Code (Why Aldon Smith has somethin' bruh but it's not a drinkin' problem)

"Huhhh? Y'all want y'all stuff back?"
Brian Greene, theoretical physicist, once said, “I believe the process of going from confusion to understanding is a precious, even emotional, experience that can be the foundation of self-confidence.” Jack Kerouac, the famous novelist and poet, gave it to us like this, “I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.” Then Johnny Depp broke it down like an O.G. on 25th Ave. in the G when he spit, “I pretty much try to stay in a constant state of confusion just because of the expression it leaves on my face.”

Well playas…Aldon Smith must be hangin’ out with ole Johnny because that dun is tryin’ to leave the permanent expression of “I’m an idiot” on his face. Addin’ to the world of confusion already swirlin’ around in his life this cat was arrested on hit-and- run, drivin’ under the influence and vandalism charges Thursday night. Then to make matters worse he bonded out of jail on Friday hollerin’ that he wasn’t in fact drunk and eventually sat down with the 49ers powers that be and told them that he wasn’t at fault playa. So obviously they gave that fool the deuces and walked him out of the front door with all his stuff in a garbage bag. And that’s the edited version.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody and their baby’s momma’s momma includin’ Aldon Smith have been arguin’ all day as to where this dun was drunk or not. He says that he wasn’t and is adamant about it. Clowns on the radio are stalled as to whether he was drunk or not. IT DOESN’T MATTER BRUH!!!! IT’S ALDON SMITH!!!

Let’s, for the sake of argument, say that he was as sober as Lil’ Miss Johnson at Sunday school rockin’ the patent leather purse with the matchin’ patent leather shoes givin’ out peppermint to all of the kids in the back pew. He hit-and-ran a boy and vandalized his ride! And if he was sober that’s even worse because he’s got no excuse for doin’ it bruh!

Keep in mind that he’s the same dun that just came off of a 9 game suspension for violatin’ the NFL’s personal conduct and substance abuse policies last year. He’s that same dun that was sentenced to 11 days work release last summer for a DUI back in 2013. This is the same clown that was arrested at LAX in 2013 for tellin’ a TSA agent that he had a bomb! Oh and don’t let me forget that he’s the same fool that had a house party back in 2012 that was so Turnt-Up that he ended up with three felony charges by the time the DJ packed up his stuff and left. And that’s the edited version too. Shots were fired, two partygoers were shot and Smith himself ended up stabbed at his own joint! Wheredeydodatat? And last but not least he picked up another DUI in 2012 6 months before the party popped off.

WHY ARE WE ARGUIN’ ABOUT WHETHER THIS DUN WAS DRUNK OR NOT? It doesn’t matter! He apparently just has to be conscious to get into some foolishness.

All of these media-type cats are killin’ me talkin’ about this cat needin’ to get some help because he obviously has a drinkin’ problem. He has no more of a drinkin’ problem than anybody else bruh! He just needs to stop drivin’ and havin’ house parties with weapons layin’ around!!! I know cats that drink as heavily as he does if not more. We all do. They just don’t get in the freakin’ car while they’re drunk! They don’t have guns and knives on the table while they’re gettin’ Turnt-Up at the crib.

Boyz always wanna say that a dun has a drinkin’ problem because he keeps gettin’ caught DRIVIN’! What about all of the fools that drink as much, if not more, but use UBER to get to the crib? They’ve got the same problem but they understand what consequences look like so they take precautions. They’re still drunks though bruh. So stop sayin’ that Aldon Smith needs help with his drinkin’. He needs help makin’ GOOD DECISIONS. If you’re gonna drink, walk!! If you’re gonna drink search boyz before they come into your house and hide all of the guns and the knives.

Yeah I know that TMZ is reportin’ that ole boy got into a squab at practice with Colin Kaepernick over a broad. Apparently, Kaep is hangin’ out with ole boy’z ex-girlfriend and that’ll get in the way of some team chemistry right? But let me pause like a comma right there bruh. What’s up with these young cats messin’ around with their teammate’s women, wives and even mommas! What happened to the Code that boyz lived by back in the day? It’s the same way in the streets now. Women and children were always off limits. Now duns are firin’ off into crowds killin’ everybody. These young cats are out of control!

But even if his beef with Kaep is what set this foolishness off he’s gotta understand that he’s on a short leash and remember that he gave up guaranteed bread back in March.

Check this out bruh; he had a deal that was set to pay him $9.75 million guaranteed in 2015! In my Men’s Wearhouse voice, “GUARANTEED!!” This clown told them in the front office that he was willin’ to bet on himself and that he didn’t want the guaranteed bread. He told them to pay him in monthly roster bonuses startin’ in April. See what I’m sayin’ bruh? He doesn’t have a drinkin’ problem. He’s got a "makin’ good decisions problem" and sendin’ him to rehab won’t fix that. Either you’ve got it or you don’t. And that dun is just dumb bruh! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) O.G.: noun – short for Original Gangsta. However, it’s typically used to describe the older wiser cat on the block that schools the young cats about the ways of the world or to be more specific the hood.
2) The G: noun Gary, Indiana bruh! Home of the hustlas playas and grindas! If you can make it in hood you can make it anywhere bruh.
3) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and its non-gender specific.
4) Deuces: noun – the piece sign, two fingers. For all you duns that don’t know that means “See ya wouldn’t wanna be ya.”
5) Turnt-Up: verb – to get buck wild, to get it in, to have a great time.
6) Wheredeydodatat: Hood for, “Who does that?”

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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