Stupidity (Why an extremely dumb question got an extremely dumb answerfrom Andrew Harrison)

"Here it comes bruh!"
As I was standin’ out in front of Lucas Oil Stadium on Saturday night I overheard these three cats arguin’ about the stupidity of duns in the world. Robert Heinlein said, “Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.” Albert Einstein walked up to a boy tryin’ to scalp some tickets and said, “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” Then Chris Rock grabbed the tickets out of ole boy’s hand and said,” I don’t get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there’s no rehab for stupidity.”

Well playas…ole dull Andrew Harrison of the Kentucky Wildcats wished he was high when he learned the first rule of show business! “THE MIC IS ALWAYS HOT!!!!!” Whenever you sit down to speak with ANYBODY and there’s a microphone in front of you playboy, it’s on! On Saturday night after Kentucky went down to Wisconsin in the national semifinal 71-64 the UK players were holdin’ their post-game presser with the dull media and Harrison made a fool of himself.

Ole boy was sittin’ next to his brother Aaron directly to his left and Willie Cauley- Stein was sittin’ to his right. A dull reporter asked Karl-Anthony Towns: “Karl, could you talk about Kaminsky and what if anything is unique about defending him?” Then Andrew responded with his hand over his mouth thinkin’ that nobody was gonna hear it, “F**** that N******!”

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! First of all playa, if I’m his daddy I’m puttin’ my foot so deep in his butt that that we’re still at Methodist Hospital this mornin’ pullin’ me out of his mouth. At some point you’ve got to think bruh! You’re on national television after a devastatin’ loss so you know that you’ve got to choose your words carefully.

Now don’t get it twisted, he said out loud what all of those duns were thinkin’! Unfortunately, all of these kids call each other the N-word and it’s ridiculous. It completely blows my freakin’ mind because not only do the black kids use it but they let the white kids use it too. How do I know? Because I’ve got a teenager and I hear these cats talk to each other? It completely blows my mind!

So when ole boy said it durin’ the presser it was like him sayin’ F**** that MF etc. He meant nothin’ by it racially. Now was he stupid for sayin’ anything close to that? Sure he was and he needs his butt whooped for it. However, the dull reporter asked the worst question that could be asked at that moment.

Let me put it where the goats can get it bruh! These journalism schools are doin’ a horrible job of teachin’ boyz how to ask questions. Why do I say that? Because I constantly hear these dull media types askin’ a boy what he thinks about another player. First of all playa, you NEVER ask a question that there’s no answer to. Black Culture Rule No.1 is, “Never ask a boy about what another man is doin’!” In other words bruh, you NEVER ask a man what he thinks about another man. I hear guys in NBA locker rooms doin’ it all of the time and it drives me crazy because there is no answer to that question. All you’re gonna get is a canned answer and if he’s pissed off he might say anything. You can’t ask any shape or form of that question. Why? Because it violates every square inch of the Code of Conduct.

So if you’re goin’ to interview players you’ve got to understand what the rules are of their upbringin’! So when you ask a boy about what Kaminsky was doin’ or what he thought of Kaminsky, the only answer to that question was a variation of the one that you got. Why? Because he just lost the first game of the season and it ended his season. It’s a wonder that he didn’t curse you out for askin’ a dumb “A” question like that! Was he wrong for his response? You darn right he was! And that’s the edited version but you asked for it!

However, don’t get upset when you get the only answer available for a stupid question from an emotional kid. Here’s my idiot media type screamin’ from the roof tops, “The question wasn’t even directed at Harrison. It was for Towns! So why did he have to say anything?” So would you rather have Towns say it or Harrison? Because you were gonna get the same response because the question was stupid and they’re emotional kids.

Listen up playas, would you listen to the Crocodile Hunter tell you about the habits of the crocodile if he knew nothin’ about the crocodile? So why would you listen to sports writers talk about the habits of players that they know nothin’ about. You can’t effectively interview cats that you know nothin’ about. If you understood the players you wouldn’t keep askin’ them stupid questions. That’s why you keep gettin’ dump idiotic answers. Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:

1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
2) Let me put it where the goats can get it: To break it down to its simplest form. Goats eat off of the ground so I’m puttin’ it on the ground for you to understand it.

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!    

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