Actin' a Fool (Why the NBA & the Hawks are about to dig off into the NYPD's pockets bruh)

"Yeah bruh, these duns gone pay!"
Simon Mainwaring, the award-winning branding consult, once said, “The keys to brand success are self-definition, transparency, authenticity and accountability.” Even ole dull Edward Snowden, the runaway spy, made sense when he said, “There can be no faith in government if our highest offices are excused from scrutiny – they should be setting the example of transparency.” Even though he was dead wrong in the way he handled it and should be thrown in jail. Then the big homie, Dalai Lama shut the buildin’ down with, “A lack of transparency results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity.”

Well playas…that same transparency is relevant when a boy is arrested on a New York City street, especially when he’s a professional athlete that breaks his freakin’ leg in the process. On Wednesday mornin’ Pacers forward Chris Copeland and his girl were stabbed by some fool as they were waitin’ for their driver. The police rolled up and started tryin’ to move boyz out of the way to do their investigation and two Atlanta Hawks players, Pero Antic and Thabo Sefolosha, got caught up in the foolishness.

The Hawks were in town to play the Brooklyn Nets so they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The cops swear that they were in the way and arrested them for interferin’ with the establishment of a crime scene and resistin’ arrest. They say that these cats were keepin’ them from puttin’ up the freakin’ police tape. Are you serious? In the foolishness Thabo suffers a fractured right fibula and ligament damage and ends his freakin’ season and the Hawks are the No.1 seed in the East.

Let’s keep it real or all the way100, whichever comes 1st! Now the NBA is probin’ these duns heavy and even the NYPD Internal Affairs is scramblin’ to figure out what went wrong. Why? Because Thabo is worth a whole lot of bread to the NBA’s brand especially goin' into these upcomin' playoffs and to the city of Atlanta pimpin’! He was one of the best defenders on that team. Now he can’t play in the playoffs. In my Bernie Mac voice, “What the hell is goin’s on around here!”

Do you realize how much bread his absence will cost the Hawks and the ATL if they get eliminated early? I'm just sayin'!

What blows my mind is that a cop will tell you one thing when it goes foul and then when some dun shows up with a video tape of the incident duns start stutterin’. “Uh… see what had happen was.” Like ole boy in South Carolina last week shootin’ a cat 8 times in the back and then tellin’ a boy that the cat took his Taser. Then the video comes out and ole boy is runnin’ away from him clearly showin’ that the cop isn’t in any danger. Now that fool has been charged with murder, lookin’ crazy and his momma has the nerve to be on TV cryin’ because her baby is in jail. At least he’s alive! Go talk to the momma that has to bury her child.

For all of the foolishness that social media brings up on a daily basis at least the advent of the video on the cell phone has been able to show these rogue cops actin’ a darn fool out here. And that’s the edited version. So I would hope that for the first time in all of the foolishness goin’ on that they can at least convict one of these clowns for wrongfully killin’ somebody’s child, father, etc. They had video tape of the Eric Garner killing but boyz were able to walk so it’s not an open and shut case.

Will somebody tell me what’s goin’ on in my native state of Texas bruh? These duns have approved a Bill that would make it illegal for a private citizen to video tape a police officer within 25 feet of him actin’ a fool. So if this is passed into law and you see a cop takin’ advantage of a person and beatin’ the crap out of them you can’t video tape it. Wheredeydodatat? In Texas I guess bruh! That sounds like a bunch of cats lookin’ to act a fool in advance and coverin’ their butts on the front end. What kind of foolishness is that?

Well, I hope that the NBA digs off into the NYPD’s butts and pockets on this one playa because at some point duns need to realize that you can’t do whatever you want to do just because you have on a badge. Let me say this, not all cops are bad. As a matter of fact, most cops do their jobs with dignity and honor. However, there is always the punk cop out there that wants to prove to the world that he’s tough because he got his lunch money taken all the time as a kid and got bullied on the playground growin’ up. So now the badge gives him the authority to get his lick back if there’s no video tape of him actin’ a fool. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

The Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: the person in question, in this case the NYPD, but it could be the dude, guy, chick, etc.
2) Bread: noun – money
3) Pimpin’: the person that I’m passionately tryin’ to get my point across to.
4) Wheredeydodatat: Hood for, “Who does that?”

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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