"Cold Cocked"

"The follow through kept him from talking his way out of it!"

I remember as a kid getting into trouble at school and they would send me to the principals office? Back in that day there were no camera's in the class room or on the property for that matter. So whatever I was there for came down to me being able to talk my way out of it. It was my word vs some other kid's and I usually came out of the office with some one owing ME an apology.

On Sunday, Metta World Peace tried to pull an "old talk my way out of trouble" move but it was wasn't happening. He was ejected from the Lakers' 114-106 double overtime win over the Thunder on Sunday after receiving a flagrant foul 2 for cold cocking James Harden in the head with his elbow. For those of you that didn't grow up in the hood. To cold cock means to catch a boy completely off guard and knock the crap out of him. It usually happens when two guys are just talking trash or if there is beef in the air. The next thing you know one of them is on the ground without warning. I'd say that's pretty much what happened!
The old school coaches would always say, "the tape don't lie son!" When in doubt watch the film. Now the refs are watching film and determined very quickly that World Peace was way out of line with that move. Let's keep it real or all the way 100, that was Ron Artest out there bruh! You can officially put the Metta World Peace guy back in the closet.
He issued this statement after the game:
"During that play I just dunked on Durant and Ibaka and I got really emotional and excited and it was unfortunate that James had to get hit with an unintentional elbow," World Peace said. "I hope he's OK. The Thunder, they're playing for a championship this year, so I hope that he's OK and I apologize to the Thunder and to James Harden.

"You know, it was such a great game and it was unfortunate so much emotion was going on at that time. ... That's it for today."

This guy definitely missed his meds on Sunday! How in the world do you think that it's OK to blast a guy in the head with your elbow for no reason? It wasn't like he and Harden were squared up or he'd been constantly bullied, had taken his bike or lunch money. He caught him with an elbow to the head. I'm just glad that the bench's didn't clear because if that were 10 years ago they would still be out there fighting.

The NBA has recently instituted a rule that gives automatic suspensions for any player that comes onto the floor in those situations. So I was glad to see guys counting their money first and then realizing that the playoffs are next week. The Thunder have a legitimate shot at getting to the Finals too. So they're going to need everybody to be ready to role including Harden when they tip off.

Artest knew exactly what he was doing by waiting to pull a move like that in the NBA. If he had pulled a move like that in high school in the hood it would have gotten ugly! Whatever block that Harden represented would have been waiting for him at the bus. Let's just say this, the team would have NEEDED a police escort all the way home and I'm not sure that would have been enough. One thing about it bruh, it's playoff time and I'm excited. Sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy the ride!

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Information from the Associated Press was used in this article.     

1 comment:

  1. That same move happen to me in High School "World Peace" was never in the building and the "Real Artest" has always been lurking and showed up. He can't sell me that excitement crap he knows what he did. The tape don't lie and leopards don't change spots. Dude should miss the entire playoff but you know that won't happen. Glad the players used their heads and didn't rush the floor would have been nasty. Yes- "Its Playoff Time"


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