The REAL reason Muhammad Ali was the G.O.A.T.!! "Respeck on his Name"

"This ain't about boxing playboy! It's about life!" 
William Shakespeare once said, "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Eleanor Roosevelt gave it to us like this, "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." Then Ralph Waldo Emerson broke it down so that it would forever be broken when he spit, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." 

Well playas...Muhammad Ali made sure that he was himself in a crazy world durin' the height of the Civil Rights Movement that constantly tried to make him to be something else! That is the REAL reason why Ali was the G.O.A.T.! Not because of his ability to box and win heavyweight titles playboy! It was because of what he did outside of the ring. It was how he changed the world! How he influenced people that once hated him to now love him.!  

The GREATEST OF ALL-TIME passed away on Friday evenin' and all of the real playas in the buildin' are payin' their respects! In the words of the big homie, Birdman, "Boyz better put some "repeck" on his name this mornin'!" 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100. whichever comes 1st! Over the past 30 years or so everybody and their baby's momma's momma, Ms. Jackson, have been callin' Ali the GREATEST and most of these fake media-types don't have a clue as to why he was the greatest! Let's be real with a boy for a minute bruh! Ali wasn't the greatest because he was the greatest boxer of all-time! Why? Because he wasn't the greatest boxer of all-time! Mike Tyson was the most dominant boxer we've EVER seen! Pound for pound there hasn't been a boxer greater than Mike! Tyson walked into the ring and just knocked boyz out without breakin' a sweat for years! 

And please don't tell me that Iron Mike wasn't fightin' anybody because whoever he was fightin' was the best in the world to be able to get in the ring with him. He was knockin' boyz out in 30 seconds bruh! Stop it! There's always been fighters! There was when Mike was bangin' and still is a huge shortage of personalities in the game bruh! That's why boxing is dead right now and MMA is on the rise! Why? Because Floyd is the ONLY cat in all of boxing that talks mess! And that's the edited version. When Ali was gettin' it in there were a plethora of personalities and that's why boyz will say that it was more fighters! 

However, Muhammad Ali was the GREATEST because of what he stood for in a time of foolishness in this country and what he sacrificed it all for his beliefs!! Three years after winnin' the Heavyweight Championship of the World in 1964 over Sonny Liston. He was stripped of his title because he refused to enter the military after bein' drafted to fight in the Vietnam War. He told boyz that it was against his religion to do so because he'd converted to Islam and changed his name from Cassius Clay. And he was point blank with a boy when he said that he wasn't goin' to murder another poor people of color at the hands of the slave master that doesn't respect him here at home. Those aren't my words playboy! Those are Muhammad's words. 

Now most white folks in this country at that time were upset because he stood up for what he believed in. "How dare a black man tell the U.S. Government in 1967 that he ain't goin' to fight a war when they told him that he had to?" Ole boy was arrested for draft dodgin' and bein' a conscientious objector. Don't let these media-types lie to you this mornin' by sayin' that that they made him even more beloved in this country. The mainstream audience HATED Ali for standin' up for what he believed in and for bein' a black man that said what was on his mind durin' a time of racial hatred in America! 

Let's keep it real bruh! Boyz didn't start hollerin' about lovin' Ali until he was unable to speak above a whisper. Don't lie to these kids today about how much America loved Ali! America hated Ali durin' the height of his career! He was the dun that took his fight all the way to the Supreme Court and won in 1971 gettin' all of the charges dropped against him makin' the government and all of the people that supported this foolishness look stupid.  

He was no different than Martin Luther King Jr. in the sense that people love him today for what he did for the Civil Rights Movement and Human Rights around the world but durin' the time he was involved, mainstream America hated him. People didn't love MLK until decades after he was killed. Stop it! King was known as the agitator and so was Muhammad Ali. It wasn't until Parkinson's disease silenced him that people put some "Respeck" on his name. None of these fake media-types are goin' to tell you that today so I will. 

But what so crazy is that even after they tried to shut him down he went out like a G and won the heavyweight title two more times in 1974 and 1978!! Ali was the catalyst for famous athletes around the world standin' up for what they believe in.  But he did it durin' a time where it could have cost him his life. 

Think about how much black athletes today have been scorned by mainstream American media because they put on hoodies to show support of Treyvon Martin, "I Can't Breathe" T-shirts for Eric Gardner or simply puttin' their hands up as they walked out durin' NFL player introductions for Michael Brown. And this is TODAY!!! Not durin' a time when it was legal to be racist in America and the government endorsed it. That's why Ali is the G.O.A.T.! Not because he won some fights and knocked a few boyz out. 

I'm always offended when cats wanna call Jordan the G.O.A.T.. Why? Because all Mike has ever done is play basketball and sell some ghetto kids some overpriced re-made shoes! Mike has NEVER once in his professional career that spans more than 32 year gave his opinion on anything good or bad as it relates to anything. And God forbid he say anything about the injustice that he sees happenin' everyday in America to his own people. Naw playa...Mike ain't the G.O.A.T.! The G.O.A.T. died on Friday night with some "Respeck" on his name! Rest easy big playa and stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Respeck: noun - the rapper Birdman was a guest on the Breakfast Club radio show a bout a month ago and he confronted the 3 hosts of the show for talkin' crazy about him and he said Y'all better put some respeck on my name and he wasn't playin' either. Repeck as in RESPECT! 
3) Ms. Jackson: noun - one of the biggest singles that the rap group OutKast  has ever recorded. 
4) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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