VERBS (Why boyz SHOULDN'T get a Father's Day Award if they didn't play all season)

"Thanks dad for keepin' your uniform on!"
William Shakespeare once said, “When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.” Sigmund Freud broke it down like this, “I cannot think of any need in children as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” Then the big homie Pope John XXIII shut the buildin' down with, “It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.”

Forget what ya heard or what you’ve been taught your entire life playboy! The word DADDY isn’t a noun, it’s a verb because in order to be considered one you’ve got to be doin’ somethin’! You can’t be a real father unless you’re active playa.

You can’t call yourself a ball player if you never put on the freakin’ uniform and show up to all of the practices and games pimpin’! And you can’t just show up when you feel like it either. Why? Because it’s a runnin’ clock with no timeouts, no halftime and no overtime! All you get is what you get and when the freakin’ game is over it’s over!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Bein’ a DADDY is a full time job! So for all of cats that won’t even do the bare minimum and put on the uniform and at least go through the lay-up line, shame on you! For the cats that agreed to the foolishness of only seein’ your shorty every other weekend or once a month, shame on you too!

If you only see your kids every other weekend that’s seein’ a boy/girl 52 days a year. Its 365 days in a year bruh! This ain’t new math it’s the same joints that they’ve been usin’ since the beginnin’ of time and it’s not gonna change. That means that somebody else is raisin’ your kid the other 313 days a year. On some real talk, that woman isn’t holdin’ you accountable for bein’ a father but God is. So you need to renegotiate that contract.

When I was 15 years old I didn’t get a varsity uniform for the first game of my sophomore year. They only dressed the top 3 on the depth chart for away games and I was fourth. I cried all the way through practice and all the way home. It was the Thursday night before the game. When I walked in the crib my dad asked what was wrong and I told him.

He simply said, "It’s not your time right now son but from this moment on DON’T EVER LET ANYONE OUTWORK YOU. Get on that bus and cheer your team on at every away game in your street clothes. Follow the coach up and down the sideline durin’ all of the home games the entire game, the entire season. Always be ready even when you’re gettin’ ready."

By midway through my junior year I became the startin’ tailback for both Varsity and JV at a 5A high school. For all you simple minded individuals that’s a big school. By the time I graduated I led the team in rushing, carries, was second in scorin', set the record for the longest kickoff return in school history, was named the Most Valuable Player and received the highest football award given all with havin' only one full arm at 5'7" 145lbs. soakin' wet with a brick in my pocket bruh.

It was because my dad was at the crib on a Thursday night instead of bein' in the streets or doin’ whatever he wanted to. Life doesn’t just happen for your kids on the weekend’s playa. That experience on that Thursday night changed my life forever because my dad had on his freakin’ uniform with his mouthpiece in, socks pulled up and sweatin’ because he had four other kids that needed him before I got to him that evenin'. RIP Pops!

There are tons of cats out here ballin’ out of control that didn’t grow up with their dads and I applaud their mothers for bein’ both their mothers and their fathers and for bein’ smart enough to let "Coach So and So" get in their kids tail from time to time too. Big shouts to all of the coaches in the hood that were dads to the fatherless as well.

I saw you not only raisin’my homies on the field but gettin’ loose on a boy off of the field too. I saw you burnin’ your gas to pick up cats for practice and even feedin' some of them on the way. Daddies just don’t live in our house but they live all over the city. Just ask duns like LeBron and hundreds of others that had all kinds of coaches and administrators takin’ care of them comin’ up.

Big shouts to the teachers who were dads to cats that they didn’t share a blood line with too. They put in work to help raise these kids. So it’s shameful if you have shortys and you’re cool with only seein’ them from time to time. Or if it's cool with you that some other cat spends more time with your seed than you do.

I got mad love to all of my boyz that grew up without a dad that understood what Sigmund Freud said earlier about the need of a father’s protection. So they‘ve got their uniforms on leadin’ the league in triple doubles to make sure that their kids know what a dad really is.

Just because your dad wasn’t a verb doesn’t mean that you can’t be one playa. Boot up and get in the freakin’ huddle with the rest of the team because it’s the ultimate team sport. We can’t win out here with boyz showin’ up to practice when they feel like pullin’ an Allen Iverson. “Practice? We talkin’ bout practice!” And showin’ up to the Father’s Day banquet today and gettin’ a trophy because you were supposed to be on the team! Stop me when I start lyin’ playboy and Happy Father’s day to all my real VERBS out there! 

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. Whoever I'm talkin' about.
2) Crib: noun - home, house, flat, etc.

 Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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