What's Really Real (The REAL reason boyz like Shabazz Napier should get more than 3 meals a day)

"I'm ready to eat now bruh!"
Ezra Miller, the famous actor, once said, “I’m super down with being irresponsible. I’m just trying to make sure my lack of responsibility no longer hurts people.” Walter Benjamin, the German philosopher, broke it down like this, “It is precisely the purpose of the public opinion generated by the press to make the public incapable of judging, to insinuate into it the attitude of someone irresponsible, uniformed.” Then Margaret Chase Smith, the former U.S. Representative, put the brakes on the joint with, “Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk.”

Well…nothing is as irresponsible as sports journalists or sports talking heads that will speak to an audience of millions about a subject that they know nothing about. Yesterday ESPN’s SVP & Russillo proved to the world just how naive they were when it came to boyz being broke out here. My problem isn’t with them not knowing, my beef is with them not trying to know. Knowledge is power playboy.

On Tuesday the NCAA’s legislative council approved the deal to expand the meal allowance for all athletes. Basically the move would allow Division I schools to provide unlimited meals and snacks to all athletes including walk-ons. This came on the heels of Shabazz Napier telling boyz during the NCAA Tournament before playing Iowa State that sometimes he goes to bed starving. Then after winning the national championship and the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player Award it came back up.

So these cats were on the air yesterday questioning whether ole boy or any athlete that would suggest that they were starving was a real statement or not. And also if cats are just trying to jam the NCAA up or not. Well let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody didn’t grow up with parents that have money enough to send to them while they’re in school playboy. You work for the largest sports entertainment company in the freakin’ world. I’m quite sure you run into enough athletes and former athletes that grew up in the ghetto that could tell you what’s really real out here.

However, since you haven’t taken advantage of your resources let me put something on your head playa. I’m gonna put it where the goats can get it. When these coaches show up in the projects and slums all over America and tell Big Momma that they’re gonna take care of her baby boy she's naïve enough to believe that. It’s not uncommon for her to sometimes to have 4 or 5 other kids so she believes every word that this dun is telling her and in her mind that’s one less person that she has to feed and clothe.

Don't ask me where his daddy is bruh because 80% of these cats don't have one. I'm just telling you what's real. I'm not trying to figure out why his freakin' daddy isn't around. That's another talk show playa.

So when the athlete shows up on campus there aren’t any care packages coming from his address because the coach told momma that he’s got it. Everything that the kids from the slums and ghettos gets comes from the clown that promised Big Momma that he was gonna take care of him.

So if the NCAA says that he can only feed him three times a day then he’s only gonna eat three times a day. Only those blessed few like the kids with parents that could send them spending money could order pizzas at 3am or buy a pop on the yard between classes etc. College athletes need to eat 6 or 7 times a day bruh. Their metabolism is running 100mph all of the time.

So unless somebody is giving them food or money it only makes sense that the dun is starving in the middle of the night. But cats like Russillo and SVP that had parents that could keep bread in their accounts all semester don’t understand that a boy could be starving.

I grew up in the hood and walked on at Purdue and there were boyz on the team that not only couldn’t eat but didn’t have clothes either. My parents could send me money but some of my boyz folks couldn’t. At that time walk-ons couldn’t eat at the training table and the dorm café closed at 6:30pm. Sometimes practice wouldn’t be over until after 6:30. So guess what? Boyz couldn’t eat dinner unless they had parents that could send them money. We finally talked Ole Lady Johnson in hair net in the café into staying open longer for us because there were times when 4 or 5 of us would be at Burger King across the street from the complex anteing up for a couple of value meals. Then after a few days of that during the week, we all were broke and couldn't eat.

There where cats from Florida on the team that had never in their lives even owned a coat. It’s against NCAA rules for the school to buy it, so we had to take them to the mall and ante up for a freakin coat bruh. If you walk into the athletic department on any big time school’s yard you’ll run into athletes dressed in full school issued gear. Do you realize why? Because for most of these cats that’s the only gear that they have playboy.

When coach so and so told Big Momma that they were going to take care of her baby she didn’t understand that he was going to gain 20-25 in a year or so because of the weight program etc. She doesn’t have money to replace his wardrobe. So guess what? He no longer has any clothes that he can fit.

So now it's easy to spot all of the athletes walking to class because they're the ones in the school issued gear. Why? Because it’s against NCAA rules for the school to buy them new clothes and Big Momma can’t afford to. It’s also against the rules for him to get a job on campus. But these talking head cats will blast a boy like Terrelle Pryor for selling his own jersey when 50,000 people show up at Ohio Stadium rockin’ his joint that they bought in the school’s bookstore and schools like Ohio State are making more than $100 million annually off of these cats.

So if you’re gonna have a mic in your face and call yourself a journalist at least do your homework before you start questioning whether a boy is being authentic in what he’s saying. The responsible thing to do would be to get in the ride and show up on campus and holler at some of these cats. Or better yet, go to the crib with some of them and you’ll understand why a boy is leaving school early to go the league or why he took the money from a booster.

If you dared to show up in the ghetto and laid your eyes on the stove door laying wide open to heat the house because the electricity is cut off you wouldn’t be so quick to discount a boyz stomach. Maybe if you saw a kid wearing the same pants and only being able to change his shirt a couple times a week or a boy at home eating “wish sandwiches” you’d have a better understanding of what's really going on. For those of you that don’t know what a wish sandwich is it’s “I wish I had some meat on this joint” playboy!

Everybody’s momma can’t send them toothpaste, lotion and hair oil pimpin’! So just because you see a boy on national television playing at a big time school doesn’t mean that his world is fine because you told him that he could go to class for free. All I’m saying is, don’t comment on stuff you haven’t spent the time to research because you’re not just talking to your boy in the studio but you’re shaping the opinions of the millions of naïve duns listening to you that don’t understand what’s really real either! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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