How the campus freak is tryin' to take down Louisville basketball! "PizzaLady"

"Y'all did what? And didn't call me?"
Linus Pauling, the well-known chemist and biochemist, once said, "Science is the search for truth, that is the effort to understand the world: it involves the rejection of bias, of dogma, of revelation, but not the rejection of morality." Socrates broke it down like an O.G. in purple gators shakin' sunflower seeds when he said, "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true." Then Thomas Jefferson shut the buildin' down when he spit, "Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations."

Well playas...they've always said that money was the root of all evil and that evil, not morality reared it's ugly head down at Louisville on Friday. A book published by the Indiana Business Journal entitled "Breaking Cardinal Rules: Basketball and the Escort Queen" tells the alleged story of the University of Louisville bein' involved in payin' prostitutes to have sex with incomin' recruits and current basketball players. Now the dun that is writin' the book is a 43 year old chick named Katina Powell. Stop right there playa! She's 43 not 23! Keep that in ya pocket for future use.

Now she tells the story that she was hired by former player, then graduate assistant and director of basketball operations Andre McGee to provide prostitutes and strippers to recruits durin' campus visits. Ole girl says that she and three of her daughters and other women, probably her girls, participated in sex acts and was paid more than $10,000 for her services. When they asked this dun why she was writin' the book she admitted that she was doin' it for the bread but then went on to say:

"I decided to write the book to tell my story and to let people know what goes on inside of college basketball ... and how they get their new recruits. It's important for people to know ... how young kids are persuaded to do certain things by sex, drugs and alcohol."

Okay playa, let's keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I wasn't there so I can't tell you whether the broad got paid by someone in a position of authority with the University or not! That ain't my issue with this foolishness bruh.What blows my mind is that the 43 year woman wants to all of the sudden show up with some morals and tell the world how bad college basketball recruitin' is! But she's got her daughters out here turnin' tricks with her. Where's the outrage in that foolishness? And I don't care how old the daughters are! They're out her freakin' with their momma!!!! NOBODY stopped and put the caution sign in the road when they heard that!

I don't have to hear anymore of the freakin' story bruh! But I will!!!! When they asked this Andre McGee cat if he knows the broad and he said yes the rest of the story has been told. On every campus in America there's a chick that hangs around the yard that is the known freak. She has no affiliation with the school other than bein' the one that boyz hang out with. If she's 43 I can bet the house that every hooper that has come through that program over the past 25 years knows her by another name.

When I was in college at Indiana University there was a chick that went by the name "Pizza Lady" that was a freakin' legend in Bloomington. They called her the Pizza Lady because she delivers and she was darn near 30 when I was in Bloomington more than 28 years ago. Now I've never seen the Pizza Lady because when boyz would call her I would dip because I wasn't gettin' in involved with that foolishness. I always said that I wasn't gonna be there when the cops showed up because the parties got way too wild for Ya Boy. I've seen too many boyz go to jail because the episode went south on them. So all I can tell you is that chicks like Katina Powell are real, at some point it goes south and it has at Louisville. It may have taken 25 years but I know what I'm talkin' about. At some point foolishness brain farts and however is in the room at the time gets slimed.

Do I believe that ole girl is lyin' about Louisville basketball and that she provided sex for recruits etc. Naw! Because she's probably been hangin' out with the hoop team for two decades bruh. She's Louisville's version of the Pizza Lady and now she's got her daughters out her rollin' with her. But did somebody pay her to freak? Don't know playa! But unless she's got a receipt she's SOL because showin' boyz pictures of her with some ball playas just proves that she knows them. Stop me with I start lyin'!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) O.G.: noun - original gangsta, old head on the block that gives the young cats street wisdom.
2) Spit: verb - to say

3) Dun: noun : The person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. It's whoever I'm talkin' about and it's non-gender specific.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn't real but its REAL talk!

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