Why the Monmouth and Iona coachin' staffs are to blame for the fight! "Dead Flies"

"Foolishness! Foolishness I say!!" 
From time to time you already know that I’ve got to keep my ghetto pass current so I stop back off in the hood to renew my joint. The best way to do that is to get my car washed, pick up some brown bag and holler at the fellas in the barber shop. As soon as I walk in these cats were arguin’ about discipline. Jim Rohn, the Harvard professor and author, shouted, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” William Feather , the publisher, knocked over the dominoes and said, “If we do not discipline ourselves the world will do it for us.” Then ole Jim came back with, “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” 

Well  playas…both Monmouth and Iona are sittin’ up this mornin’ lookin’ like some fools because they’ve been plastered all over the news for all of the wrong reasons. They forgot to inform their coachin’ staffs that they were supposed to be teachin’ young men how to act like adults. After the foolishness that was the basketball game on Friday night they got into a fight and everybody and their baby’s momma’s momma, Ms. Jackson, are surprised that it even went there. 

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Monmouth’s coachin’ staff has allowed their bench to act a fool durin’ the course of the games forever. Boyz are up dancin’, crawlin’ around actin’ like they’re dead, lookin’ for glasses and EVERYBODY watchin’ thinks that it’s cute. First of all playa, you’re sittin’ on the bench at MONMOUTH!!! If you’re sittin’ on the bench at Monmouth you’re not very good pimpin'! And you don’t have time or the room to be clownin’ ANYBODY bruh! Let’s just put that on the table off the rip!! 

Secondly, if a coachin’ staff allows that type of behavior they aren’t worth two dead flies smashed because no way should you be coachin’ and a boy sittin’ 2 or 3 seats down from you be climbin’ around on the floor and he’s grown. That’s like allowin’ your kid to crawl around on the floor in church. So what does that say about you and your program?  

Then the Iona coach goes into the game takin’ shots at the players on Monmouth’s bench. Even though I completely agreed with him you can’t even mention those fools. Why? Because you add another element to the foolishness  before the game even starts. Now not only do you have to deal with the players you’ve got to deal with their coach now further disciplinin’ them  or not because you mentioned them. It’s a vicious cycle bruh! 

So when the game is over ANYBODY that’s ever grown up in the ghetto knows that it’s about to pop off because boyz have been throwin’ coals in the fire the entire game. If fools are talkin’ crazy before, durin’ and after the game it’s only gonna take a boy to wink and it explodes. 

But what blows my mind is when these naive coaches go to the ghetto and recruit these kids that understand the streets and all of the rules of the streets.Then allow them to act like they’re in the streets in terms of talkin’ and whoofin’ all game and then jump up and down mad when it blows up. 

Remember a few years ago when Cincinnati and Xavier went to blows and both coaches were out there frontin’ at the post-game press conferences like they were appalled that the kids were fightin’? They allowed those duns to talkin’ crazy, push and shove the entire game and when the joint exploded they tried to act brand new. 

You went to that kids house and recruited him! So you knew what type of environment he grew up in. Therefore, you can’t let him get started and when you see the other team pushin’ buttons you’ve got to gather your team up with the officials and calm the situation down. Otherwise, you’re gonna have a boy get cold cocked and his nose all swollen lookin’ stupid on ESPN highlights and the university plastered all over the news today because you as a coach wouldn’t do your freakin’ job!  Stop me when I start lyin! 

Playas Thesaurus: 

  1. Brown Bag: noun - Fast food in the hood bruh, Chicken, seafood, burgers etc. It always comes in a brown bag, Thus the name. 
  2. Ms. Jackson: noun - song by the rap group OutKast
  3. Pop off: verb - about to go down. A fight is about to break out. 
  4. Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender specific.
Holla At Ya Boy! 
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Facebook: TheJayGravesReport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk! 

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