Same Ole Buckeyes!

"Brutus is back in business!"

With the upcoming announcement of Urban Meyer as the new head coach of The Ohio State University there has been a renewed since of excitement around the program. Over the past year the Buckeyes have been the target of an NCAA investigation resulting in the firing of Jim Tressel ending with their beloved Terrelle Pryor being completely thrown under the bus.

Now the good people in Columbus think that it's all good now that the Urban Legend is coming to town. All I've been hearing for the past few days is about how they'll be back to prominence and even better. Well... pump ya brakes Buckeye fans! You'll definitely be back to prominence but you'll just be the same ole Buckeyes!

Everyone thinks that because Urban's got connections in Florida and he'll get the very best Florida guys to come up here now. Well unless he's Heat Mizer and can change the weather patterns, it ain't gonna happen! Unless he can move the state of Ohio south and put it inside of the state of Florida, it ain't gonna happen! Unless he wants to commit network suicide, it ain't gonna happen! Unless he can change socioeconomics in the hood, it just ain't gonna happen!

Let me break it down for you bruh! The best players in the state of Florida aren't going to Ohio to play football because they've got options. They're being recruited by the Gators, Florida State and The U for starters. Not to mention all of the schools in the SEC that they would have to pass before they would get anywhere near Ohio. There are too many places that have off ramps on the way to Columbus.

Secondly, those kids have never even owned a coat in their lives. Why would a kid that could go to Florida, Alabama, and Florida State etc come all the way up north to the cold weather to go to school? Let's keep it real or all the way 100 which ever comes first! We're talking about black kids for the most part that are from the hood. Big Momma doesn't have the money to go to Ohio every week to see her son or in many instances her grandson play. She's barely going to get to see him play in Gainesville much less Columbus. Unless Ohio State is going to start sponsoring families to get to the games it‘s highly unlikely. Now if that happens we're in the same boat all over again with extra benefits.

Let's say he gets one maybe two kids to come up from somewhere like Miami. His family is going to have to save every dime they have to come up for one game all season long. Which game do you think that would be? The Michigan game! When is that game played? The last weekend of November! It's cold in November in Ohio and nobody in his family has a coat either. So guess what? Everybody's got to buy a coat before they come up. That’s a waste of  time and money because they won't need it again until year after next because they play in Michigan the following year. That's even further north.

Urban will get the same players Jim Tressel was able to get. Jim did an excellent job of recruiting the state of Ohio which is one of the best high school football recruiting hot beds in the country. The four best states for recruiting players are Texas, Florida, California and Ohio. He has to recruit in the home state first or he'll piss off the high school coaches there and they'll shut him out. If he doesn't recruit Ohio first eventually the high school coaches will encourage their players to go to other schools. Talk about committing network suicide and getting run out of the state with the quickness!

Don't get me wrong, being the same ole Buckeyes is a good thing. If he picks up where Tressel left off they'll be just fine. They'll still win the Big 10 title 7 out of 10 times. They'll go to a BCS Bowl nearly every year and compete for the national title. However, they'll keep showing up to the title game and getting blasted because they don't possess the speed that the schools in the south have. Simply because the southern schools have rosters full of players from Florida and Texas not just one or two.

Urban will in fact get a few Florida kids to come up. However, they won't be the very best kids from Florida because those guys have options. He'll be able to get the the middle of the road to lower end recruit for the most part and every now and then he''ll grab a stud just like Tressel was able to do(Santonio Holmes etc).

However, don't even fool yourself into believing that he's going to be able to cherry pick the Sunshine state for the best talent like he did when he was at Florida. He was only able to do that because he was at Florida! It's just that simple. Don't get too hyped thinking that he can perform miracles when he can't. Just be happy with being the same ole Buckeyes and getting back to beating Michigan!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

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