The Code (Why the NBA, the players union and the fans should take care of Sterling's girl for life)

"Dang what was I thinking? I forgot all about lil' ole me!"
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.” Pierre Bayle, the18th century French philosopher, gave it to us like this, “It is thus tolerance that is the source of peace, and intolerance that is the source of disorder and squabbling.” Then Eliot Engel, the U.S. Representative from New York, laid the wood with, “Too small is our world to allow discrimination, bigotry and intolerance to thrive in any corner of it, let alone in the United States of America.”

NBA commissioner Adam Silver came in like O.G. Bobby Johnson on Tuesday and handled his business by banning ole dull Donald Sterling from the NBA for life! He also fined him $2.5 million which was the most he could get at him for under the NBA guidelines.

Big props to the league for finally getting rid of this clown. Now on some real talk, he should have been gone years ago because everybody knew ole boy was a racist. However, when you’re making money off of a boy people tend to stick their heads in the sand and act like they don’t see this foolishness. It’s sad but it's true.

However, a fool can’t ever stay out of his own way so it was just a matter of time before he hung himself. Somebody go ask O.J. if I’m lyin’!

But let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Ole girl that set Sterling up did an excellent job for the NBA, the players and heck the rest of America. She should get a Medal of Honor for her efforts in espionage. The only problem was, she looked out for everybody but herself.

This broad completely violated the most important rule of the Gold Digger’s Code of Conduct! Rule 1, Section 1, Article 1 taught on the very first day in the academy specifically says, “Make sure whatever you do, don’t mess up your money!”

Sterling was caking this chick bruh! She managed to get two Bentleys, a Ferrari and a Range Rover out of this dun. Not to mention $1.8 million to by a crib. So when the wifey of 50 years finds out, she tells ole boy that he’s gotta get all of that back etc. and thus the law suit.

Now an experienced gold digger would have just laid in the cut and let he and the wife argue about it. It would have passed over and she still would have been rolling. Keep in mind playboy, the wife went through the academy too. She was in the first graduating class and was the salutatorian in the Class of 1953! That’s why she’s been with this fool for 50 years knowing that he was a racist that wasn’t loyal. This ain’t the first time she’s caught that dun giving broads gifts and bread.

Naw playboy, she’s just sittin’ in the cut too! Let this clown play and act a fool and she keeps living that lifestyle. It’s all good because she’s probably got some cat on the side too. Is it right? Absolutely not! Is it real? You darn right it is! And that’s the edited version bruh.

Now the side piece is shot! Instead of sittin’ in the cut or moving on to hustle some other billionaire or even some young millionaire cat she decided to take care of the world. So the NAACP should give her the freakin’ award that they were about to give Sterling! SMH.

Who were the clowns in that chapter that decided that it made sense to give him a lifetime Achievement Award… twice? Just take Sterling’s name off of the plaque and put her name on it. Pookie and Ray Ray nem will do it down at the pawn shop on Crenshaw for $5.

On some real talk, now she’s gotta go get a job like Raymond Felton’s wife. Remember how she took ole boy’s gun to the police after he pulled it on her? He didn’t shoot it he just pulled it out. Now if you ask Lisa, the valedictorian of the Gold Diggers Class of 2010, she’d understand just how to handle that situation.

So Lisa, what do you do in that situation baby? “First of all, I'd calm him down and tell him that he’s the man. Then I make sure everything is good between us. Then when he goes to work I'd move out and take the baby because our safety is paramount!” Even gold diggers have extensive vocabularies bruh because they have to be able to move in different circles. “I don’t file charges on him because if he’s in jail I don’t get paid.” And what’s the most important aspect of being a Gold Digger Lisa? “Gettin’ paid!”

So what you’re saying Lisa is that Sterling’s girl under the Gold Digger’s code didn’t follow protocol. “Not at all sir.” Now she’s messed up all future money comin’ from all other sources too. Why? Because no other rich cat in the world is gonna touch her because she’s got the potential to ruin them.

Again, she did a great thing for the NBA and the world by setting him up but she killed her hustle for life. So the only fair thing to do for her is to put her in the NBA’s witness protection program. The league should take care of her for life. The players union should pay her a monthly stipend, the league should take care of the whip and mortgage and the fans should cover all medical. That’s the least they could do for her bruh. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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