Why there's no need to panic because Frank Vogel's got this bruh! "The Wizard"

"Look here dawg, everybody just needs to calm down!" 
Richard Feynman, the well-known theoretical physicist, once said, "It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." Albert Einstein pulled up in a big body chevy with the fellas ridin' deep and shouted, No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." Then David Cronenberg, the Canadian filmmaker,  settled this foolishness by spittin', "Everybody's a mad scientist, and life is their lab. We're all trying to experiment to find a way to live, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos."

Well playas...if that's the case then we can start callin' Frank Vogel Dr. Frankenstein because he's got his hands full tryin' to solve problems, fend off madness, settlin' the chaos of startin' a new season with a new offensive philosophy and keepin' these dull fans satisfied. For the second game of the new NBA season the Pacers looked good in spurts but failed to finish. Memphis was the stronger team down the stretch on Thursday to win 112-101 to spoil the Pacers home opener after they got blasted in their joint the night before by Cleveland. 

Let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! There's no need to panic here bruh! Who in their right mind thought that a brand new philosophy right out of the gate with 7 new players would blow the doors off of other teams day 1 and 2? On some real talk, if the two scorers on this team were in a rhythm in both of these games the Pacers would be 2-0 and nobody would be ready to dive out of the freakin' window. Boyz are actin' like it's March! It's the second game of the freakin' season bruh!! They've still got 80 more to go!!!

Both Paul George and Monte Ellis are proven scorers that have struggled from the floor. That has nothin' to do with the new look Pacers, that has everything to do with boyz not gettin' shots to fall for whatever reason. They're gettin' good looks it just ain't fallin'! It happens. 

As a team the Pacers shot 17 percent from the field in the first quarter.  Wheredeydodatat? PG finished the night with 18 points, 8 rebounds, 5 dimes but he shot 5-15 from the field. Monte had 9 points and shot an awful 3-12 from the floor. Once these two cats find their rhythm the sky will stop fallin' around this piece and Chicken Little can go somewhere and sit down. Duns are runnin' out of the buildin' screamin' that this isn't workin' (small ball philosophy) not realizin' that if these two cat's shots were fallin' they would be callin' Frank a genius at this point. 

Sure, duns are makin' mistakes on the defensive end of the floor but that goes with the territory and there's no excuse for givin' up 39 points in the fourth quarter either. But again, new rotations, 7 new cats on the team, new style of play etc., it is what it is playa. Stop actin' like it's freakin' March and these cats have failed. It's October!!!! And it's game 2!!!

I'll tell you what though, Myles Turner is a BEAST!!! Give him some time and he's gonna be a MONSTER! Yeah he only played 18 minutes but he completely changed the momentum of the game with his presence. Ole boy finished with 8 points, 2 steals and a monster block! That's all I needed to see from a 19 year old kid! HE'S ONLY GONNA GET BETTER!

So I'm goin' to give Frank some "Time" like Prince and back up off of him and sit my cup down like Snoop! If he could figure out the rotations this time last year with boyz bein' injured every third day. Then he can figure out how to play who, when and where with everybody bein' available and ready to go!  Remember what I said playa, if Monte and PG's jumpers were fallin' they'd be 2-0 right now and everybody would be callin' Frank the Ole Mighty and Powerful Wizard! Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) Big Body Chevy: noun - 1985 to '90 model of the Chevy Impala. Boyz in the hood love drivin' those joints why I don't know because they look silly and you have to fill up every 3rd street. 
2) Spit: verb - to say
3) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and its non-gender speciifc. 
4) Time: noun - an R&B group with Morris Day, Jerome, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis from the '80's that Prince put on. 

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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