"The 10 Spot"

"I'll see ya'll next year bruh & get rid of Van Gundy while I'm gone!"
The mistake that most men make is that they get caught up on the visual instead of the substance of a woman. Most cats, especially young boyz, are only concerned about how fine she is and how other guys will react to them steppin' in the joint with her. It doesn't matter what type of personality she has or what her conversation is to them. As long as she's a cosmetic 10 their all in! The problem is, the cosmetic 10 or dime, as we called them in the hood, is always going to come with baggage. The question is, are you willing to put up with it?

Well, apparently the Orlando Magic have committed to the dime and is willing to put up with the foolishness that comes with her. Dwight Howard has now called owner Rich DeVos to tell him that he won't play for coach Stan Van Gundy anymore, according to WKMG out of Orlando. It's now been reported that he WILL have back surgery on Friday and will be out for the remainder of the season including the playoffs. Now could he have played and had the surgery after the playoffs were over? He could have at least tried though right?

All I'm going to say is Game 5 1997 NBA Finals! A guy named Michael Jordan played with the flu and had to be carried off of the floor because he wanted it so bad. Now Howard has a herniated disc in his back but a great competitor would have at least "tried" to play bruh. He also wouldn't have said before hand that he was about to quit on his team anyway.

 Now don't get it twisted, I've got a degree in Sports Science and I realize the seriousness of a herniated disc and it can't be compared to the flu. However, I've got a PHD in understanding and deciphering a hustle bruh! Does he need surgery? Yes! Did he need it on Friday? Probably not, but because he took a PR hit for quitting 24 hours earlier he figured it was better to go under the knife now than to be remembered as a quitter. 

Don't act like this doesn't sound familiar to you. There is a reason why nobody ever marries the dime in real life bruh! Why? Because the dime is never satisfied!  Have you ever wondered why the finest girl(cosmetically) in school or college, years later is still single? You see them walk into church every Sunday by themselves and you hear the same whispers as she walks by, "Man she used to be the finest chick in school and everybody wanted her but look at her now bruh! She's still fine but nobody wants her because her attitude stinks!" 

The dime can't ever settle down because as a youngster she always had options and never learned how to. Over the years she always had boyz waiting in line to date her and she knew it. So she never learned how to commit to the same guy especially when things got bad in the relationship. Let's just say that they had that Beyonce' "Irreplaceable" joint in their heads well before she even wrote it. "You must don't know bout me, You must don't know bout me, I can have another you in a minute, matter fact, he'll be here in a minute (baby)." Ya'll know the drill and Dwight Howard is doing the same thing. So he's going to be as disruptive as possible because he can. He's going to prove to the organization that he's more important than Van Gundy.  

Now I'm not mad at him because he is what he is, you can't change the dime. When you start dating one you already know what the program is bruh. Once the Magic committed to him they bought into that foolishness and what do I always say, "players don't win titles, organizations do," as I so eloquently stated in "The Firm".

I blame the Orlando Magic organization for this thing falling apart right before our eyes. You can't commit to the dime without giving the dime everything she wants. Otherwise, she's going to act a fool on you and therefore wouldn't be fulfilling the Dimes Across America Oath! 

Now I know some cat is still thinking about my comment on why nobody marries the dime because they're always looking for a better deal. They're stuck on that joint because they're saying to themselves, "JayZ married Beyonce' bruh?" Let me take you to school young blood! JayZ IS the better deal bruh! He's at the top of the food chain financially for relatively young urban cats. There isn't another boy out here besides Diddy or Fifty Cents that has his type of bread. So she can't get another him in a minute! Plus JayZ's got better flow and lyrics than both of them combined. 

Don't get it twisted bruh, you can have a woman that's both attractive and possesses a great personality but they call that wifey material or as we so affectionately call it "The Dime Piece!" I've had one for almost 10 years and it's like winning the lottery because they don't make that kind of woman everyday! So when you run across her you better hold on to her bruh. Otherwise, you'll keep getting fooled by her looks only and end up with Dwight Howard!

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport


  1. Great Report JG....I enjoyed this one. RLB!!!

  2. This article is the "Truth"--->that's all!

  3. Jay you killed it on this one...D Howard is in fact more trouble than he is worth.


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