Pookie Nem (Why it would be stupid to try Hernandez for the double murder now)

"If they do another trial I'll get to come out and see people dawg!"
Rick Baker, the famous special make-up effects artist, once said, “I hate wasting time or money and that happens all the time for no good reason, and then people save money by skimping on the important things.” Benjamin Franklin broke it down like this, “If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality.” Then Dean Kamen, well-known inventor, spit some real fire when he said, “I do not want to waste any time. And if you are not working on important things, you are wasting time.”

Well playas…now that Aaron Hernandez has been tried and convicted of murder you would think that boyz are ready to throw away the key and be done with that dun. Right? After all, he’s been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. However, the legal system says that he should stand trial for a 2012 double murder that he’s been accused of.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! If the dun is NEVER gettin’ out of jail then why waste the time and money to take him to trial again for two additional murders? What are we gonna accomplish by spendin’ more time and money takin’ this fool to trial again?

Let’s just say that we did when we didn't and move on! If he’s convicted of the two additional murders it isn’t goin’ to change his fait. He's still gonna rot in jail!

Yeah, I know that the families of the other victims wanna see this clown convicted of the murder of their loved one but the end result will still be the same. All the families want is for the fool that they think killed their loved one to go to jail, right? He's already in jail and he's not gettin' out! Justice has been served!! So let’s just say he did it for the sake of sayin’ it and save everybody the time and money. 

As a matter of fact, let’s just say that he stole all of the Lemonheads from Fat Daddy’s Candy store in 1998 and burned the joint to the ground! Put the theft of Lil’ Miss Johnson’s birdbath on him too. Pile the shopliftin’ charge of all of the firecrackers at Explosion World and any unsolved shooting in Bristol, Connecticut from '01 to '06 while we're at it. It’s pointless to waste any more time haulin’ this fool in and out of court for anything else for the rest of his life. There's been enough time wasted bruh! 

Think about it, he’s already wasted his time goin’ to school and makin’ the grades necessary to remain eligible to play ball. Then bustin’ his butt to become Connecticut's Gatorade Football Player of the Year and the top tight end recruit in the country in 2007. 

At the University of Florida he won a National Championship, became an All-American and won the John Mackey Award for bein' the top tight end in the country. Then the dun went on to the NFL and won a Super Bowl with the New England Patriots. Only to end up sittin' in the pen with Pookie and Ray-Ray nem who dropped out of school in the 4th freakin' grade, can't read a lick and have been stealin' and breakin' into cars ever since. 
What kind of sense does that make bruh? If ole boy was gonna end up in the pen doin' life sittin' around with Lil' Elbow and La'Octavious nem he could have skipped pre-school altogether and went straight to juvie and got a head start on these boyz. Now he's gotta play catch up on learnin' how to keep duns off of him and that's a full-time job in and of itself playa. 

So again, what sense does it make to take a boy back to trial if he's gonna rot anyway? Just throw the key away and let Pookie nem fight over him. Why? Because he obviously wanted to be there. Stop me when I start lyin'! 

Playas Thesaurus: 
1) spit some fire: verb phrase - to say something of importance. 
2) Dun: noun - the person in question, dude, guy, etc. 

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn't real but it's REAL talk! 

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