Actin' A Fool (Why the Manziel fan is lucky that dun just got out of rehab)

"You already know bruh! Already know!"
Billie Joe Armstrong, the famous musician, once said, “I never thought being obnoxious would get me where I am today.” Zig Ziglar, the sales guru, broke it down like this, “Every obnoxious act is a cry for help.” Then Joe Namath spit some fire at a boy when he said, “I don’t care what a man is as long as he treats me right. He can be a gambler, a hustler, someone everybody else thinks is obnoxious, I don’t care so long as he’s straight with me and our dealings are fair.”

Well playas…normally when everybody else thinks that a boy is obnoxious he’s not gonna be straight with you nor are your dealings with him gonna be fair. On Saturday Johnny Manziel ran into an obnoxious fan at the Four Seasons’ pool area in Irving, Texas. Ole boy was in town for the AT&T Byron Nelson Golf Tournament chillin’ at the pool with some friends when an 18 year old Texas A&M fan slid up on him and asked him for an autograph. When Johnny refused the dun started harassin’ him and wouldn’t leave him alone for 2 hours. Manziel repeatedly asked the cat to leave him alone but he was on a role. Finally, the Heisman Trophy winner and Browns quarterback got frustrated enough that he threw his water bottle at him.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This fan is lucky that he didn’t get the brakes beaten off of him. Once ole boy told him that he wasn’t gonna sign an autograph he should have kept it movin’! You don’t stand there and badger a boy because he didn’t fulfill your request.

Here’s my diehard sports fan that clearly doesn’t get it. On some real talk, this is every fan whether it’s sports, television, music etc. “Man all he had to do was sign the autograph and it never would have gotten crazy.”

Listen up “Mr. I don’t have a life obnoxious fan that can’t take no for an answer!” When celebrities tell you that they aren’t signin’ autographs at this time it’s because as soon as they sign one the flood gates open. So he or she isn’t just signin’ one joint they’re signin’ 100 or more. Therefore, you just jammed up 45 minutes of their time takin’ pictures and kissin’ grandma when they were just tryin’ to chill like Johnny was tryin’ to do at the pool with friends.

Here’s my fan dude again, “Man that’s why he’s a celebrity! He’s supposed to sign autographs. He’s supposed to stand up and talk to me.” No he isn’t you idiot! He’s a human being just like you and if he says no you gotta roll with that. It’s no different than you slidin’ up on a chick at the club, askin’ her to dance and she tells you no. You take the no and keep it movin’! You don’t have the right to call her a “B” just because she hurt your feelings. Ole boy is lucky Manziel just got out of rehab and he’s tryin’ to act like he’s got some sense. Otherwise, the regular sports cat or celebrity would have gotten at him or at least someone in their camp would have. Oh, that’s real talk right there bruh! I’ve seen it happen on multiple occasions.

Accordin’ to the Irving Police the idiot at the pool wouldn’t leave Manziel alone and even grabbed him by the arm. That’s a beat down no questions asked! You can’t grab a boy and think that it’s permissible. Where I’m from they would have been scrapin’ ole boy up off of the ground for that.

Fans kill me thinkin’ that they can say or do whatever they want to a boy and it’s cool. These duns buy tickets to games and think that they can simply curse a boy out or talk crazy to them like the player is a zoo animal and he can’t come off of the floor or field on him. They aren’t supposed to but everybody doesn’t follow the rules.

Did you see the look on the fool’s face that threw the beer on Ron Artest at the Palace? That dun was horrified when ole Ronnie jumped up and got at him. Just because you buy a ticket doesn’t mean that you aren’t subject to gettin’ your butt whooped for actin’ a fool. And that’s the edited version!

Am I condonin’ violence? No, but I completely understand it! I grew up around gangstas and hustlas that didn’t take foolishness from anybody. So I know just how quickly something can go from 0-60mph. You can’t possibly think that it’s OK to act a fool with someone that you don’t know and expect not to get knocked out. That isn’t even real in my mind bruh. Why? Because I’ve seen people die for doin’ less. Now should Johnny have just gotten up and gotten security to remove the idiot fan? Sure he should have. That would have been easier to do. However, you have to realize that he's 22 years old and he just got out of rehab for actin' a fool. So you've gotta take him slow bruh. You're askin' a lot from a dun that used to talk $100 worth or noise to any and everybody. So I'm just happy that all he did was throw the water bottle.

Here’s some wisdom for you Mr. or Mrs. Fan, if you don’t think that it’s OK to call a woman a “B” if she refuses your advance then it’s not OK to curse a boy out for refusin’ to sign your shirt. If you think that it’s OK to curse a boy out then be prepared to get beat down at some point in the future. And the ultimate question is, are you really that mad that a boy wouldn’t give you his signature? Really bruh? Naw, what ole boy was really tryin' to do was get paid! He was literally askin' for Johnny to put hands on him so that he could sue him. After all, everyone would believe that Johnny snapped because the public perception is that he's outta control anyway. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit some fire: verb phrase – to give some very important knowledge or information.
2) Gotten at him: verb – to fight or to jump on a boy.
3) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport

Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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