Why Matt Barnes was simply followin' the Code of Ethics jumpin' on Fish! "The Brotherhood"

"Listen here dawg! Ima tap you up every time see you if I have to!"
Dave Eggers, the writer, editor and publisher, once said, “Because I grew up with this naïve expectation of people doing right, I get shocked by every little violation.” Benjamin Tucker, a proponent of 19th century American Individualist anarchism, broke it down like this, “To force a man to pay for the violation of his own liberty is indeed an addition of insult to injury.” Then Ron Paul went straight up O.G. on a boy when he spit, “All initiation of force is a violation of someone else’s rights, whether initiated by an individual or the state, for the benefit of an individual or group of individuals, even if it’s supposed to be for the benefit of another individual or group of individuals.”

Well playas...all I know is that the initiation of force by an individual is necessary and down-right MANDATORY when a boy violates the oldest and most sacred laws of the brotherhood. On Wednesday boyz told the New York Post that Matt Barnes beat the brakes off of New York Knicks head coach, Derrick Fisher, for the violation of said laws. Ole boy has been hangin’ out with Barnes’ estranged wife; that’s his wife that he ain’t livin’ with, for all of you simple minded individuals.

Barnes’ 6 year old twin SONS called and told him that a dun that didn’t pay the bills was at the crib with their momma. So Matt jumped in the ride from Memphis Grizzlies trainin’ camp that’s actually held in California and drove 95 miles to handle his business!

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Derrick Fisher bought that “A” whoopin’ bruh! In the Brotherhood Handbook it specifically states in Rule 1, Article 1, Section 1, “Any woman that is affiliated with some dun you have a relationship with, friend, teammate, cool with, I know that dun from around the way, oh that’s my guy, etc. is OFF FREAKIN’ LIMITS! I DON’T CARE WHAT THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS NOW! HANDS OFF!”

These duns played ball together with the Lakers for two seasons bruh! That means that they’ve spent countless hours together. Oh yeah playa, Fish bought that whoopin’ with cash money, a credit and an EBT card and he gave him a 40% tip!

Even Matt’s 6 year old sons knew that that dun was in violation! Why? Because that’s a rule that doesn’t have to be taught. You’re born understandin’ that you can’t holler at another man’s girl or ex-girl. It’s wrapped up in our DNA!

Here’s the sucka move on Fish’s part though. It’s 49 to 1 out here bruh! Oh I’m lyin’! Okay playa, it’s actually like 7 to 1 usin’ real numbers with real people. However, usin’ some ole Playa Math it’s 49 to 1! Why? Because you already got your 7, then you got that broke dun’s 7, the dun with no game or swag's 7. Then you got that dead dun’s 7 (boys out here dyin’ way too young), the dun that’s in jail’s 7, the dumb dun’s 7 and the gay dun’s 7! That’s 49 to 1 pimpin’! So again, why are you at another man’s house hollerin’ at his wife even if they aren’t together? Boyz are trippin' over women out here and you're takin' chances at a boy'z crib with his wife?

Why put yourself in that situation? And you’re a freakin’ head coach in the NBA! Why are you hangin’ out with a player’s wife!!!! That’s like the principal hollerin’ at the star hooper’s girl in high school bruh.

Even Matt’s kids knew that was foul! That’s why they called their old man. “Hey dad, some dun named Derrick is over here eatin’ up all the Cheerios and wearin’ your slippers. Yeah, you gotta come over here and handle this fool. He’s outta control.”

Can you just see Matt Barnes jumpin’ in the ride and drivin’ 95 miles on fire! See a lot of you boyz haven’t really thought about how far 95 miles is to show up and still be ready to fight. That’s like drivin’ from Indianapolis to freakin’ Cincinnati. By the time that fool showed up he was lookin’ like the Elephant Man he was so swollen up.

Think about it bruh, after about 20 miles a boy calms down and turns around because he starts to rationalize things. “If I beat that fool down Ima go to jail and then I won’t see my kids, Ima blow this NBA bread etc.” Then a boy starts callin’ cats to talk him off of the roof etc. But this dun kept drive for more than an hour even if he was speedin’!

By the time he pulled up he jumped out of the whip with some green Hulk hands on foamin’ at the mouth with nothin’ but some tube socks on bruh with his nipple standin’ straight up!

Matt had no other choice but to jump on that fool. Why? Because he had to keep the order in the world. If that dun had been able to get away with that treason it would have been all out CHAOS out here. Some cats have to be made examples of playa. It’s the American Way or should I say the way of the Brotherhood in America. It's simply the Code of Ethics!!!

And for all of you simple minded cats that are confused! Let me clear it up for you playa. This has ABSOLUTELY nothin' to do with the chick! He could give two dead flies smashed about Gloria! Fish was in that man's house with his kids and he's a former associate/teammate. Therefore, he's in direct violation of the code and deservingly bought that "A" whoopin'! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) O.G.: noun – original gangsta or widely used to describe the older yet wiser cat in the hood that mentors the young hustlas comin’ up.
2) Spit: verb – to say
3) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.
4) Pimpin’: noun – it’s the person that I’m tryin’ to passionately get my point across to.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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