Cowards & Crab Legs (How these media-types & Jameis both proved to be suckas this week)

"C'mon dawg you gone come at me like that?"
Edith Piaf, the French cabaret singer, once said, “I’d like to see one person - just one - who would own up to having been a coward.” Edgar Allen Poe gave it to us like this, “That man is not truly brave who is afraid either to seem or to be, when it suits him, a coward.” Then General George S. Patton hit boyz in the dome with, “Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.”

Well playas…these media-types out here have a sense of duty to tell a boy what’s real and 99.999% of these cats are cowards and won’t! This time last year everybody and their momma’s momma in the media were pilin’ on Jameis Winston for allegedly stealin’ some freakin’ crab legs. Then earlier this week ole Jameis finally came clean to, of all people, Jim Harbaugh and his Michigan staff that he got hooked up at the Publix with free crab legs and now most of these media-types are sayin’ that’s what I thought it was all along.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! When the freakin’ story broke last year I told all of you duns what it was! I didn’t need Jameis to explain to a boy that it was a hook up. It was obvious!!! On Thursday May, 1, 2014 at 5:41AM I published the Hot Joint entitled “Mr. Crab Legs” that explained to you idiots exactly what happened without even bein’ there. If you’ve ever been popular as a kid you knew what it was. If you’re a so-called journalist that covers sports how is it possible that you didn’t know what it was?

What kills me is that all of these cats just piled on this kid because it sounded better for ratings to tell their audiences that the dun just walked into a freakin’ grocery store and stole some crab legs. How is that even possible for a boy to do even if he wanted to? Crab legs are in the freezer or in the display case on ice! You can’t just walk up and pull them off of a shelf! Stop it! You sound crazy!

I’m listenin’ to SVP and Russillo on ESPN Radio yesterday and they are completely breakin’ down how normal it is for a boy at a major program to have hook ups. They even go into how they had hook ups on the yard. Russillo even says how he "was" the hook up at the bar for his boyz etc. However, last year when the story broke that ole boy was out here stealin’ crab legs none of these cats had the gonads to come to his defense and say what they were sayin’ yesterday!

You’ve got to be a complete idiot or absolutely naïve to believe that the Heisman Trophy, National Championship winnin’ quarterback is payin’ for anything within a 20 miles radius of campus. So again, how on earth are you a sports journalist and don’t understand that concept? Now some of them understand it and knew the truth but it was easier to be a coward and roll with all of the other suckas and pile on than to stand up and say what was real.

At some point you duns are gonna start listenin’ to me! Every time somethin' happens out here I tell you what’s real before the truth comes out. Then when it breaks cats come askin’, “Jay how did you know that truth before anybody else?” It’s because I live in the real world and understand the people involved in the foolishness.

Like I’ve said on a number of occasions; you wouldn’t watch or listen to the Crocodile Hunter if he didn’t understand the habits of the crocodile. So why are you listenin’ to some clown talkin’ sports that don’t understand the habits of athletes?  Especially black athletes!

Again, 99.99999% of these duns have never played a minute of organized sports in their freakin’ lives. So they don’t understand the culture of the athlete and all the foolishness that goes on with it. Most (92%) of them are white and grew up in the suburbs or rural America and 75% of the athletes they are coverin’ are black and grew up in urban America. So there is a cultural difference that boyz have to understand. So if your job is to cover these guys you’ve got to first understand the differences both socially and economically in the world they come from in order to understand them. Then you’ll be able to understand why and how things work in their world in order to give folks the real deal on the foolishness that pops up. If you don’t understand socially and economically what these young black kids are dealin’ with you’ll never understand how they think and why they do the things that they tendsto do, good or bad.

Even at the pro level bruh. Just because a boy is rich now doesn’t change the way he sees the world. His paradigm has been set durin’ his upbringin’. So it’s goin’ to take a while to have a shift  in that paradigm even after his world changes to some degree. But if you're lookin' at everything through the prism of a middle aged white guy from rural or suburban America you're 90% of the time gonna be wrong in analyzin' the what's and why's bruh!  

When the story broke day one I told you what happened! Why? Because I’ve seen it happen thousands of times in my lifetime. Anybody that is popular growin’ up that had friends workin’ at a bar, fast food joint etc. got free stuff! And that’s the edited version! Especially when your folks didn't have bread.

And don’t let me get out of here without blastin’ Jameis for bein’ a snitch! First of all playa, why are you sittin’ down talkin’ to Jim Harbaugh and his staff at Michigan? Who are they and why do you need to tell him anything? They aren’t draftin’ anything but recruitment letters for high school players playa. I’m quite sure everybody that you’ve sat down with in the NFL already knew that you got hooked up so that was a mute-point goin’ into the draft. Every dun that hollered at you at the combine asked you that question behind closed doors, got the answers they were lookin’ for and kept it movin’.

By you tellin’ Harbaugh what happened on camera you just put the entire Florida State program on blast!! Now all of the duns that are still there are gonna get hit with NCAA sanctions because you couldn’t take it like a G and keep it movin’! You've gone this far without tellin’ it! So why now? Why would you feel it necessary to tell some cat the truth on camera that means absolutely nothin’ to your future? Now you've got the NCAA sniffin' around the joint and that ain't never good bruh. 

That was a punk move Jameis! Straight up bruh! You’re about to get drafted No.1 overall and sign a $20+ million deal and you threw all of the homies under the bus on your way out of the door talkin’ to a dun that means nothin’ to you. Foul balls bruh! Foul!!!

If you want the truth you need to hang out with Ya Boy because these media-types out here don’t have the gonads to tell you what’s real even when they know it’s real. If you want the truth about the alleged sexual assault don’t look for these fools to tell you anything because I’m seemingly the only cat that has read the foolishness that is the "86-PAGE REPORT." Pop the link “The Truth is in the Details: Jameis Winston” on this video I did last year breakin’ down all of ignorance that was in the report that proves that ole girl was lyin’! These aren’t my opinions bruh, these are the facts from all of the eye witness testimonies, sworn affidavits and even the accuser’s own words.

Stop listenin’ to these cowards out here! Like General Patton said earlier, “The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood.” The sports journalist has a duty to tell boyz the truth even when the truth isn’t popular! Now stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
2) Yard: noun – college campus
3) Foul balls: verb: to do a boy wrong just because.
4) Bread:noun - money 

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk! 

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