Throwin' Sets (How Johnny Manziel is makin' a fool out of the Browns)

"I still got it dawg!"
Dave Chappelle once said, “I was doing sketches that were funny but socially irresponsible. I felt I was deliberately being encouraged and I was overwhelmed.” Boyd Rice, the famous musician, put somethin’ on a boy’z head when he said, “I think this society suffers so much from too much freedom, too many rights that allow people to be irresponsible.” Then Orson Welles spit some fire when he said, “I’ve spent most of my mature life trying to prove that I’m not irresponsible.”

Well look here playa…ole Johnny Football hasn’t gotten to that point in his life where he’s ready to start provin’ that he’s not irresponsible. This cat is still wildin’ out and couldn’t wait for the season to end before he jumped off of the freakin’ roof head first. On Friday ole boy threw a party or should I say an old school set that boyz couldn’t recover from fast enough to make it to work on time Saturday includin’ him. He was eventually fined for the foolishness.

Let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st! Johnny’s set was so thick that Brown’s security had to go to his crib lookin’ for this dun on Saturday mornin’ because he missed both treatment for his hamstring and the team walk through. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in that joint. They must have sacrificin' chickens and doin' voodoo up in that piece for boyz to be missin' work. Talk about off the chain bruh!

 Not only did Johnny pull a no show but other cats came up missin’ too. Ole weed smokin’ Josh Gordon, who was suspended by the league for 10 games this year for gettin’ his smoke on, decided that he’d miss the walk through too. Now keep in mind that this cat showed up late for practice on Friday and when he ran out onto the field he was wearin’ another dun’s jersey. He had on Travis Benjamin’s joint. Now wheredeydodatat? So the Browns decided to suspend that dun for bein’ an idiot. The official word was “violation of team rules” but we all know that they’re just tired of lookin’ at him.

What blew my mind about this hold situation was the amount of boyz blamin’ Johnny Football for Josh Gordon screwin’ up. Last I checked playboy, Josh Gordon was a grown man that has been screwin’ up since his college days. So don’t put his foolishness on Manziel’s plate. He’s got enough to eat at this point.

Now I had no problem with Johnny gettin’ it in durin’ the off-season or durin’ the season for that matter. However, you’ve got to be responsible enough to go to work the next mornin’. As long as a boy puts in the work that he needs to put in to be successful at his job I’ve got no problem with him throwin’ a set or goin’ to one. But when the set gets in the way of bein’ productive then you’ve got to shut it down pimpin’.

When I was single and didn’t have any kids, I would party on the weekends and even durin’ the week. I can remember comin’ in at 6:30am takin’ a shower and goin’ straight to work when I was his age. However, I never missed a day of work and when I showed up I knew my stuff. And that’s the edited version. Why? Because I studied what I needed to know for work before I went out. Bein’ in sales was just as demandin’ of study time as bein’ an NFL quarterback. You can never afford to sit down in front of a client and not know what you’re talkin’ about. You have to be able to read defenses, handle objections and call audibles when necessary.

However, Johnny Football is bein’ a detriment to his career and the Cleveland Browns. If he wants the keys to the Bentley then he’s got to act like he’s got some sense. Nobody’s gonna let him have the whip if he’s got the propensity to crash that joint pullin’ out of the driveway. C’mon bruh!

Obviously, they’ve got to pull some duns out of the ride in the off-season because they can’t think for themselves. If they’re at a point of blamin’ some young cat for leadin’ cats to slaughter they’re in trouble for real. No way should a rookie quarterback have the power to disrupt the joint like that. Where is the veteran leadership? Where are the brains of grown men? Or better yet where is the front office? Oh I forgot, it’s Cleveland! Stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
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The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!

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