The Cat Monster (How Sam is using his sexuality to hustle the NFL into making the team)

"You boyz don't have a choice but to hire me now!"

As I walked into the barber shop this week these cats were in the back on the domino table arguing about gettin’ into a boy’s head. George Bernard Shaw said, “If you leave the smallest corner of your head vacant for a moment, other people’s opinions will rush in from all quarters.” William Shakespeare stood up and said, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” Then Mark Twain came in the joint sellin' knock off purses and said, “What a wee little part of a person’s life are his acts and his words! His real life is led in his head, and is known to none but himself.”

Well… maybe these cats were tryin' to tell Michael Sam that it would have been smarter if he were goin' to jump out of the plane at 35,000 feet to pack a parachute. When ole boy announced several months ago that he was gay, I told the duns in the shop then that maybe he should have waited until after he’s been drafted, made a roster and balled out for a few years first. Then come out if he felt the need to. Why? Because it’s hard enough to get drafted, make a roster and have a career without any distractions let alone boyz chasin' you around asking you about your sexuality. I'm just sayin'.

And if he's gonna rep the gay and lesbian community he's gotta be able to play pimpin'!

When he got drafted last week he was way over the top with the cake in his boy friend's mouth and the wedding kiss. Now don't get me wrong playboy, I'm all for a boy bein' whoever and whomever he's gotta be. God says that we're all his children and should be loved at the same level! And as a black man I'm all for inclusion. It would be hypocritical for me to think otherwise. But most importantly, I don't have a Heaven or a Hell to put anybody into.

All of the duns that are screamin' that it's a sin are runnin' around this piece cursin', drinkin', sleepin' with all kinds of women that aren't their wives, gossipin', hatin' on boyz, gamblin' and lyin' at the same time. I'm just sayin'!

However, what ole boy is doin' it creatin' a situation where even if he's not good enough he's jammed both the NFL and the Rams into a corner where it's gonna be hard to cut him if need be. Why? Because he's made it be about his sexuality and not his ability to play the game right out the gate. If it were about the game and his ability to play it we wouldn't know who Michael Sam is today. Well... only those cats that kept up with Mizzou football and the SEC.

Let's say that it turns out that he's not good enough to make the roster because he is as slow as molasses and undersized. He's a cash cow that both the Rams and the NFL can eat off of until some dun that's gay comes out that's really a superstar. He's already got the No.1 selling jersey in the league and he's not even on the freakin' team yet playa. The Rams are gonna sell out every week if he makes the team and they'll be on TV every week too. So you can't cut him even if he turns out to be horrible bruh! Why? Because he's too valuable of a commodity at this point and league allowed the side show to happen.

Remember back in February at the combine when he was getting swallowed up by the media presence during his press conference? He was clearly frustrated with the barrage of questions about guess what, his sexuality. At one point he light weight snapped and said, “I just wish you guys would just see me as Michael Sam the football player instead of Michael Sam the gay football player.”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Hold up dawg! You were the one screamin' from the roof tops a few weeks ago announcing your sexuality, not the media. And now you’re mad that boyz are all over you at the combine. Then you set up your draft day situation with your boy friend in tow and the wedding cake kiss. Nobody else kissed their partners/wives/jump offs etc. and put cake in their mouths when their names were called.

Ole boy pulled the "Nerd Cuff" move on us when he got drafted too. You know how when a cat finally gets a decent lookin' chick after never havin' one? For the first time in his life boyz are checkin' out his woman. So he walks up to her for no reason puts his arm around her, grabs her butt and kisses her so that boyz can know that that's his girl. Well, that's what Michael Sam and his boy friend did last week playa. Be out bruh! Do what you gotta do! Just understand that you still gotta play ball and function in that locker room. But the crazy thing is, he already knows the hustle and he doin' it well.

I've got crazy respect for Jason Collins because he showed boyz that he could play the game first and he garnered the respect of cats all over the league. Why? Because he'd been in the NBA for 13 years! So when he did announce it, it was like, "Oh OK what we eatin' tonight bruh."

Sam on the other hand, is tryin' to use his sexuality to make the team playboy. Here's my roof top screamer talkin' crazy again, "Jay you're just hatin' on Sam! How can you say that he's tryin' to play the Rams and the NFL? He's just proud of who he is." Listen up homie, I grew up with hustlas and thieves all of my life. They taught "How to spot a Hustle 101" in the second grade where I'm from and you had to score 100% in order to pass to third grade pimpin'.

Sam is tryin' to pull the infamous "Card" without provin' his worth first. How much respect do you have for duns that say, "They gotta hire me because I'm black, I'm a woman or I'm handicapped etc.? Naw playboy, they gotta hire you because you hit a homerun in the interview, you're more than qualified for the position and you just happened to be black, a woman or handicapped. Mike ran into the joint lookin' to get hired because he was gay not because he could play.

This dun signed up to do a documentary on the Oprah Network (which has been postponed) about being the first openly gay football player in the NFL without first being in the NFL! You gotta make the team first homeboy!! By pullin' stunts like that he's makin' his sexuality the headline, not the media. Don’t blast us because you let the cat out of the bag and you keep feeding it. Now the cat won’t let you focus on the business at hand. That ain’t our fault bruh!

Let me share with you an old ghetto colloquialism, "Once you shoot the gun playboy, you can't get the bullet back." Now you've gotta make that freakin' team in the mist of all of the distractions that you've created in your quest to be famous.  Now was it more important for you to be famous or to be a football player in the National Football League? All the fame and bread will come once you ball out, make the team and make a name for yourself as a player! Not by being some random gay guy tryin' to make the team. So in my Big Momma irritated voice, "Go somewhere and sit yo "A" down and do what you supposed to do. Then boyz would have more respect for you." Stop me when I start lyin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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