School Dayz (Why stayin' in school for Cardale Jones makes absolutely no sense bruh)

"Started from the bottom now I'm here!"
General George S. Patton, “The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That’s the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!” Plato gave it to us like this, “A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.” Then Tony Robbins, the self-help guru, shut it down with, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.”

Well playas…Cardale Jones made the ultimate decision on Thursday to stay in school and to not enter the NFL draft. Good or bad, his destiny was shaped. Now like the hustlas around the way would say, “It just got real!” And in my opinion he couldn’t have made a worse decision.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Cardale Jones started in three freakin’ games that literally took him from bein’ a complete nobody to according to draft insiders to anywhere from bein’ the third quarterback taken to a late second or third round pick. By electing to stay in school ole boy might have left up to $2 million on the table. For example, the New England Patriots drafted some dun named Jimmy Garoppolo last year with the 62nd overall pick (2nd round) and signed him to a contract for $1.1 million guaranteed with an $853,744 bonus.

Under normal circumstances I would say that bein’ a second or third round pick isn’t good enough for a boy to leave school for. However, this dun was the third team quarterback that caught lightening in a bottle by takin’ advantage of an opportunity that may not every EVER present itself again. Luck is the corner where opportunity and preparation meet and ole boy T-boned it.

There is a reason why Cardale Jones was the third team quarterback bruh! Their names are Braxton Miller and J.T. Barrett! Guess what pimpin’? They all will be back at Ohio State next year. So even if the job is Cardale’s to lose, there is a huge possibility that he could lose it. Why? Because he’ll be competin’ with the same duns that he lost it to last year.

If there is an opportunity to get paid now as a result of winnin’ the Big Ten Championship Game, the Sugar Bowl and the National Championship then you gotta take the money. It’s called strikin’ when the iron is hot and trust me playa the iron will NEVER be as hot as it is right now for Cardale Jones.

Oh I’m talkin’ crazy? Remember a dun by the name of Mitch McGary that played basketball for the University of Michigan? Mitch came out of nowhere and shocked the world in the NCAA Tournament in 2012 when the Wolverines made it to the national title game. He literally had 6 unbelievable games and went from bein’ unknown to a projected No.8 pick overall. He decided to stay in school the followin’ year, tore his back up and needed surgery. He didn’t play at all the followin’ season and still got drafted in2014 but he fell to No.21. Well…playboy that cost is millions of dollars. The difference between bein’ the 8th pick and bein’ the 21st is bein’ a lottery pick and not.

Let me put it where the goats can get it bruh! The only reason that we go to school is to put ourselves in a position to get a job to make money. If you’re bein’ offered a job that can change your life then you take it. If Cardale was an engineering major and General Electric came in and offered him a position with the company that paid him $1.1 million in guaranteed bread with an $800,000 bonus and he turned it down you would tell him that he was crazy. But since he’s a football player it makes sense to stay in school? Wheredeydodatat?

I know that all of the academic minds out there are screamin’ that goin’ back to school was the right decision but sometimes bein’ smart can be a detriment playboy. Why? Because you can’t see the obvious! Some dun told you all of your life that YOU needed to finish school because you didn’t possess an extraordinary skill-set that could make you rich that’s why stayin’ in school makes sense to you.

He can always go to school bruh if that’s important to him. School isn’t goin’ anywhere but the opportunity to make that NFL bread is. The window isn’t goin’ to be open for very long and if he’s not the starter next year at Ohio State the window will be shut closed and shattered.

If he’s the second or third QB at OSU next year all of the current hype goes away and then he’s a freakin’ free agent prospect this time next year with no guaranteed bread in sight. So if there is a remote possibility that he could be sittin’ on somebody’s bench next year, he needs to be at least gettin’ paid to sit on it. In the famous words of Dap in the legendary Spike Lee Joint School Dayz, "Wake Up!" Stop me when I start lyin’!

Playas Thesaurus:
1) Dun: the person in question, guy, dude, person. The person that you’re irritated with. The person gettin’ on your last nerves.
2) Let me put it where the goats can get it: Putting it at ground level, spoon feedin’ you, puttin’ the food directly in your mouth. Makin’ it as simple and elementary as possible.
3) Wheredeydodatat: What kind of sense does that make? Or who does that? 
4) Bread: money, scratch, scrilla

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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