"Who Ya Wit?"

"I'm riding with Jesus!"

Those of us that understand the power of God aren't at all surprised at the success of Tim Tebow. Most people are scratching their heads trying to figure this thing out but there is no logic to what God can do. All he's doing is allowing Tebow to have success without reason so that he can get the glory. On Saturday the very man that didn't want Tim to play in the first place, coach John Fox, asked Tebow to address the team. According to the Denver Post, Tebow turned to the Bible, quoting Proverbs 27:17: "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."

"He said iron sharpens iron and men sharpen other men. And I think that's totally true," rookie linebacker Von Miller told The Post. "He gave us a great speech. We came out (for the game) fired up. And that was a wrap. I've never seen a human who can will himself to win like that," Miller told The Post.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, which ever comes first! Tebow shouldn't even be on the field according to the numbers not to mention be winning. However, the word of God says "if God is for you who can be against you?" Isaiah 41:13. Tebow is bold in letting folks know that he is a believer and God is allowing him to prosper as a result of it! So even though all of the experts continue to hate and explain to us that we aren't seeing what we're seeing. God is showing us that he can even be God on the football field.

You can throw the stats out of the window because when God takes over there's nothing you can do about it. How is it possible for a guy to win a football game in the NFL only completing two passes? How is it possible that a guy can start on a team when both the head coach and VP of Football Operations don’t want him? It's not, using the world's logic! However, all things are possible with God because his word says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13. Now you can hate all you want but Tebow will have success as long as God wants him to.

There are a lot of people that despise Tebow because of his faith. However, there will be a lot of people that will get saved because of him. Like it or not. God’s power is moving in that locker room already! The very fact that Fox asked Tebow to address the team is the door opening for Jesus to move. Fox isn't stupid. He knew exactly what Tebow would use to motivate his teammates, the word of God!

If Von Miller bought into the understanding that iron sharpens iron. I'm quite sure that others bought it to. That's the beginning of people moving towards the knowledge of God. Everything in that book is relevant and can be used to make us better people. It's not voodoo, it's wisdom! I'm proud of Tebow for being the person that he is and for being the role model that he is for our youth.

It's crazy that we respect guys for all of the wrong reasons. We loved Tupac for promoting Thug Life but he taught us nothing that would enhance our lives. We loved Allen Iverson because he had heart but he didn't use that heart to better anyone's life that watched him play. We loved Jordan because he was the greatest basketball player to ever lace them up but he only played for himself! But we hate Tebow for loving God.

Sure, athletes should be put into a box and we shouldn't look to them to be our role models. Charles Barkley said it best and even made a commercial out of it. "I'm not a role model! Your parents should be your role model!" Well, that sounds great in a perfect world when everyone has productive parents. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with parents not to mention productive ones.

So guess what? Kids will turn to athletes and entertainers as their role models like it or not. How many kids do you see walking around looking like Allen Iverson or Kanye West everyday? I'm just glad that some kid has the option to mimic Tim Tebow today! So let me ask the famous question in my Bernie Mac voice, “Who Ya Wit?”

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. Now Let's keep it Real and all the way 100. The only reason Tebow is getting hated on is not that he can't throw the football,but because Tebow is a Christ Representer. I'm pretty sure GOD isn't concern with Tebow being a Great passer, but makinh sure that He's Passing the test!!! Something We should all be doung in our own lives!!! Christ is King!!! Go Gators. RLB


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