"The Dime Piece"

Hey Sugar Ray, let's get it in! "You already know bruh!"
I was blown away by the amount of people that were in extreme hate mode after the Miami Heat won the NBA Championship a few weeks ago. They couldn't use the stupid line anymore, "LeBron doesn't have any rings!" So they quickly flipped the script to, "The Heat just bought a championship!" How ignorant does that sound bruh? It's called professional sports! Everybody buys a team! Every player on the roster is bought and paid for with a huge salary. Whether they are drafted or brought in as a free agent the team is buying players.

Well...last night the Heat bought another pair of gators with the hat to match when they picked up free agent Ray Allen from the Boston Celtics. I can hear Victor Sweet in "Four Brothers" saying, "I asked for out of town shooters but what did I get? In-town shooters! If I get in-town shooters, I get in-town police, if I get in-town police, I get in-town problems. So that's why I asked for out of town shooters!" So the Heat followed those strict instructions and went out and got an out of town shooter.

This was a piece of the puzzle that the Heat needed desperately even though they've just won the title without it. They got great production down the stretch from guys like James Jones, Shane Battier and Mike Miller. However, Miller and Jones may be on the verge of retirement so they needed that out of town shooter! Now the only thing missing is a big man in the blocks. If that falls together haters will be pulling their skin off!

I'm trippin' because boyz are screamin' unfair but have been watching the Lakers and Celtics do the same thing for years but it was OK! Between those two organizations they own more than 50% of all NBA titles; LA has 16 and Boston has 17.  It was cool when superstars and role players bounced out to LA to play in Hollywood whether they asked for the trade specifically or went as free agents. You can go back to Kareem leaving Milwaukee in the early '70's even after he had won a title with the Big O. bruh. Think about all the guys that LA have just hand picked or even stolen like Paul Gasol when Kobe was crying to be traded if he didn't get help a few years ago only to go on to win another title. Nobody blinked an eye when Steve Nash signed with the Lakers this week. Why, because it's the Lakers!  Now boyz are upset with the Heat for pulling the power move and getting Ray Allen. "Sound like a hata mayne!"

Ya'll were cool when Karl Malone ran out to LA to try to get a ring but it didn't work out for him. I know ya'll didn't think I was going to have this discussion without talking about your boy Jordan and the Bulls, did you? When they started winning in '91 boyz were breaking their necks to get to Chi to play with Jordan seems like every year after that. Crazy role players like John Salley left the Pistons, Ron Harper left the Cavs, eventual Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman left the "Bad Boyz" and came to town to stack them championships too bruh! So don't give me that ole line, "The Heat ain't playing fair!" Boyz are making the moves that a championship team is supposed to make after picking up the jewelry.

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Nobody wants to date you when you're alone bruh. It's not until you have a FINE girlfriend that chicks want you because you're more attractive when you've got a dime piece on your arm. That's Real Talk! When you're alone they take it as there's got to be something wrong with you but when you show up with a stunner, you can have the pick of the litter going forward. You suddenly turn into Imp the Dimp the Ladies Pimp at that point! The world of sports works the same way bruh! Why do you think the Yankees keep killin' 'em every year? It's because they've got the dime on their hip and boyz suddenly want to play in the pin strips too.

So all of the haters that thought LeBron wasn't going to win multiple titles are back in the emergency room this morning suffering from "LeBroninucliosis!"  It's the rare form of haters virus that lies dormant in the blood stream only until you start hating and then it erupts that I told you about a few weeks ago. Now boyz want to come play with LeBron because he's in a spot that cats wanna lounge. Nobody wanted to go to Cleveland bruh! Cleveland is like my hometown of Gary, In. It's a place that you're from not a joint that you voluntarily move to. Free agents weren't going up there for a billion dollars now they're showing up for less bread and it's on and poppin'! Boyz are sick this morning and I'm loving it! Haters never win and winners never hate! So in my Kevin Hart voice, "All Right, All Right, All Riiiiight!!! Ya'll gone learn now!"

Holla At Ya Boy!
Jay Graves
Follow me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

1 comment:

  1. All right all right all right all right Y'all gone Learn Now "


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