Wild Animal (How Prince Shembo showed boyz that he only wanted a jobnot a career)

"Now I gotta tell Big Momma this bruh!"
Emimen dropped the mic somewhere near Eight Mile and said, “I’m stupid, I’m ugly, I’m dumb, I smell. Did I mention I’m stupid?” The Duke himself, John Wayne, pulled his boots off, put out his square and said, “Life is tough, but it’s tougher if you’re stupid.” Then Marcus Tullius Cicero, the ancient Roman philosopher, completely shut the joint down when he spit, “The wise are instructed by reason, average minds by experience, the stupid by necessity and the brute by instinct.”

Well playas…Atlanta Falcons linebacker, Prince Shembo, was waived or in layman’s terms, the dun was cut, on Friday for the necessity of bein’ stupid and bein’ a brute that operates off of pure instinct. This cat was kicked off of the team after bein’ charged with a felony for, get this bruh, killin’ is ex-girlfriend’s dog. Ole boy was literally charged with felony aggravated cruelty to an animal.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! This fool told police back in April, when the incident occurred, that he kicked the dog because it bit him. Well get this pimpin’; we aren’t talkin’ about a 100 pound Rottweiler or a massive Pit Bull. We aren’t even talkin’ about a German Shepard that jumped the fence on a boy and chased him down the alley. Naw bruh, this cat beat the brakes off of 4 pound Yorkie! Clown alert!!!!

The necropsy finally came back on Thursday. That’s the animal version of an autopsy for all of my simple minded individuals that can’t follow the freakin’ context clues in this piece. Step ya game up playa. The joint showed that the dog suffered extensive injuries, includin’ a fractured rib, abdominal hemorrhage, head trauma, eye injuries, and extensive bruisin’ in the muscles of his front leg and shoulders. In other words, this fool snapped and beat the doors off of the equivalent of a guinea pig bruh! Wheredeydodatat?

Can you imagine a boy havin' to call Big Momma and to tell her that you messed up that "good job" that she's bein' tellin' all the old timers at church about? She's on couch on the porch wavin' at duns rollin' by like she does every day and the phone rings. "Hey Big Momma! Hey baby! Uh...Big Momma you know that good job I had up in Atlanta? Yeah!Up in the big city with the city folks? Yes Big Momma.  Well uhhhhh...I got fired yesterday! Fired! Fa what? Uhhh...See what had happened was....." 

This is a perfect example of a boy that doesn’t deserve to have a career. He’s what we call out here, "merely a job cat." Understand this; people with careers don’t ever get off of work. When you’re serious about whatever it is you do for a livin’ and you’re serious about the bread that you’re makin’ in that career. You act like a professional 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Yeah, you get it in with your close personal friends behind closed doors but you still have limits on what you will and will not do. Why? Because you’ve got a career. You don’t get mad and start fightin’ a boy at the club because he said something crazy to you or because he stepped on your Jordan's. And yes some fully grown men still go out in the evenin' in some fresh J's! SMDH!!! 

You don’t smoke weed or do drugs because in real career situations they drug test. You don’t curse folks out on social media because HR departments keep up with those joints. You don’t pull a gun on a boy because he cut you off on the highway. Why? Because you could go to jail and lose your career. See the dun that only has a job can get arrested at the strip club on Friday night and get out of jail first thing Monday mornin' and nobody on his job cares as long as that dun is sayin’ "May I take your order or may I help you" by 10am.

The cat with a career keeps that in the back of his or her mind at all times. They understand that it took years of hard work to get this freakin’ job that has now become a career so they aren’t about to screw it up because somebody made then mad.

See, Shembo was the job guy! He obviously cared nothin’ about the time and effort that it took for him to get the NFL. He completely dismissed all of the nights of stayin’ up to study to make the grades to even get admitted to Notre Dame, let alone the endless hours on the football field perfectin’ his craft of bein’ a linebacker worthy enough to be drafted into the National Football League.

He cared nothin’ about the time and effort that it took to graduate from one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Why? Because the dun beat up and killed a dog that couldn’t draw blood if it wanted to and will more than likely get a felony added to his resume.

Guess what playa? Now he’s been fired from one of the best careers in the world and even if he wanted to use his degree at this point he can’t. Why? Because the first thing a boy asks you on an interview is have you ever been convicted of a felony? So he better hope that they can plea this foolishness down to a Missy Elliott and keep it movin’. Because if he’s convicted of a felony he may as well have dropped out of school in the 6th grade, smoked weed and stole bicycles with the rest of the neighborhood riff-raff. This clown is about to go to JAIL for killin' a 4 pound pants grabber.

Let this be a lesson to boyz out here that don’t think the rules apply to them. You can’t just do what you wanna do bruh! Let me put it where the goats can get it. The only difference between a wild animal and a human being is the ability to reason. So if you can’t reason that a grown man or woman with responsibilities and people to take care of shouldn’t be out fightin’ and cursin’ folks out, on social media actin' a fool or snappin' and killin' your girlfriend's dog because you got upset, you’re a wild animal! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Eight Mile: noun – street in Detroit made famous worldwide by Eminem in the movie of the same name. 
2) Square: noun – old school hood for cigarette
3) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc.
4) Wheredeydodatat: Hood for “Who does that?”
5) Missy Elliot: noun – rapper/singer whose nickname was Misdemeanor when she released her first album. She later dropped it and simply goes by Missy now.
6) Let me put it where the goats can get it: To make it as simple as possible. I’m puttin’ it on the floor or ground so that it’s easy to get to bruh.

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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