The Lion (Why boyz know LeBron is better than Jordan was at 29 but won't say it)

"Just a little sumthin' sumthin' bruh!"
John F. Kennedy once said, “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” My boy Winston Churchill broke it down like this, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” Then Benjamin Franklin said it best with, “Half a truth is often a great lie.”

ESPN claims to be the World Wide Leader in Sports and they have a sprawling campus located in Bristol, Connecticut. They employ thousands of folks that are so-called experts in the field of sports. They’ve got enough researchers on staff to figure out anything you want to know but yet they won’t stop perpetuating this foolish argument of LeBron vs. Jordan by hiding the facts! In fact, they pour gasoline on the joint because your average fan will believe anything they tell them because they're merely students.

There is a difference between a student and a scholar bruh! A student absorbs information given to him and simply repeats it! A scholar absorbs that same information and then tests the validity of it! In other words, don't just run with some information because some dun on ESPN said it! Look it up bruh!

First of all, let me say this, Jordan is the G.O.A.T! Nobody has a complete resume that is better! However, in order to compare LeBron vs. Jordan it would be unfair to compare a finished resume to an ongoing one. Therefore, in order to look at these two duns you have to compare them at the same age and move forward as LeBron gets older. That's REAL talk!

My argument has been for the past two years is that LeBron is a far better basketball player than Jordan was at the same age. At 27 years old two years ago LeBron ran circles around a 27 year old Jordan! Look at the resumes for both players at 27! That means for the duns that can’t understand logic, anything on Jordan’s resume that happened in 1991 or after hadn’t happened yet because LeBron hadn’t had an opportunity to live it out yet.

So the 6 titles that boyz are quick to throw on the table don’t exist yet pimpin'! Not at 27! Jordan won all of his titles between the ages of 28 and 35! LeBron is just one year into that foolishness bruh!

 I’m not even including the dominance that LeBron was on last year at 28 and the foolishness he's on now at 29 because the season is still ongoing! So for the sake of argument let’s look at what both cats have accomplished up to age 28.

By that age MJ had 1 Finals Appearance, 1 NBA Title 2 MVP's, 2 All-Star MVP, 1 Defensive Player of the Year, Rookie of the Year, 4 Scoring titles, 2 Steals titles, 2 Olympic Gold Medals, a College Player of the Year award and a National Title.  LeBron, on the other hand, had 2 NBA Title's,  5 Finals appearances (4 straight), 4 MVP’s , 2 All-Star MVP’s, Rookie of the Year, 1 Scoring title, 2 Olympic Gold Medals, USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year, 2 National High School Player of the Year, 2 USA Mr. Basketball, 3 Ohio Mr. Basketball awards.

Now all I hear from cats in Jordan sneakers and Jump Man 23 goggles is that LeBron’s been in the league longer so he’s got 3 more years of stats! That further proves my point in sayin' that at a younger age LeBron was better than Jordan because Mike had to go to college! You don’t get credit for havin' to go to college bruh because Father Time didn't give Jordan 3 extra years to play because he started 3 years later! When Father Time calls it's a wrap regardless of when you came into the league. That's REAL talk!

 If he were better than LeBron comin' out of high school he would have gone straight to the NBA too. Don’t give me the whole “Boyz weren’t coming out of high school back then” argument because they were. In 1962 Reggie Harding was drafted by Detroit but league rules said he had to wait a year so in 1963 he was drafted again by the Pistons. Then in ’74 Moses Malone came out followed by Darryl Dawkins and Bill Willoughby in ‘75.

 Jordan didn’t come right out because just two years before he was cut from his high school team bruh! Why? Because he wasn't good enough at the time. At the same age LeBron was on the cover of Sports Illustrated labeled as the Chosen One! I’m not hatin' on MJ, I’m just tryin' to tell you boyz that he wasn’t always the legend that the highlights and ESPN keep tellin' you that he was. You've been bamboozled and that's just REAL talk!

As a matter of fact, he was the 3rd option on the North Carolina National title team at 18 and never got back to a Final Four the next two years because James Worthy and Sam Perkins were no longer there. LeBron, on the other hand, was the Rookie of the Year in the NBA at the same age and took some bums to the Finals by age 22 and at the same age Mike got swept in the first round of the playoffs! Oh yeah homeboy, that's REAL talk!

If you aren’t at least 40 years old you didn’t see Jordan before he started winning championships! He came out of college in 1984! So even if you were 10 at the time you’d have to be a very astute 10 year old with a very high basketball I.Q. to understand what Jordan was doing other than scoring! See you didn't see Mike in '84 when he couldn't shoot nor go to his left playboy! You didn't see the Pistons abuse him with the Jordan Rules! You've only heard about it playboy. I saw it!

All I hear from young cats 36, 37, 38 years old is, "What about the 63 MJ put up in the Garden in '86?" because they were only looking at who had the most points in a game because they were kids on big wheels half watchin' the game. They fell to realize that he lost that freakin' game and that he was gunnin'!

You can’t make a legitimate case for Jordan in this argument because you didn’t start payin' attention to him until he started winning championships! All you've seen is highlights for 20 plus years and you think you saw what you really didn't. That's why they call them highlights bruh because they only show the best parts. They never show Mike gettin' the business from Zeke and Joe Dumars! Why do you think Zeke wasn't on the '92 Dream Team playboy! Because Mike hated on him and told boyz that if Zeke played he wouldn't! Why? Because Zeke used to put that thang on him when he was a young boy in the league. That's REAL talk!

You've seen LeBron since day one right? Have you EVER seen ANYBODY put that thang on him? Not at all bruh and oh yes he's been playin' against Hall of Famers too. They're just still playin'! Oh am I lyin' pimpin'? KG, Paul Pierce, Kobe, Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, Mello ain't Hall of Famers? And you forgot that boyz like AI, Shaq, Jason Kidd etc. were still playin' when that dun came into the league. Are you tryin' to tell me that they aren't Hall of Famers? Please! Don't forget about D.Wade, Bosh and Ray Ray too. Remember, he played against all of them too.

So why is it that I can break this joint down and ESPN refuses to? Because they want to continue to perpetuate this foolishness! They’ll be the first to throw the 6 titles on the table knowing that it’s an unfair assessment of the facts because MJ didn’t sniff a Finals until he was 28!

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Mike was out there at 50 years old lyin' to boyz too! He made the comment that he'll take Kobe over LeBron because 5 is better than 1 a couple of years ago. Knowing full well at the same age (LeBron was 27 at the time) he had zero rings because he didn't get his first until the season was over when he was 28! Now why would a 50 year legend even answer a clown question like that? Because it's classic Jordan that wants to be the G.O.A.T. forever. He refuses to encourage this young boy because he's threatened by what he may soon become. All of the other legends embrace him but Jordan won't! Why? Because he's a hater and that's REAL talk.

Kobe only had 3 by that same time and he wasn't even the 1st option because Shaq was and he also had Phil! LeBron is just now playing Jordan's '92 season! Stop letting these cats lie to you and twist the truth with this foolishness! Give that man his props for being a beast and better than both at 29!

Now if  at 29, LeBron wins again this year you can add ANOTHER title (3) and a Finals MVP (3) to his resume while you’ll just add 2 title's TOTAL and 2 Finals MVP to Jordan’s. Not to mention the dun would have gone to the Finals 4 straight times whereas, Jordan was never able to accomplish that. I haven’t even mentioned the fact that LeBron can play and guard all 5 positions! He’s 6’8” 260 lbs. which is 2" taller and 50 lbs. bigger than Jordan was and he has a 42 inch vertical!

Mike couldn't play and guard all five bruh! He could only play the 1 and the 2! There a stat that ESPN put up during the Eastern Conference Finals last year that was mind blowing. It showed the number of times a player has led his team in scoring, rebounding and assists during a career. Wilt over 14 seasons did it 114 times. Mike did it 46 times. LeBron up to that point last year had already done it 104 times. Are you kidding me and he was only 28?

It ain’t even close homeboy because barring injury he still has at least 7 good years in him and several empty trophy cases to fill of individual and team awards.

So let me ask you again, who’s better at 29?  Jordan is still the G.O.A.T. but don’t seal the case because the name on top will eventually have to be changed. My man Josh Lucas, the famous actor, once said, "At a certain point, even if the one alpha male is dominant, at a certain point there's a younger lion that is stronger and everyone knows it! That's REAL talk and I didn't even mention the 49 he put on Brooklyn last night pimpin' or should I say Paul Pierce! "Let me guard LeBron the rest of the series?" Be careful what you ask for playboy because unless you got a slingshot ain't nothin' you can do with that Philistine! Stop me when I start lyin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo is REAL today playa!

1 comment:

  1. Magic was a freak like that...he could play and guard all five spots proficiently! His career was just too short! Having said all that...Jordan is still the all time best....Lebron soon will be!


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