Why Ray Lewis should NEVER even mumble the words black on black crime! "Forgot bruh?"

"Y'all think they'll forget about this in 16 years bruh?"
Thomas Fuller, the 17th century English churchman, once said, "We ought to see far enough into a hypocrite to see even his sincerity." Hannah Arendt, the political theorist,  gave it to us like this, "Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core." Then Tennessee Williams, the famous playwright, put it where the goats could get it when he spit, "The only thing worse than a liar is a liar that's also a hypocrite!" 

Well playas...somebody needs to tell ole Ray Lewis that same thing bruh! Because this week he was lyin' and bein' a hypocrite all at the same time. This dun was feelin' himself and jumped on his Facebook page as he normally does to spit either some motivational joints or some knowledge. But this time he jumped out of the birthday cake like my boy Bernie Mac would say "Bucket Naked" talkin' like he's suffered way too many head injuries. He had the nerve to start goin' off about the #BlackLivesMatter Movement and how boyz aren't talkin' about all of these black on black murders that are takin' place in America. What!!??

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Before I blast this fool about the nonsense of that very statement alone, isn't he the same Ray Lewis that was charged with murder back in 2000 after the Super Bowl in Atlanta? Excuse my grammar playboy, but ain't he the same cat was involved in a fight with his homeboys in front of a Buckhead night club where the two cats they were fightin' ended up dead when they jumped back into the limo? The same two cats that were at full strength wrestlin' and fightin' and then minutes later were lifeless full of stab wounds? He ain't the same cat that got off on some BS because he had enough bread to make it happen is he? 

So now 16 years later this dun wants to talk to you and I about black on black crime? Bruh! Really? Listen up Ray, you can talk to me about winnin' Super Bowls, bein' successful, bein' the very best I can be, overachievin', comin' out of the ghetto and survivin' poverty etc. But you can't say a word about black on black crime! Don't you ever mention crime, guns, violence, knives, wrestlin' or confrontation EVER!!! Stay in yo lane bruh! That's right I said it! YO!!! That means what belongs to you!!! 

Now let me go in all of the fools that think Ray Lewis has a point when he starts blastin' the #BlackLivesMatter Movement. Just because the campaign says #BlackLivesMatter doesn't mean that ALL other lives don't matter! You sound stupid tryin' to  even argue that point. It's an emphasis on the reality of "some" police in this country killin' unarmed black folks as if those lives don't matter. When you act like they don't matter there has to be an emphasis put on where the problem is bruh. 

When we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October and everybody puts on their pink we aren't sayin' that ALL of the other cancers aren't important! When November roles around and it's Diabetes Awareness month we aren't sayin' that ALL other chronic diseases aren't important. When duns put together a Gay Pride Parade they aren't sayin' that heterosexuals aren't important. They're only emphasizin' what is important to them because they can simply identify with it. See how ignorant you sound tryin' to blast anybody with half of a brain that understands that all people want in this country is to be treated fairly. 

For ANYONE to sit back on their high horse and denounce any of these movements or celebrations is a direct indication of just how ignorant and insensitive people can really be. And guess what pimpin', you don't have to be white to be insensitive to what's goin' on in the black community. There are far too many black folks that have gotten rich, left the ghetto and now want to forget that they're now black and rich.

This fool starts spittin' statistics on black on black crime like he really knew what he was talkin' about'. Not even realizin' that he was soundin' like a complete idiot. He's throw the stat out that 93 percent of all black homicides were committed by blacks. But what the dun didn't tell you was that 83 percent of all white homicides were committed by whites. Why? Because people tend to get into it with people that look like them because ethnicities typically run together. If the Italian cat gets into a fight at the bar more likely than not he's fightin' or beefin' with someone that looks like him. Why? Because it's the Italian bar that all of the Italians in the neighborhood frequent. No different than the black guy beefin' with the dude down the street in the all black neighborhood they both live in. 

My point here is, strop repeatin' everything some fool says because it sounds good. And definitely don't start tryin' to preach to folks about not doin' something that you have yet to admit to or apologize for. Yeah, we see you TV wearin' the suits and lookin' like you've got some sense. We love to hear you motivate boyz and give the inspirin' speeches! But please don't try to holler at boyz about not killin' folks out here in these streets. Leave that to somebody that has clean hands. 

Now I'm not sayin' that Ray killed a boy. I am sayin' that the law says that if you're with a boy that commits a crime you're just as guilty of committin' that same crime. Somebody killed those duns and the only cats that were fightin' with them were Ray Lewis and his boyz. They didn't stab themselves and they darn sure didn't get stabbed by a ghost. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Put it where the goats could get it: To make it as simple as possible. Very elementary
2) Spit: verb - to say
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific. 

Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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