Zeke the Booty Freak (Why Paul George is making a complete fool of himself)

"I know better but Ima do it anyway bruh!"
I was on Facebook choppin’ it up with the fellas and these cats hacked my page arguing about stupidity. Frank Zappa, the famous musician, said, “There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” Albert Einstein direct messaged a boy and said, “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” Then Will Rogers took the debate to Twitter and said, “If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can’t it get us out?”

Because stupidity didn’t realize that once you pull the trigger you can’t get the bullet back playboy. So why didn’t anybody tell ole dull Paul George that before he sent his Johnson to some dun on Facebook? Now ole boy swears that he got “catfished” whatever that means bruh! Where I’m from it’s called being a sucka. Duns kill me trying to make excuses for being dumb! Like Big Momma would, “So you gone jump off of the bridge cuz everybody else did?”

Let’s keep this real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st playboy! You’re a star in the National Basketball Association bruh! I didn’t say NBA because you obviously think that it means "Never Been Accountable." I guess you forgot how big of a stage you actually play on pimpin’! Then let me remind you that you just signed a 5 year deal worth $90 million dollars last summer.

That means that you’re both freakin’ rich and famous homeboy! In the REAL world playa, rich and famous means that you don’t have to work hard to get chicks! It’s like breaking into houses in the suburbs bruh. You never have to work for it because the doors are always unlocked or some fool will just answer the door without looking out first.

Don’t give me the foolishness that you thought it was a chick! Even if it was a chick bruh, you didn’t think that once you sent the picture she wasn’t gonna share it with everybody she knows? You’re FAMOUS!! It's the internet for crying out loud!!! Now you look like some desperate fool out here trying to holler at broads?

C’mon bruh! Being rich and famous and being desperate for chicks is an oxymoron. That’s impossible! Now you lookin’ like Zeke the Booty Freak from 25th Ave running past chick grabbing their butts and poppin' their bra straps. What is that bruh?

Boyz in the barber shop let you slide on the whole stripper payoff joint because half the duns in the shop would have tried it too if they had the bread. I'm not sayin' that it was right but you know cats would have tried it. Then they didn’t say a word when you got Doc’s daughter pregnant at the same time because half them fools got multiple baby mommas too.

The only problem you ran into was that the stripper was smarter than you were! She saw you comin’ and counted the cost playboy. And that’s the edited version. A million now or several million over the course of 18 years? She was doin’ calculus homeboy and you were doin’ remedial math with a helmet and goggles on.

What can I say? Cats in their twenties don’t think and duns with millions in their twenties are almost incapable of thinking. But this is ridiculous! Now y’all can say what you want about my boy Lance The Don Dada Mr. #BornReady himself but he ain’t gettin’ into trouble, doing anything crazy and ballin EVERY night! Why? Because he’s smart enough to just do his job and go to the crib!

In my Big Momma voice, “This boy done lost his mind!” Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!


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