Everyday I'm Hustlin'

"The Bugatti is only great when it works!"
The best place in the world to be from is the hood. I don't care what part of the country you're from, north, south , east or west, if you're from the hood you can spot a hustle a mile away. My experience growing up in what we so affectionately called "The G", Gary, Indiana has taught me to always look for the hustle because it's always there.

If you didn't see the game that both Peyton Manning and the organization just ran on the Colts fans you're not from the ghetto because all of my fellow hood alumni or current hood dwellers saw the hustle coming in July. Now I realize that the lockout started in February and that technically the players didn't have access to training staff etc.

However, were talking about Peyton "freaking" Manning! Why didn't anyone know that he even needed surgery in February? He had the first neck surgery in May but the lockout didn't end until July. When camp started the team tried to tell the fans that because of the lockout he didn't have access to the team doctors so that's why he waited so late to have the procedure. However, he did in fact have the surgery before the lockout was over. So that raised my built in hood hustle meter.

Peyton acted like he was being the ultimate team player by taking less money during training camp when they signed him to a new five year $90 million deal. It sounded great on the surface but if he knew he couldn't play it was a street corner hustle. I'm not mad at him because he had the leverage to get the deal done, right? Sadly, the Colts just bought a $90 million Bugatti that doesn’t work. In the hood we called that a lemon!

The Colts knew that he wasn't going to be able to play when they signed the deal. However, they had to put the contract on the table to make it look like everything was on and popping for the season. Why? Well... let me say this, it's Indianapolis and these are the most fair weather fans you'll ever want to meet. They'll jump ship on a team at any moment. Just ask the Pacers about that. The emergency room was full yesterday with injuries from people jumping off of the bandwagon once they found out Peyton had to have an additional surgery and would be out for 2 to 3 months. Keep in mind that this isn't Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas or Pittsburgh where fans will live and die with their teams. It's Indy bruh!

The night before this last procedure the ticket brokers in town were on the news saying that prices have dropped 20% even before people knew that he was going to be out for an extended period of time. They also said that if he doesn't play this season the price would drop by 50%. Way to go Colts fans! That's why the team and Peyton had to hustle you because they knew your tendencies. That goes for potential advertisers at Lucas Oil Stadium too.  It's no different than him calling an audible at the line of scrimmage. If I tell them the truth they won't buy these tickets!

"That was smooth wasn't it?"

Everybody fell for the “Oakey Doke” but folks that grew up in the hood. When camp started and they said Peyton had surgery and there was a possibility he'd be out for the first game, we knew the hustle was on. It was like watching Shaq wait until training camp every year to have surgery so he could  miss 30 games. He just didn't want to play the first third of the season because of the playoff run. It's all game!

Look on the bright side Colts fans! If you bring your cleats and the right box top the Colts will let you return punts and kickoffs this year!

My boy Rick Ross would be proud of old Peyton and the Colts because they both passed the verbal section of the Hustlers SAT! Run the game on them as long as nobody recognizes it! Maybe Rick will let Peyton get a cameo in his next video.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Hit me up on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Information in this article is strictly my opinion.


  1. Wow! I said that when I saw Peyton training at St V this summer. The Colts have sold the farm and the check bounced. Most fans have no idea what it takes to win football games. If you look closely the colts have gone south since dungy left, the OL has struggled with the leader up front aging they will continue because they think Peyton can do it all. They fired 19 year colt RB coach because the run game was bad. Ask yourself why was it bad? Blocking! If those guys don't get it done up front nobody will be successful. So the colts and Peyton have run game on everyone. Learn the game!

  2. Well done! If they, The Colts, Polian, and Peyton weren't so pretentious I would probably feel sorry for all of the Colts fans but year after year they tolerate it. And if the Colts weren't such a driving force in the Indianapolis community, and by extention, the Indianapolis local economy, I wouldnt be hoping he can play sooner rather than later. Go Bears!!! Don

  3. Nice article bro and very well said. I'm just sad that players like Reggie Wayne have to be recipients of the hustle too; it goes to show you though, that the hustler is gonna make sure they get theirs first!!! (regardless of who else is in your crew). Maybe they can still be productive...lol. Go Bears!!! @arthinton3

  4. Jay, You are right on point with your article. I wonder if any of the big sports media outlets will comment on this hustle? Or will they give the Colts/Peyton as pass? The Colts/Peyton clearly knew what they were doing and knew very early this year that Peyton would not play and was not healthy LOL

  5. Joseph Colquitt Maybe, Peyton is disgruntled that he has lived in the shaddles of Brady and realizes that a team can't rebuild around him every few 3 or 4 years--afterawhile one recognizes that his career, great as it was, is coming to an end so I get all i can while i can--the "do the hustle." Jay check out my videos--on my page.

  6. The truth finally hits the street on the colts


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