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"Still King James whether you like him or not" |
Love him or hate LeBron James is the most powerful man in the NBA. More people watched professional basketball in 2011 & 2012 than ever before primarily because of the interest in or hate for LeBron. He's literally resurrected the game just like Magic and Bird did in 1979.
When they came into the league it was at an all-time low in terms of interest and the rivalry created between the two pulled the NBA out of bad times. Then a few years later Jordan was drafted in 1984 and we've been spoiled. However, after the Jordan years the league hasn't been that interesting to watch especially during the regular season.
We'd just wait until the playoffs to watch it with intensity. However, not in 2011 or 2012 bruh. When LeBron made "The Decision" it was on and popping. People tuned in, in October and didn't let off of the gas until the final game last year. Folks even watched the pre-season not to mention the match up in Cleveland when Miami beat the brakes off of the Cavs in October of 2011.
"Those months of free-agent intrigue fed into robust television ratings in the regular season and on into the playoffs. Viewership for the first round was up 30 percent from last year. We actually couldn't be more pleased," Commissioner David Stern said just before the playoffs. "We're actually a little surprised, but pleasantly." I can't wait to see what the final numbers will be for 2012!
According to NBA.com first-round games in 2011 on ABC, ESPN and TNT were watched by an average of 4.15 million people, up from fewer than 3.2 million last year. The big jump came on top of already-strong ratings. In 2007, the first round averaged fewer than 2.7 million viewers. To this point of the playoffs, TNT has drawn the highest average rating ever for games on cable. The network's 23 games averaged a 2.7 rating - representing the percentage of American homes with televisions tuned in - easily eclipsing the previous high of 2.3 in 2009. Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals this year (2012) was the most watched NBA game in cable television history! Why, because all of these clowns that hate LeBron James!
Hate on him all you want but the league knows who the money man is. You better believe that he'll be compensated for it too. If you don't like him don't watch the games because as long as you do you'll keep putting money in his pocket.
According to CNBC.com, James was the new king of NBA jersey sales in 2011, reclaiming the top spot on the NBA's best-selling jersey list during his first season with the Miami Heat. Kobe Bryant held the second spot. So you can listen to the media all you want but the numbers don't lie. Coaches have been saying it for years, "Look at the film son if you want the truth". Keep hating on him because it has done nothing but generated more revenue for the entire league and will continue to do the same for years to come. King James has single handedly put the NBA on his back right under your noses. To all of the LeBron haters, "The jokes on you!" He and the league are laughing all the way to the bank. As a matter of fact, they owe LeBron money!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
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We'll see how much juice he has when the owners lock his butt out! Now that's power!
ReplyDeleteThe owners will lock out the entire league bruh. Not one player!
ReplyDeleteI know that "bruh". Until they reach a new collective bargaining agreement, the owners hold the cards. Lebron James is not the most powerful man in the NBA, he's not even the most powerful man on his team!
ReplyDeleteThe numbers don't lie! All of the revenue is coming through him bruh. Like him or not. People weren't tuning in, in record numbers to see D Wade. All of the money is being generated because of LeBron. The league became more interesting because of him. Like him or not. David Stern said it himself. Lol
ReplyDeleteLol! Will you school him, Hargro! Jay's shaking the pom-poms for Bron-bron!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite player is KG. I just see it for what it is. Who's responsible for the sudden interest in the NBA. Viewership was up by more than a million households this year. The NBA made record revenues and the King had the top selling jersey in the league. The numbers don't lie bruh. Who was responsible for that? D Wade? Lol
ReplyDeleteJay has a point, Hargro. People like me watch baseball to see the Yankees fail. Difference is people respect the Yankees and what they stand for. In the meantime, LeBron is a national joke and right now he and I have the same number of rings - NONE! Lol!
ReplyDeleteBut you're watching just to see him fail. Therefore, you're contributing to the bottom line. You've just proved my point. Case closed! Who's got next. Lol
ReplyDeleteAs above, I agree with THAT point. But being the most powerful man in the NBA? On that I agree with Hargro. Wouldn't the most powerful man be able to draw other to HIM? Sounds like D. Wade to me.
ReplyDeleteMoney is the bottom line bruh! The only reason the NBA is in business is to make money! There is no other reason. As long as ppl tune in they make money. They don't care if you like LeBron or not. The more people turn on the TV the more they charge for ads space. That's power! I said Power bruh not the most liked.
ReplyDeletei think it's a problem with all professional sports where the over-hype machine is in full effect. it seems like every game you watch the announcers feel obligated to give out superlative compliments.they are so quick to say that somebody i...s "the best in the league", or an "all-time great", or a "future hall of famer". they say it so often that it loses it's credibility. LeBron is just the latest victim of the over-hype marketing scheme.See More
ReplyDeleteI think there's a difference between "most powerful" and "most popular." LeBron's the most popular player in the NBA for better or for worse. But there's no denying the fact that Wade orchestrated the moves to get LeBron & Bosh to come to Miami. All of the GMs that spoke about the recruitment process during the summer of 2010 said the most impressive person they interviewed was Wade. He's the mastermind behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteAs for jersey sales, LeBron was #1 because he changed team & numbers. Yes, he had to be popular to have so many people buy his new jersey but I wonder what the numbers will look like next season. Kobe saw a similar bump when he changed to 24.
Just think how much more powerful James will be when he can come through in the clutch and win a championship!
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what all the hate on Lebron is all about? That being said I will say the NBA is experience a ressurgence not only because of Leb ron but because the league rebranded itself after it hit a low point during the Allen "practice" Iverson and Latrell "choke my coach" years. They went w/ the NBA Cares promo and required dudes to wear biz suits. Notice all of a sudden you no longer see many in the league who wear cornrows or braided hair. It is all about marketing a game played by mostly African American players to a majority older white male audience...