
"I got the shakes now bruh!"
All it takes is one time to get hooked! Then cats are willing to sell everything they have and even stuff that doesn't belong to them just to get that feeling again. That's how drug addicts operate. They want it so bad that they lose their minds to keep getting it. Well it works the same way with success too! Once you taste it you lose your mind and are willing do everything possible to keep repeating the sensation of being the best.

So I guess LeBron has turned into Frankenstein now because he looked like a dope fiend monster when they gave him that ring last night! Look for this cat to come out of the lab as a straight up beast this year! He's about to be like a boy strung out on heroin, crack, PCP or mushrooms cuz he's about to tear the joint up looking for another title! He's like a mole because he doesn't need eyes to see the title anymore, he can smell it! Fiends are dangerous and when they're 6'8" 260 that can play all five positions and run the floor like a gazelle, they're devastating bruh!

 I know that all of the haters choked on the Miami Heat’s big ring shaped pill last night. Boyz have been in denial for so long that when the reality of the Heat getting the hardware actually occurred they were sick. For so long clowns have been thinking that the best player on the planet wouldn’t win a title. How would that even be possible bruh? The best player in the world not ever win the title? Straight haterism!

Well the Heat put the bling on and hoisted the banner and then got down to business by beating the Boston Celtics 120-107 on opening night. It was good seeing LeBron and Co. get the hardware just to put boyz on notice that it’s about to be a long 3 or 4 years for the rest of the NBA, Lakers included!

As much as I like Kevin Garnett he pulled a chump move last night by not hollerin’ at Ray Allen as he tried to acknowledge him as he was going into the ball game. I know KG plays with a lot of fire that’s why I got love for that dun. However, sometimes I will admit that he’s way over the top with looking for a reason to be mad. Sometimes this cat just makes stuff up in his head to be upset about to get him going. That’s cool but Ray is his boy! You can’t spend that much time with a cat and then just turn it off.  C’mon bruh that’s fake or how we used to say on the yard in GOMAB terms, “Charge Card!”

Let’s keep it real of all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! They needed each other to win the only title that the two on them have. So if nothing else there is love on that level alone. Now that a boy has moved on you don’t know him? That’s a clown move bruh! KG’s my guy but I gotta call him out for that one! I’ve been riding hard with him since his days with Ronnie Fields, who was the best player on that team, at Farragut Academy in Chicago. I’m waiting on the “30 for 30” on that stud, homie. He was probably the best player you've never heard of! So we go back for enough for me to blast ole boy for being a buster when he puts on the clowns shoes.

Ole Ray Ray let ‘em know that he’s still got it too. His first shot was a corner three just to mark his territory for the season. Obviously they didn’t believe that the fat meat was still greasy because he lit them up for 19 points.  Boyz better watch out this year because the Heat finally has a bench.

Now Ima keep it real, if the Lakers can stay healthy all year they’re a complete match up problem for the Heat because of Dwight Howard and Paul Gasol. The Heat still have no inside game and don’t have an answer for the two 7 footers bruh! However, I’m still not convinced that Dwight Howard can play with Kobe. Dwight is "Buster Brown" and is soft. Kobe is going to ride him all season to get the best out of him and I just don’t think Dwight can handle the pressure.

Kobe is a like the old cat of the job that is about to retire that lost his filter two years ago or like Uncle Willie that’s 88 and could care less if he hurts your feelings. That dun is going to say anything and you know he doesn’t care what you think of him. Dwight is that dude that wants everybody to like him and that ain’t gonna fly in LA, not playing with Kobe.

I think that Oklahoma City took a hit at least for this year letting “The Beard” go. They needed that guaranteed 20 points that they let go to Houston but I understand. I think that James Hardin played himself by not staying in OKC because the difference in the bread was minuscule and if you keep winning you’ll make up the difference in endorsements.

Where else can you get starter money, starter love from the fans, starter game time and role player pressure? He gets all of the benefits of being a starter without the pressure and the criticism that comes with it. Boyz forgot all about him taking a smoke break in the Finals last year and never coming back. Why? Because he wasn’t a starter! Westbrook took all of the "Heat" literally! Now all the pressure is on him to be the man in Houston and I don’t think that he’s ready for that!  Harden and Lin in the back court? In my Huggy Low Down voice, “Wait for it!” I seriously don’t think so!!!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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