Three Headed Monster ( Why Kobe should be ashamed of himself for questioning the Lakers)

"Can you believe this $*&!"
The fellas and I were standing out in front of the Staples Center when these two homeless cats started fighting over the concept of contradiction. Ayn Rand, the philosopher and playwright, said, “ To arrive at a contradiction is to confess an error in one’s thinking; to maintain a contradiction is to abdicate one’s mind and to evict oneself from the realm of reality.” Then the big homie, Orson Wells, moved the crowd like Rakim or an inner city bus with, “Everything about me is a contradiction, and so is everything about everybody else. We are made out of oppositions; we live between two poles. There’s a philistine and an aesthete in all of us, and a murderer and saint. You don’t reconcile the poles. You just recognize them.”

When you Google contradiction the Black Mamba jumps out of the freakin’ computer and starts dancin’ bruh. This dun isn’t trying to reconcile the poles or even recognize them for that matter. On Wednesday boyz made official what all of the real G’s knew from jump. Kobe will not play this year. Everybody in the world knew that in November but him apparently. However, once he found out that he’s not going to play he snapped off about management and the decisions that Jim and Jeanie Buss have been making.

Ole boy went in on how the joint was being run and so on and so forth; about how we’ve got to start at the top and work our way down etc. He then goes on to say that there has to be clear direction and clear authority. He then asks the question of what’s gonna happen with D’Antoni who has a year left on his contract that’s set to pay him $4 million and he’s only 62-74 since taking the job.

Now let's pause like a coma right there bruh. He jumps out of the bushes and tells boyz that he doesn't want to play for D'Antoni once he knows he doesn't have to see him again. If you're gonna be a G then be a G and say it while you're in the building and then dap him up. That's what real cats do. Don't wait 'til you're out of his space.

Then he goes into why not Phil etc.? All legitimate questions right?

Here’s the problem playboy but let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! You can’t be the same dun that takes $30 million this year, then turn around and gouge a boy for $48 million over the next two years and then complain about how the joint is being run.

C’mon bruh! It can’t make sense to you when you’re bending these duns over on contracts and then not make sense when the joint is not being run properly. The same thought process that paid you $78 million is the monster that’s running the team. Now don't get it twisted, I'm all for a boy gettin' his bread but don't complain about duns making bad decisions when paying you that type of money didn't make any sense at all.

You don't pay a boy for what he's already done for you. Why? Because you've already paid him for that. You pay him for the potential of what he can do for you in the future. It also doesn't make sense to keep tellin' a cat that's darn near 36 with major injuries that he's still the first option and that the future is tied to him. Why? Because you're telling every free agent veteran superstar out there that it's still Kobe's team and if you come here you gotta ride shotgun until that dun retires. And guess what? He might talk crazy about you in the media when your locker is right next to his and will dare you to say something. Wheredeydodatat?

You can’t be cool with the monster when it comes to you and then be upset with him when he starts hookin’ up his side pieces.

The monster is called a monster for a reason bruh! Just like it didn’t make sense to not hire Brian Shaw after Phil left and then grab Mike Brown only to fire him five games in and then to go get a cat that was a .500 coach (D’Antoni) to drive the Bentley. That’s the monster at his best pimpin'!

When Steve Nash was signed he was on a rampage too. It was the same rampage that signed you to a guaranteed $48 million over the next two years even though you hadn’t played a single minute after the Achilles injury.

So to sit up and start questioning the direction of the organization now is ludicrous. The monster allowed you to talk crazy to the best big in the game in the media all last season to the point where he bounced and left $30 million on the table. Now he’s ballin’ in Houston for less money. Phil wouldn’t have allowed that but the monster did. So now you and the beast have to be cool with being one of the worst teams in the freakin’ league playboy. You got what you wanted now you gotta live with it. So on some real talk, the monster has three heads. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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