Eyeballs, Hands & Feet (The Top 5 Wide Receivers of All-Time)

1. Jerry Rice

"The best ever!"

2. Randy Moss

"The Gazelle"

3. Michael Irvin
"The Playmaker"

4. Chris Carter

"Mr. Work"

5. Terrell Owens

"The Diva"

Since football season is sittin' in our laps playboy, let's start arguin' about it like real playas do. Let's go to the barbershop deep in the hood on this one. I mean this is one of those that the dun has to turn off his clippers and get loud on. You know how it goes in the shop on Saturday mornings? Heck this one might run through the week pimpin! Bring your A game or get blasted. Well... I brought my A, B & C game today on this one. That means that most of the cats in the shop will say, "Can't really argue with you on that one. You pretty much got it bruh.”

Now if you know anythin' about this unbelievable game we call football you're pretty much shakin' your head in agreement as well. I don't need to put stats on the table when we're talkin' about the best to ever play the game. We don't need to compare Super Bowl rings or wins verses losses etc. because it’s the ultimate team sport and one person can‘t effect the outcome of the games as easily like a boy can in basketball.

LeBron goes to Cleveland and they go from bein' the worse freakin' team in the league to a title contender over night! Naw playboy! This is FOOTBALL and one dun don't make a party.

In the game of football all you need is the eyeball test. Can a boy get down or what? This ain't baseball where they compare records from hits, stolen bases, RBI's, or homeruns etc. Naw playa, can the dun play the position that he's been assigned to play? I don't need to look at how many touchdowns he had or how many yards he piled up. Naw…just put on the film cuz the film don't lie!

In this case I just needed to look at his ability to run routs, catch the ball and most importantly do somethin' with it after the catch. It's called havin' eyeballs, hands and feet playboy! Typically, those that have all of those had the stats to go along with it. People that don't know the game have to look at stats first to determine if Jerry Rice sits at the top of the leader board. Naw pimp...just look at him!

I could look at the way he put on his uniform that he was the best to ever play the position. It's that easy bruh. Don't quote stats to me. If you don't think that Randy Moss wasn't the most freakish cat to ever catch the ball you need to start watchin' the other football (soccer) and leave this game to folks that know what they're lookin' at.

"Not a chance Marvin!"
For example, the people that think I’m crazy for not includin' Marvin Harrison on this list should become soccer fans today. Then I won't hold it against you and we could still be cool. Marvin was the recipient of playin' with one of the most talented and definitely the most intelligent quarterbacks to ever play the game in Peyton Manning.

Marvin did absolutely nothin' but catch the football. He showed up in the spot that he was told to be and waited on the football and fell down. Very little yards after catch for this guy. Again, I don't need to see stats to now that. The eye ball test says that he wasn't more gifted than the duns that I've got on the list. Harrison was just blessed to play in an ideal system and with one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game. And the most important question of the day to all of the Colts fans barkin' right now. How are you gonna take off of the list to put Marvin on that joint?

Now there will also be people that will say that T.O. shouldn't be on the list primarily because they don't like him. Well…this isn't a popularity contest homeboy. I'm talkin' about the most talented wide receivers of all-time. Not the most liked or well adjusted! I’m talkin' about the pound for pound most skilled cats to ever play the position.

Now I know that some of you cats will disagree with me on this list and I'm cool with that because who am I? But if you disagree you better have some dun that I completely forgot about that was a freakin' beast! And who are you gonna take off of this list to put him on it? Oh yeah, remember ole boy's gotta finish cuttin' your hair before you walk out of the joint while he's arguin' about who's in the top 5. Stop me when I start lyin'!

Holla At Ya Boy!
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