Why none of these media-types are askin' Adam LaRoche the REAL question! "Every Day"

"If my son can't hang out then I quit!" 
William Author Ward, the famous writer, once said, "It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people; to focus your energies on answers - not excuses." Dolly Parton,  gave it to us like this, "We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails." Then John Galsworthy, the English novelist and playwright, pushed a boy out of the limo like ole Eddie Cain Jr. when he spit, "Idealism increases in direct proportion to one's distance from the problem." 

Well playas...it ideally became a problem for the Chicago White Sox to have Adam LaRoche's kid at spring trainin' EVERY FREAKIN' DAY! So they asked ole boy to dial it down and he got caught in his emotions and quit leavin' $13 million on the table. Yeah, I know that they said that he retired but in hood terms that dun quit. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I've listened to every cat in television and radio for the past two days and NOBODY has asked the real question! Everybody and their baby's momma's  momma, Ms. Jackson, has weighed in on this foolishness sayin’ everything from “He should have the right to bring his kid to work to it doesn't make sense to bring him to work every day.” 

Yeah, and I get all of that bruh, but why isn't anybody  askin' "WHY ISN'T THE KID IN FREAKIN' SCHOOL? Even if he's home schoolin' him, he should be at home, in school!!! Who goes to work with their old man EVERY DAY? 

He's 14 years old for cryin' out loud!! Where are his boyz? At 14 it's not even cool to hang out with your old man EVERY DAY! So why is he? At 14, a kid is lookin' to hang out with the fellas, play video games and lie about girls. Nobody has said anything about the kid needin’ special attention etc. So I don't believe that is the case. So why is he at practice EVERY DAY? Even if he needed special attention or had a learnin’ disability he doesn’t need to be with his dad that much at that age. He would need various types of stimulation not just his dad all day every day. 

There comes a time when you’ve got to allow your kids their own space. I’m not tellin’ you what I heard I’m tellin’ you what I know! I’ve raised a teenage son that’s now in college. He doesn’t want to be with dad all of the time and if he does you’ve got to force him out of his comfort zone. Why? Because dad isn’t always goin’ to be there and you've got to start preparin' him for that
Yeah, it's cool that your old man plays baseball but when your 14 you want to start havin' your own life outside of bein' underneath him. C'mon man! Nobody finds that weird? 

If the father plays a professional sport then it's only natural that his kid would love that sport too. And if the kid is at practice everyday it's obvious that he loves baseball. So why isn't he playin' junior high or high school ball? Because it is baseball season bruh! So this isn't on the kid, its on Adam LaRoche. You’ve got to let your son become a young man and hangin’ out with you ALL of the time will only hinder that process.  

I'm not tellin' a boy how to raise his kid but a 14 year old needs his own space and you're only cripplin'him if you don't let him have that space. Where is he goin’ to learn how to be independent if he’s with his old man EVERY DAY?  And if LaRoche is crazy enough to walk away from bread that already belongs to him then he needs to check his emotions. I don’t care how much bread he’s already made over his career. You don’t take points off of the board because a dun told you to stop bringin’ your kid to work EVERY DAY. Stop me when I start lyin’! 

Playas Thesaurus: 

  1. Spit: verb - to say
  2. Eddie Cain Jr.: noun - the character in the movie the Five Hearbeats that was kicked out the group for missin' dates etc. 
  3. Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific
Holla At Ya Boy! 
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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