Members Only (Why Golden State has boyz wearin' baggys, penny loafers and knit ties this mornin')

"Hey Jay we jump shot our way to a title bruh! I'm just sayin'!"
Derek Jeter once said, “I love it when people doubt me. It makes me work harder to prove them wrong.” Dr. Seuss spit some wisdom to a boy when he said, Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and what enables you to laugh at life’s realities.” Then Malcolm X broke it down where even the simple minded could understand it when he said, “I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he’s wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil.”
Well playas…Brother Malcolm has to respect me this mornin’ because I’m here to admit that I was dead wrong about the Golden State Warriors! A jump shootin’ team could win the NBA title and they proved it on Tuesday night by beatin’ the Cleveland LeBron’s 105-97. I’m eatin’ crow today because I said at the onset of the Finals that Cleveland would win this joint in 6. Now I will admit that my prediction was made with Kyrie in the line-up but that’s just how it goes and I’m not makin’ excuses.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! I did say that if Cleveland had a shot of winnin’ this joint after Kyrie went down they’d have to win both Game 3 and 4 at the crib. If they lost Game 4, which they did, they were shot and they were. However, I never believed in “El Debarge” because early on Delly was puttin’ that thang on him and he shrunk early only on in this series.

I kept sayin’ that Steph wasn’t gonna bring light skinned back and this dun won a championship on me. So I guess light skin is in for the rest of the summer. You curly head cats better take advantage of it while you can because football season is right around the corner and chicks are gonna forget all about you come September. We’ll let you have a late 70’s and early 80’s reunion on the house because Steph won the ship.

So now we’ve gotta listen to nothin’ but Switch, DeBarge and Drake until September 1st to celebrate light skin brothers winnin’ the ship. I’ll even pull out the Members Only jacket, my penny loafers, baggys and knit ties for you. But on September 1st it’s all gotta go away.
"Just 'til September 1st bruh? C'mon playa!"
On some real talk though, give the Warriors their props! Steve Kerr took over where Mark Jackson left off and built a well-oiled machine. And I don’t wanna hear any idiots sayin’ that he won a title with someone else’s players. That’s the dumbest statement ever made. You always hear some idiot sports writer or commentator sayin’ that foolishness. No…he won a title because he coached the team he was given. He put in the work, made the adjustments when he needed to, won 67 regular season games and won the games in the playoffs necessary to win an NBA Championship! Nothin’ but props to Steve Kerr!

Because of his ability to get duns to buy into the TEAM concept they won a title in Oakland for the first time in 40 years. Nothin’ but respect for a boy that can do that in year one.

I’m not gonna lie bruh, I’m pissed that they didn’t do the right thing and give LeBron the Finals MVP award because there wasn’t a dun alive or that has ever lived that deserved it more than he did win or lose. Yeah, I know that boyz were sayin’ that it would be awkward to give him the MVP in a losin’ effect. And I know that normally the Finals MVP is a cat on the winnin’ team because that’s who typically plays better. However, not in these Finals playboy.

LeBron was literally bullyin’ these boyz from start to finish and showed that he was the MOST VALUABLE PLAYER which means of GREATEST WORTH by the simple fact that he had the Cosby Kids and Arnold and Willis Drummond in Game 6 of the NBA Finals against one of the best TEAMS in NBA history. Stop it! You sound crazy even arguin’ with me on that.

Now I did say that if LeBron doesn’t get the Finals MVP then Andre Iguodala should win that joint because he completely changed the complexity of the series. He was ballin’ on both ends of the floor and was the most consistent player in the series outside of LeBron. The simple minded will say, “How can you say that he played great defense against LeBron when ole boy averaged darn near 37 points per game.” First of all Stevie Wonder, nobody can stop LeBron. However, he made plays when he needed to and he made LeBron work for those buckets and by the time late in the fourth quarter rolled around ole boy was spent. Yes, if they didn’t give the MVP to LeBron I’m cool with Ig’s takin’ that joint to the crib.

No excuses from me playboy! A jump shootin’ team proved me wrong and I’m cool with it because up next it football season! Here’s my diehard baseball fan tryin’ to correct me. “Hold on a second bruh, we’ve got baseball goin’ on! It’s America’s past-time.” Like I said pimpin’, up next football season! Baseball is like watchin’ paint dry in a truck stop restroom in the middle of nowhere. When that joint is on I’m ready to pull my freakin’ small intestine out and strangle myself.

Pray for us havin’ to sit through the next month and a half with nothin’ to watch or talk about. Well… I guess I’ve gotta just sit in the cut and wait for some fool athlete to get in trouble because you already know that they’re gettin’ in line this mornin’ to commit some foolishness! Thanks NBA for a great season and unbelievable playoffs. Well…except for the dull conference championships. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) El DeBarge: noun – Steph Curry. I referred to ole boy as El DeBarge because he was light skinned with curly hair. For all or you cats that don’t know who El is, he was VERY popular R&B singer in the early 80’s that all of the black women went nuts over. Durin’ that time dark skinned brothers weren’t in. All black women wanted was a light skinned cat with curly hair until Jordan changed the game. Lol!!
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc. Whoever I’m talkin’ about.
3) Crib: noun – one’s home, the flat, the spot, the place where a boy sleeps at night. C’mon bruh! Keep up with me.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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