Standards (How the media completely saw color when it came to Tom Brady vs. Jameis Winston)

"I don't know what you talkin' bout bruh!"
Carl T. Rowan, journalist and author, once said, “It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.” Roger Staubach simply stood up and said, “Discrimination is a disease.” Then Al Sharpton, spit some serious fire when he said, “As I often say, we have come a long way from the days of slavery, but in 2014, discrimination and inequality still saturate our society in modern ways. Though racism may be less blatant now in many cases, its existence is undeniable.”

Well playas…we often talk about the double standards that exist in this country when it comes to black folks and whites and many times when it is brought up boyz that don’t want to talk about it simply get out of the conversation by hollerin’, “You’re pullin’ the race card!” That’s the code for, “I don’t wanna talk about the foolishness that I know exists so Ima keep it movin’.”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! A couple of days ago the Wells Report came out with its findings of the infamous Deflategate. The joint was 243 pages long and these fake media-types couldn’t wait to dissect it so that they would have all of the facts before they went on air. By Thursday mornin’ boyz knew that report inside and out. They could spit the joint back at you like a crackhead makin’ excuses as to why he needs to borrow your VCR and car.

Boyz knew about the science of pressure measurements, the text messages between Tom Brady and the duns workin’ in the locker room. They knew that Brady didn’t give up his cell phone to the cats conductin’ the investigation. They knew that Brady liked his footballs UNDER 12.5 psi. They knew everything that was relevant to the investigation before 5am Thursday mornin’.

Everybody wanted to know how ole boy runnin’ the investigation came to the conclusions that he came to. People wanted to know the truth when it came to Tom Brady and I applaud them for doin’ their due diligence and actually readin’ the information that was available to them to at least inform the millions of people listenin’ or watchin’ their broadcasts of the truth, good or bad, about Tom Brady.

After all, they have a responsibility as journalists to get it right, right? There are millions of people waitin’ on their opinions of the facts because they are viewed as experts on the subject of sports. So before a boy starts talkin’ about somethin’, it’s only right for him or her to do their homework.

So if everybody had time to read the 243-page report on Tom Brady and the Patriots why didn’t they have time to read the 86-page report on Jameis Winston? Now the Wells report was freakin’ three times the size of the report that laid out every square inch of the foolishness that was the sexual assault case on Jameis. It was a police investigation not an independent report that some lawyer did playa. It was full of eye witness testimonies, sworn affidavits and even the accuser’s own words as to what happened that fateful evenin’.

And please don't give the excuse that Tom Brady is a 4-time Super Bowl Champ and future Hall of Famer so its far more important than Jameis Winston. Naw playa, the Jameis Winston story has been just as big because he was the Heisman Trophy winner and he won a National Championship! Stop it you sound crazy!! He's been the biggest sports story of the past two years!

I read the report from cover to cover because I wanted to know what was in it that prevented the police from arrestin’ a black man on suspicion of a crime in Florida of all places at the very least. However, because he was a young black man nobody else cared what was in the freakin’ report because they were cool with the accusation of rape. Why? Because in the vast majority of the minds of the 92 percent of journalists that are white it was believable that he did it. So there was no reason to read the report.

Therefore, for the past two years every dun on TV and radio has been cool callin’ him a rapist and sayin’ that he’s guilty of somethin’ that has absolutely no evidence of that claim. The report clearly suggests that the young lady is lyin’ because she changes her story at least 5 times durin’ the course of the investigation. Some lies are proven by toxicology reports etc. I’ve written on the subject extensively and even recorded a video of what was found in the report entitled “The Truth is in the Details: Jameis Winston.” Pop the link and check it out playa.

There was clearly insufficient evidence to at the very minimum pick him up on suspicion of rape let alone charge him. But nobody cared because he was a young black kid that was supposed to be guilty.

However, in an investigation that has absolutely nothin’ to do with anything in the grand scheme of things people stayed up all night and read the report to find out the truth. Jameis Winston’s reputation gets thrown through the mud when there is a report that is available to the public clears him of any wrong doin’. However, the journalists that are supposed to be the so-called experts didn’t take the time to read it.

Therefore, for the rest of his life people will call him a rapist because the duns that had the information to change the minds of the millions that they talk to daily didn’t do their jobs. But it was more important to talk about whether Tom Brady did or did not know that some locker room cats were deflatin’ balls at his word.

When I say that there is a double standard in this country boyz jump up and accuse me of pullin’ the race card because they don’t want to talk about it. Why is it permissible for you to just accept that Jameis Winston raped someone without lookin’ at the facts? Yet, it’s not permissible for you to go on air without readin’ the 243-page Wells Report so that you’ve got all of the facts as to whether Tom Brady knew about some freakin’ deflated footballs. Both incidents had reports available for you to read yet you read one and dismissed the other.

The first thing cats will tell you is that they don’t see color. Well playboy, if you don’t see color then what you’re tellin’ me is that you don’t see me. In 1953 Ralph Ellison wrote a novel entitled “Invisible Man.” It explained to boyz just how invisible we were in 1953 and even in 2015 boyz act like they still don’t see us. To not see color is to not see the differences in opinions based on upbringin’ and culture. To not see me is to not see the different prism that I see the world through. Yes, we are all human but we are different because of our history and experiences in this world. Those experiences shape our paradigms and therefore our ability to affect the world.

Yeah I know you think that it’s just sports but this is real life playboy and Jameis Winston doesn’t deserve to be the accused of bein’ a rapist when it’s clear that all he did was have sex because you would give him the same human courtesy you gave Tom Brady. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Spit some serious fire: verb phrase – to say something of importance, to share some knowledge.
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!        

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