t matter what kind of bread he’s making. As long as he’s not running game, not putting forth the effort or taking advantage of the Yankees, it’s all good. Now my problem with A-Rod is that he wants everybody to like him and that just won’t happen homeboy. Any time you’re good at anything the haters are gonna to come out of the wood works. When he signed the 10 year $250 million joint with Texas in 2001 he became a marked man. Again, what would you have preferred him to do? Not sign the joint?

In my Big Momma voice, “It ain’t his fault baby that them people were crazy enough to give him all of that money!”  He took what was offered and anybody that was wearing his shirt on the day they offered the joint would have taken it too. So like I said before, don’t hate the player hate the game.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. Had this very conversation in the bowling alley the night Yankees got eliminated. Hey he was offered the money and he took it just like anybody else. As pointed out Dude is human and humans in sports slump (any sport). He may or may not stick with the Yankees but I'm afraid he's gonna be hated on just because but like it was said "don't hate the player hate the game".


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