The REAL reason Steph Curry gets away with bein' cocky and arrogant! "All or None"

Same cats bruh! 
John F. Kennedy once said, "When power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses." Keyshawn Johnson gave it to us like this, "The definition of swagger, in my opinion, is you have to have that arrogance, that confidence that you are the best out there at all times." Then John C. Maxwell, well-known author, shut the buildin' down when he spit, "There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. 'Good pride' represents our dignity and self-respect. 'Bad pride' is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance." 

Well playas...I've got no problem with a boy bein' cocky or arrogant if he's the real deal and can back it up! Steph Curry is by far the MOST cocky and arrogant dun in pro sports but NOBODY gives him the blues about it! These ole fake media-types out here HATED Cam Newton for simply dancin' after scorin' a touchdown. They HATE LeBron for simply bein' LeBron! Any time a black athlete gives some attitude on the court or field the media destroys them! "Why can't you just play the game and stop disrepectin' it?" That's what you typically hear from these media-types. 

Now let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I've got NO problem with Steph bein' cocky, dancin' and runnin' back down court before the ball goes in after he shoots it. I think that it's cool and is the attitude that sports SHOULD be played with. But why doesn't Steph Curry get the same push back that all of the other black athletes get for dancin' and show boatin' after they score? 

Since NOBODY wants to say it I will bruh! It's because he looks like he's 12 years old and he's light skinned!! He's not the brown or dark skinned brother that poses a threat to some white folks in America. He's different in their minds because he's not threatening in the way that he looks. However, he's far more cocky and arrogant than LeBron or Cam!! 

I already know that folks are gonna jump out of the birthday cake and act like what I'm sayin' is crazy!! But deep down inside they know that I'm right. 

If Steph were a big dark skinned brother with tatts all over his body boyz would be goin' NUTS every time he shot that joint and ran back down court without waitin' for it to go in. It would be murder!!! But since the non-threatening light skinned dude from little biddy Davison is doin' it nobody's trippin'. 

And please don't try to educate me on the perception of dark skinned blacks vs. light skinned blacks in this country. Let me educate you before you even act like I'm crazy. Within our own race there is a battle between the light skinned vs. the dark skinned because of what happened to us on the slave plantations in the south. All of the dark skinned cats were treated worse and where made to be the field hands etc. The light skinned blacks often had jobs in the home as domestic workers. Those jobs much easier to do than those that the dark skinned blacks were forced to do. So there has always been a battle even within our on race because of the way we've been treated for centuries. 

The darker the skin the worse the treatment. The lighter the skin the better the treatment. So now why is Steph able to act a darn fool for 2 straight seasons and NOBODY bats an eye? It's because he's non-threatening. Why? Because he's light skinned! 

Remember when LeBron broke his nose a couple of seasons ago and he put on the black mask and boyz when NUTS? Why? Because it was threatenin' to the fans watchin' the joint. So they made him put on the clear mask. Remember when O.J. Simpson was initially charged with murder more than 20 years ago and Time Magazine put the dun on the cover and darkened his picture when they didn't need to? O.J. was beloved by EVERYBODY at that time bruh! Both black and white folks loved the juice. So they darkened his picture to make him look more threatening. Then after boyz called them out they changed it. 

Now don't get it twisted playboy! O.J. was as guilty as the day is long so I'm not tellin' boyz that he wasn't. I said that the dun did it the day they arrested him but you didn't have to darken his face to make that point. Just look at the evidence. When they arrested him he had a serious cut on his hand. I'm just tellin' you that the media went out of their way to make him look like a criminal! And most people identify criminal as bein' black. The darker the better. 

Makin' my point. That's all. 

Oh I'm still talkin' crazy? Remember when Barack Obama was runnin' for President and any number of magazines darkened his picture when they put him on their covers! Remember when the New Yorker put Barack and Michelle on the cover and she was rockin' a afro with a gun on her back and ole boy was dressed like a traditional Muslim? And he's not even Muslim. I'm makin' my point bruh! 

Yes brother racism is alive and well. 

Again, I love Steph Curry's antics but he's doin' as much and in many cases far more than what Cam Newton did all season and he's become the ONLY unanimous NBA MVP in the history of the league. We come in all shades, colors and hues and we're all black! So if these fake media-type are gonna be fair in their racism and treatment of black athletes then mistreat Steph the same way you mistreat all of our black athletes or don't mistreat any of them at all. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Spit: verb - to say
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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