15 STACKS (How Jameis Winston's accuser is now makin' a complete fool of herself)

"I told y'all to just sit in the cut bruh!"
Jim Carey once said, “I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation. Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything or creating anything. Period. If you ain’t desperate at some point, you ain’t interesting.” Henry David Thoreau, the famous poet, gave it to us like this, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.” Then Douglas Horton, the well-known clergyman, completely shut the joint down with, “Desperation is like stealing from the Mafia: you stand a good chance of attracting the wrong attention.”

Well playas…it looks like ole girl that keeps accusin’ Jameis Winston of this foolishness isn’t goin’ anywhere and at this point she’s stealin’ from the Mafia. Why? Because she’s attractin’ all of the wrong attention. On Thursday she filed a civil lawsuit against the Heisman trophy winner and potential No.1 overall pick in a Florida State court in Orlando.

In the lawsuit, ole girl again accused Winston of sexual battery, assault, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The suit goes on to say that Jameis caused her severe mental anguish and sufferin’, includin’ more specifically, loss of sleep, flashbacks, severe anxiety, fear of repeat sexual violence, and unfounded sense of shame and depression. Now for ALL of that FOOLISHNESS she’s lookin’ for damages in excess of $15,000! Not $15,000,000 playa, 15 STACKS!

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! A boy does all of that to you and you’ve got all of these problems and you show up to file a suit for $15,000? The therapy and counselin’ alone will cost you more than 15 stacks bruh! See this is the foolishness that I’m talkin’ about playa!

Keep in mind that the police and the District Attorney’s office refused to arrest or charge a “black man” with a crime because there was NO evidence to suggest that ole boy sexually assaulted her. I bring race into it because you and I know both know that it takes absolutely nothin’ for a boy to, at the bare minimum, arrest a black man in America. And don’t give me the whole “He’s Jameis Winston ignorance” because at the time of the alleged event in December of 2012 he was a freakin’ red-shirt freshman that hadn’t played a down for the Seminoles! Nobody knew that dun from Adam’s house cat at the time. So a white girl accuses a black man of rape in Florida and he’s not even detained? You and I know that they can hold a boy on GP and they never even put the cuffs on him. That tells you right there that it was some Tom Foolery goin’ on!

Florida State itself held their own student hearin’ just to cover their butts usin’ the same evidence and testimonies and came to the same conclusion. The 86 page report, which none of these media types refuse to read, was full of eye witness testimonies and sworn affidavits that clearly showed the broad was lyin’! She changed her story at least 5 or 6 different time’s durin’ the course of the report but these media types don't know that because they refuse to do their jobs.

She initially said that she was drunk! Nope... take that back playa; she said that she was incoherent! That’s worse than drunk pimpin’ but when the toxicology report came back it showed that she wasn’t in fact drunk. Then she said that somebody slipped her something in her drink as she came out of the restroom at the bar that knocked her out. The same freakin’ toxicology report showed that there weren’t any drugs in her system. Then she says that somebody hit her in the head and knocked her out. An examination of the skull showed that she had no head trauma. And we haven’t even gotten to his raggedy "A" crib yet! C’mon bruh! At what point is it OK for me to call her a liar?

So are we to believe the rest of the story if she can’t stop lyin’ before we even get to his crib? At the end of the night she’s got the DNA of not only Jameis but also her boyfriend in her drawers like she’s workin’ for Midwest Lab Corp. or something! Wheredeydodatat?

Go read the freakin’ report playa and you’ll be ready to fight somebody with the foolishness that’s in it. The play-by play of the episode is classic foolishness that has been goin’ on since they invented sports and groupies.

Now that ole boy is about to get drafted she’s pulls up with the civil lawsuit for the sake of filin’ it because she’s not even tryin’ to get back off of it. Who files a lawsuit for all of the damages that she’s accusin’ him of for 15 stacks? The 15 stacks won’t even pay for the attorney fees.

Like I’ve been tellin’ you boyz for years, “The Truth is in the Details!” All you gotta do is pay attention to what’s goin’ on and you see things as clear as Vodka. The burden of proof is much lower in a civil case than it is in a criminal case. Therefore, if they come at ole boy for only 15 stacks he’s more likely to just pay it than to go to trial. If he pays her to just go away the public will always say that he’s a rapist and they’ve won this foolishness. He’ll look like a complete “A” hole for rest of his career and she walks away with her public dignity. It’s a freakin’ scam and only the real hustlas out here can see it. He has no other choice but to pay her because it's pocket change that she's askin' for. He doesn't have time to go to a freakin' jury trial that doesn't have the threat of jail time! Stop it. It's set up!! 

The naïve will believe anything that they hear because they don’t know how to think for themselves. The 86 page report has been available since the fall of 2014 and I haven’t run across a single cat in the media besides myself that have read it. However, every dun with a TV or radio show is talkin’ about it.

If a boy had legitimately raped her, even if you thought that FSU and the prosecutor’s office was on something else, the civil suit damages would be through the freakin’ roof. 15 STACKS!!!! Are you kiddin’ me? Stop with this foolishness!  

Don’t get it twisted playboy, I’ve got a wife, a daughter, a mother and a sister! If any man is guilty of sexual assault of one of our beautiful women out here he should rot in jail without a set of gonads and I’ve got the pliers. However, I do believe that women don’t have the right just make stuff up and ruin a boyz reputation because she blasted a cat shortly after gettin’ it in with her own boyfriend. If you would have read the report you would have known that to be a fact!

I think women that falsely accused boyz of that foolishness should be arrested and faced with the same amount of time that the guy would have received if convicted. Then this foolishness would stop! Stop me when I start lyin’! For a complete break down of the entire 86 page report pop the trunk on "The Truth is in the Details: Jameis Winston."

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Stack: noun - $1,000, a grand
2) Pimpin’: noun – the person that I’m tryin’ to passionately get my point across to.
3) Ole girl: noun – the female in question bruh.
4) Ole boy: noun – the male in question.
5) Get Back: verb – to try to make a profit or make a come up. To get money to sit on.
6) Dun: noun – the person in question, dude, guy, etc.
7) Wheredeydodatat?: Hood for, “Who does that?”

Holla At Ya Boy!
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!   

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