Pookie (How Calipari gets blasted for the 'One & Done' but Coach K gets a pass)

"Can you believe this dawg? With freshmen?"
George Bernard Shaw, the Irish playwright, once said, “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” John F. Kennedy gave it to us like this, “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” Then Nikos Kazantzakis, the Greek writer and philosopher, pulled the ultimate playa card when he said, “Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.”

Well playas…it looks like ole Mike Krzyzewski has finally figured out how to change with the times. Over the years ole boy has tried his best to fight the reality of the “One-and-Done” but since he couldn’t change the new reality of college basketball he simply changed the eyes which saw his reality. On Monday night his Duke Blue Devils won its 5th National Championship in a 68-63 win over Wisconsin with three freshmen holdin’ it down.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Coach K was that dun several years ago that was resistant to bringin’ boyz in that were only gonna be in school for a year. He finally hollered at Kyrie Irving and realized that havin’ a ridiculous talent around for only a year wasn’t as bad as he thought that it would be. Even though Kyrie only played a few games his only year at Duke he made a huge impact on Coach K’s outlook. Then he went up the south side of Chicago and swooped up a dun named Jabari Parker and got addicted.

It was like ole boy was on that Frank Lucas “Blue Magic” and could no longer help himself. So this year he ran out and got three freshmen, Jahlil Okakor, Justise Winslow and Tyus Jones, that took him to the promise land that not only allowed him to look over but they were able to secure the land. Now he’s gone on that stuff like Pookie in New Jack City bruh!

Oh he’s never comin’ back now! Coach K will be runnin’ around the ghetto from now on lookin’ for the “One-and-Done” cat to bring back to Durham to make it easier for him to win championships. Ole boy will be posted up on the south side of the Chi like a dope fein foamin’ at the mouth askin’ boyz can I borrow your VCR.
"Tyus thanks for at least givin' me a year bruh! Now hold me!"
 For years cats from the hood hated Duke not because they were a good program that won all of the time but because they wouldn’t come anywhere near the hood and recruit its players. Now two years in a row ole Mike has come down to where the homies hang out and swooped boyz up that have been qualified for years to play at Duke both academically and athletically. Kids just wanted a fair shot to prove to the world that they could play at Duke.

Now the hood has forgiven Coach K for bein’ a sucka for so many years and bypassin’ them for only the suburban kids. The hood just wanted the opportunity that the rest of the world got. Sure, not very many kids from the ghetto will qualify both academically and athletically that will want to go Duke every year. However, for those that do qualify across this country they just want a shot. It’s like the chick that doesn’t necessarily want to go out with you but she still wants to be asked.

Its basketball for cryin’ out loud, you only have to recruit 3 or 4 cats a year. At least offer a kid from the ghetto every year and we’re cool playboy. Thanks Coach K for understandin’ that the “One-and-Done” isn’t a cancer to your program but an asset to it.

When programs win national titles the enrollment goes up the followin’ semester by at least 30 percent bruh! The bread that is channeled to the school is ridiculous. The marketin’ and promotion of the University goes through the roof and think about all of the paraphernalia that will be sold with the school’s name on it over the next six months. It’s NUTS!!!

So for all of the idiots that think the “One-and-Done” is a waste of time then you’ve got issues with countin’ and jealousy. A) If you could count you would see all of the bread and attention that these kids are bringin’ to your university for hangin’ out for one year before they go off to make a guaranteed $10 million over the next 3 years. B) You’re jealous that you had or have to stay in school for the full 4 or 5 years to complete your degree before someone offers you a job makin’ .5 percent of what they were offered. I get it playa, jealousy is a beast and many times it’ll jump out of you before you realize it. It’s just not fair that a boy can make that type of bread at 18 and you can’t. I get it but the hatin’ will kill you bruh! Shake it off.

I’m not really trippin’ off of the duns that can’t count and the clowns that are full of jealousy. I’m just happy that Coach K is finally givin’ boyz from the hood a chance to play at Duke.

By the way, it’s mighty funny that Calipari gets blasted so much for havin’ “One-and-Done’s” on his roster but nobody has said a word about Coach K doin’ the same thing lately. I’m just sayin’ and stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesausus:
1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
2) Frank Lucas: noun - a notorious drug dealer of pure heroine called “Blue Magic” that he pushed in Harlem in the 1960’s and early ‘70’s.
3) Pookie: noun – the character played by Chris Rock as a dope fein in the movie “New Jack City.”
4) Bread: noun – money

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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