Nino Brown (Why it's more probable than not that Tom Brady won't miss 4games)

"Really bruh? Do you really think that's gonna stick?"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the 18th century German writer and statesman, once said, “The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything.” Jacques Derrida, the French philosopher, gave it to us like this, “I never give in to the temptation to be difficult just for the sake of being difficult. That would be too ridiculous.” Then some little cat named Napoleon Bonaparte stood up on a table like Jameis Winston and shouted, “There is only one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.”

Well playas…on Monday the NFL took the step from the sublime to the ridiculous and completely dove into the freakin’ pool head first. On a probably, the NFL suspended Tom Brady for 4 games, hit the New England Patriots for $1 million and took away two draft picks for deflatin’ footballs prior to the AFC Championship game this past season.

Now let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! You and I both know that Tom Brady is as guilty of callin’ the Code Red as Colonel Jessup and fortunately we can handle the truth. However, you can’t suspend a boy on a probably! The Wells Report came back last week with no definitives! Ole boy, Wells, presented a joint that said that it is more probable than not that New England Patriots personnel participated in this foolishness and that Tom Brady was at least generally aware of the foolishness. He didn’t say that he was 100 percent sure or proved anything!

Therefore, the NFLPA is gonna appeal that joint quick, fast and in a hurry. I doubt very seriously if ole Tom serves a day of that suspension. Now should he? You darn right he should! But will that dun miss 4 games? I doubt it playa. He might miss a couple but he’s not sittin’ for 4! You can cancel that. Not a probably playa!

If the NFLPA is worth its weight in its letters or law degrees they’ll cut that joint in half like Sprint and keep it movin’. Again, I know that Brady is full of crap and that’s the edited version but you can’t run into the joint and convict him on an at least generally aware.

Here’s my Colts fan that’s fired up about gettin’ the breaks beat off of him by Tom Brady more often than not, “Jay you sound like a complete fool defendin’ Tom Brady! You know that they cheated and at least generally aware is enough evidence to suspend him. They convicted Aaron Hernandez without a murder weapon!”

See, now you sound like a fool sittin’ on the toilet foamin’ at the mouth! Of course they didn’t have a murder weapon but they proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he was responsible for ole boy’s death. The key words here are “Proved” and “Beyond a reasonable doubt.” They didn’t just walk into the joint and say it is more probable than not and that ole boy was at least generally aware something went down. No…they PROVED beyond a reason doubt that that fool killed somebody.

When that suspension gets thrown out everybody and their momma’s momma and their baby momma’s momma is gonna be fired up at Roger Goodell for droppin’ the ball yet again. Instead of payin’ a boy to come back with some heat and evidence to prove the case against the Patriots he ran out and got a report that looks like Crack-head Jeff put it together.

They paid top dollar for ole boy to spit some fire and he walked in with a probably and an at least generally aware of. Tom Brady is gonna walk like Nino Brown on this one playboy. And unfortunately, there won’t be an “old man” waitin’ outside of the NFL offices to hold him accountable. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Ole boy: noun – the person in question and initially I’m talkin’ about that dun Wells. The key is to follow the context playa. Now it’ll change dependin’ upon the context. You learned what a context clue was in the freakin’ 3rd or 4th grade man. I shouldn’t have to even put this thesaurus in here. C’mon bruh!
2) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, girl, etc.
3) Heat: noun – definitive information that proves something.
4) Spit some fire: verb phrase – to present damning information to help prove a case.
5) "Old Man": noun - the old cat that shot Nino Brown (the drug dealer in the movie "New Jack City') when he essentially got off with only 2 years in prison instead of a harhser sentence.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t REAL but its REAL talk!

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