The Josh Brown suspension is merely the NFL coverin' its butt! "Nothin'"

"I know I'm on one but I'll take one game bruh!" 
George Eliot, the English novelist and poet, once said, "Blessed is the man, who having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact." Jerry Seinfeld gave it to us like this, "A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking." Then Richard Dawkins, the English ethologist and biologist, put it where the goats can get it when he spit, "A delusion is something that people believe in despite a total lack of evidence." 

Well playas...everybody and their baby's momma's momma, Ms. Jackson, is up in arms about the NFL suspendin' New York Giants kicker, Josh Brown, for ONLY one game for his role in a domestic violence situation. The NFL has been tryin' to investigate this foolishness for the past 10 months. The case that they ended up suspendin' him for has actually been dropped. The league wanted more information from the local authorities and his Ex-wife but neither of these duns would cooperate. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Boyz have been hittin' me up hollerin' that the white kid is gettin' away with privilege and on the surface it looked that way. However, if ole girl and the cops won't cooperate with the NFL they can't go around suspendin' boyz on what they think happened. 
Now the foolishness in question took place in May of 2015. Ole boy was accused by his ex-wife of pushin' her into a mirror in their bedroom, throwin' her on the floor, jumpin' on top of her and jammin' her face into the carpet with his forearm on the back on her neck. Now accordin' to Brown he told the Giants about the incident. So boyz are hollerin', "The Giants knew about it so they should have suspended him from jump Jay!!"  Hold on a second playboy, what did they know? 

Everybody wants to jump on the Giants but how much did he actually tell them? Did he REALLY walk in and tell them that he did all of that foolishness? I don't know! But the charges were dropped. So you can't suspend a boy on what you think happened. The NFL is a billion dollar business and they're constantly coverin' their butts. So they aren't suspendin' boyz for something that doesn't legally exist. 

I'd like to see him suspended and thrown out of the league on his anus too. However, if his Ex won't cooperate with the investigation and you've got no court records or video to prove anything there's nothin' you can do. The Giants could cut him but they need a kicker and without evidence they aren't goin' kicker-less.

His Ex-wife told boyz that he's beaten her up on more than 20 occasions over the past several years. But unfortunately playa, that's all heresay if she won't sit down with a boy and tell it. Then it's her word against his and that isn't good enough. Not to legally suspend him and there is a players union foamin' at the mouth to get into with Roger Goodell again.  

Duns like Ray Rice got caught jawin' his wife on video bruh! Greg Hardy was actually convicted of a crime with police photos of his girl all bruised up. Adrian Peterson's kid was bleedin' and bruised up from an ignorant country whippin'!  All this dun has is his Ex tellin' boyz what happened but not cooperatin' with the NFL and there are no charges. Keep in mind that Greg Hardy ended up gettin' out of his foolishness because ole girl decided not to testify in the second trial. Remember the first conviction was thrown out in Carolina. That's how the Cowboys picked him up, No charges no suspension bruh. 

As much as I wanna holler foul balls the NFL has to go by what they have in front of them and that's essentially nothin'!  If she isn't talkin' and the local authorities aren't either, boyz better be lucky they gave the dun the one game. They're only doin' that to cover their butts with sponsors who will be upset that they did nothin'. However, they legally can't do anything because there is no evidence and she's not talkin'!!! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say 
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 
3) Put it where the goats can get it: verb phrase - to make it as elementary as possible. To put it at ground level so everyone can understand it. 
4) Ms. Jackson: noun - hit song by the rap group OutKast

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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