Street Cred (Why Tom Brady gave Goodell NO choice but to pop him in the street)

Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “There is no person in this room whose basic rights are not involved in any successful defiance to the carrying out of court orders.” J.K. Rowling broke it down like this, “When people are very damaged, they can often meet the world with a kind of defiance.” Then Dick Cheney shut the buildin’ down with, “There comes a time when deceit and defiance must be seen for what they are. At that point, a gathering danger must be directly confronted. At that point, we must show that beyond our resolutions is actual resolve.”

Well playas…we’ve finally come to a point with Tom Brady where deceit and defiance must be seen for what they are. On Tuesday ole dull Roger Goodell upheld ole boy’s four game suspension for his role in Deflategate. The Commissioner cited that there was new evidence that Brady had a boy destroy his cell phone on or shortly before March 6 – the day that he was interviewed by Ted Wells and his investigative team. Accordin’ to the league Brady instructed his assistant to destroy the cell phone he’d been usin’ since early November 2014. That would have been the time period that included the AFC title game in which the foolishness in question took place.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Everybody and their baby momma’s momma know that Tom Brady was responsible for those balls bein’ deflated bruh! However, the NFL didn’t have a smokin’ gun, that dun’s finger prints at the crime scene or a boy in the interrogation room askin’ for a cigarette. You already know that when a boy asks for a dull cigarette on First 48, everybody is about to go to jail playboy. That fool is about to sing like Luther Vandross butt naked layin' on a bed of roses! Without hard evidence it was impossible, in my opinion, to give a boy a four game suspension and stand on it.

I didn't  think he would get the entire four games because of that alone. However, when a boy starts destroyin’ evidence when the investigators are askin’ to see his phone that takes it to a “whole-nother level” playboy. Now you’re tryin’ to punk the league and it’s investigators. Initially, the word was that ole boy didn’t want to simply give up his phone because of all the foolishness that could be in it; Celebrities phones numbers, naked pictures, all kinds of debauchery that the world doesn’t need to know about, etc.. You name it playa it could be in there. So I was with him for not wantin’ to give it up but to destroy the joint is to straight punk the league and Goodell wasn’t gonna let that ride.

Brady pulled "the old flush the dope down the toilet when the Feds are comin’ through the front door" move bruh. He pulled "the throw the gun out of the window while the cops are chasin’ you down the interstate" move. Naw playa, he pulled "the swallow the dope" move and forgot that all they were gonna do is sit in the cut and pay a boy to sift through his bowels for the next 72 hours. Goodell was not playin’ on this one.  

You’ve already punk’d the rest of the league by gettin’ the opportunity to play in and win the Super Bowl and now you wanna get off without ANY suspension? You smokin’ crack and shootin’ heroin into you’re toe nails and eye lids if you think you’re walkin’ out of here with zero suspension bruh.

The league even tried to do him a solid before Goodell upheld the joint by givin’ him a sweet deal but he rejected it. They sat down with ole boy and said look here playa we’ll reduce this joint from 4 games down to 2 or maybe even to 1 if you would just admit that the two locker room cats did in fact do something illegal and that you didn’t cooperate with the league durin’ the investigation. Brady told them to kick rocks so Goodell had to do what he had to do. Pop 'em in the middle of the street in front of errrbody! 

Remember in the movie “Notorious,” the story of the Notorious B.I.G., when Biggie and his boy, Mark Pitts, got popped after Biggie tried to ditch the gun while runnin’ from the police? Durin’ the interrogation the cop told them that one of them was goin’ down for this gun. He didn’t care which one but no way was both of them walkin’ out of there. So Pitts took the gun charge and the rest is hip hop history.

Goodell was like, either you’re gonna admit that you were dull or you’re gonna take this entire hit playboy. It doesn’t matter to me but you ain’t walkin’ out of here without gettin’ something and that’s on my momma. And on some real talk, even though the league doesn’t have a smokin’ gun, finger prints or the dun askin’ for cigarettes, Goodell couldn’t let him walk because now because it’s a matter of street credibility. If he let’s this clown do him then everybody is gonna line up to rob him. So somebody’s gotta get popped before there is no order among thieves. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1)      Dull: adjective – to be that dude that boy look at sideways because he’s always doin’ something stupid. It now become routine to expect foolishness from them.
2)       Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc. It’s whoever I’m talkin’ about and it’s non-gender specific.
3)      “On my Momma”: noun – to promise a boy something.
4) Pop: verb- to shoot
5) Errrbody: noun - country hood for everybody
6) Popped: verb - to get arrested or shot. It depends on the context. 

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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