REAL Life REAL Coaches (Urban Backs Boyz Off)

"They better go head on with that foolishness!"
Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Confucius says, “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”  Then Mark Twain turned the party out with this one, “To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.”
Urban Meyer has finally gotten tired of these ignorant sports journalists out here and has decided to break his silence over his alleged treatment of Aaron Hernandez while at the University of Florida.
Meyer sent this text to the Columbus Dispatch, “"Prayers and thoughts are with the family and friends of the victim. Relating or blaming these serious charges to the University of Florida, myself or our staff is wrong and irresponsible."

Up to this point Urban has been quite and rightfully so. There’s been nothing to say. What can you say? However, when you’ve got duns out here that call themselves sports journalists simply because they went to college and passed some freakin’ classes on how to write a story but are completely clueless of who the athlete really is. That’s why you get this type of ignorance.

The only reason I started TheJayGravesReport was because of foolishness like this. When darn near 90% of the sports journalists in the business are white and grew up in suburban and rural America with their mouths open helping to form millions of people’s opinions about athletes that A) don’t look like them and B) didn’t grow up where they grew up, that’s a problem.  
Why is this important? Because if you don’t understand the basic background of these cats then you’ll write ignorant columns blaming coaches and a university for a murder that they had nothing to do with.  See all the cat from the suburbs sees is Hernandez getting second and third chances by the University of Florida or even by the New England Patriots that happened to fail.
What I see is a dun that didn’t take advantage of the opportunities afforded to him because I know of millions of cats that made it out of the ghetto because of sports and those second and third chances. I’ve seen cats that have come from far worse situations than Hernandez that got fourth and fifth chances that finally turned it around.
But if you’re only capable of writing what you see and not what you’ve lived you’re going to make ignorant statements about why a freakin’ coach that gave a kid second and third chances is to blame for a dun eventually allegedly committing murder. Let’s say that Florida did cover up a boy’s failed drug tests. So what? How does that constitute murder down the line playboy? Do you know how many duns flunk drug tests every day in this country that haven’t and won’t commit murder?  So to blame Urban, the Patriots, his momma or even his freakin' tattoos for that is asinine! Hernandez is solely responsible for his actions bruh.
As a matter of fact, Urban went above and beyond the call of duty for this fool. Tim Tebow was his freakin’ college roommate. He put the most positive and influential cat on the team in the room with him to help him. Not to mention that Meyer spent more time with the kid than your normal coaches do. He would have him over for bible study and everything. Urban was like a coach in the ghetto on campus because that's what some boyz need.
See when you sign up to coach in the hood you aren’t just a coach you’re the city bus driver because you’ve got to pick these duns up for practice. Like multiple duns playa!  You’re a father because most cats don’t have one, you’re the disciplinarian because most of these single mommas can’t handle these Joe's by the time they’re in high school. So guess who gets the call in the middle of the night to come to the projects? You got it pimp, Coach So & So! You become the bail bondsman because boyz do get arrested in the ghetto and nobody has the bread to get them out of jail like they do in the suburbs.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Boyz in the suburbs do get arrested but mommas and daddy’s have the bread to get their records expunged or be able to pay for a lawyer instead of getting stuck with a public defender.

Then when they eventually graduate from college the kid from the suburbs goes straight to work and the kid from the ghetto can't get a job because he had a public defender that half defended him and left him hangin' with a felony when both kids committed the same crime. As a matter of fact, they were in the same car because the kid from the projects had a voucher to go to the private school and they were boyz.  Oh, I’m preachin’ but y’all ain’t listenin’ but you better pass that collection plate playa!
 You become a counselor because nobody in these kids families has ever been to college so the coach has to walk them through the entire process. Then you become the psychologist and a psychiatrist because by the time guys like Urban gets them on campus they’ve got all kinds of issues and guess who they want to talk to? You got it playboy, the freakin' coach! The same dun that originally signed up to coach a sport but life keeps getting in the way.

See Hernandez was destined to go to jail anyway because he had it in his eyes playa. I grew up with plenty of cats just like that. No matter how much help, mentoring, 2nd, 3rd & 4th chances they got they still blew it. Why? Because they wanted to be who they were.

Michael Jackson was gonna die of a drug overdose regardless homeboy. It was either gonna be of heroin on 25th & Broadway in the "G" unknown and poor at 30 or in LA of a propofol overdose rich and famous at 50. Why? Because he had it in his eyes bruh! That was Hernandez playboy. Urban and all of his former coaches were merely pawns in his life. He was either going to jail at 17 after getting kicked out of Florida or at 23 after allegedly killing somebody. Why? Because he had it in his eyes! To blame Urban or anybody other than Aaron is foolishness.

So unless you understand those dynamics you’re faking the funk as a journalist regardless of where you went to college or how many post-graduate degrees are behind your name playboy. See I’ve got a Bachelors in Survival, a Masters in Ghettoisms and a PhD in Hoodology and for y'all that's checkin', I've got Bachelors in Sports Science from Indiana University while you playin'.

So unless you know what these kids have been through and what these coaches are dealing with on a daily. Stick to writing about what goes on between the lines and let a REAL cat explain to the people what’s REALLY goin’ on out here pimpin’! All Urban and any other coach in that situation tried to do was save a kid from the streets and in this situation they couldn’t. So in the infamous words of the Notorious B.I.G., "If you don't know now you know!
Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The quote under the caption isn’t real but its REAL talk.

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