Big Foot (Why Tony Stewart will NEVER get the benefit of the doubt bruh)

Thomas Paine once said, “Reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.” John Wooden called a twenty second timeout on a boy and said, “Be more concerned than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” Then the big homie, Abraham Lincoln, said, “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.”

Well playboy, Tony Stewart’s shadow is kickin’ his butt in the aftermath of him literally runnin’ over and killin’ sprint cup driver Kevin Ward Jr. durin’ a race in upstate New York. Tony seems to have bullied ole boy’s car off of the track and into the guard rail. After Ward’s car comes to a complete stop he makes the fatal mistake of runnin’ out into traffic to confront Stewart and unfortunately gets hit.

In his rage to get at ole dull Tony Stewart he gets killed. Now Tony says that he didn’t see him because even the cat in front of him had to swerve to miss Ward and then there he was. Sounds like a legitimate excuse right?  

Well let’s keep it real or all the way 100, whichever comes 1st!  Ole boy did get out of his ride in the middle of traffic and go after Stewart’s car, right? He did put himself in harms way. He did essentially step off into the middle of the projects talkin’ strong to some cats that don’t care anything about goin’ to jail, right? So when you fart on big foot while he’s asleep you gotta almost expect to get body slammed when he gets up, right? The only problem is you never expect to die as a result of not thinkin’.

So everybody is willin’ give ole Tony a pass today right? Wrong! Why? Because like Big Momma used to say, “Your reputation precedes you” and Tony’s reputation of bein’ a butt wipe on and off the track is real. And that’s the edited version playboy. Was it an accident? Absolutely! Does Tony walk away without boyz lookin' at him sideways? Not at all! 

We have no idea if Tony saw ole boy or not but his reputation says that he probably did and just wanted to get close enough to him to give him the finger right back. Now was it his intent to hit him? Not at all! Only a maniac would try to do such a thing but Tony is known for actin’ a fool on boyz. So did he try to scare him and just messed up real bad? I’d put my bread on that playa!

For the average cat with a clean reputation we wouldn’t be havin’ this discussion but because it’s Tony Stewart it only makes sense. When the teacher’s lunch money comes up missin’ who do they always look at? The cat with the reputation of bein’ a liar and a thief. When the freakin’ crayons come up missin’ in art class, who do they always holler at? The dun with the crayon marks all over his pockets and hands. So when a boy gets run over at the track after gettin’ bullied off of the track by a cat with the rep for bullyin’; who does all of the real cats look at sideways for not doin’ enough to avoid him or just plain not hittin’ the brakes? I’m just sayin’!  

So does Tony automatically get the benefit of the doubt in this situation? Naw playboy! Not from cats that understand boyz that are always startin' beef. Why? Because he’s the jerk that is always pushin' the envelope too far. We don’t know what Tony was thinkin’ at the time and we’ll never know. Will he get charged with manslaughter? Probably not because ole boy came at Stewart’s ride and he relinquished his safety when he got out of the vehicle. However, it doesn’t mean that boyz will wipe Tony’s hands free of his blood because of his reputation for bein’ confrontational. The stain will always be there playa.

I saw the tape like everybody else did and I didn’t see the tires kickin’ up dust like it would have done if he’d hit the brakes to try to stop. I’m just sayin’!

Okay playa, let me put it where the goats can get it. If I were drivin' down the expressway and I hit something that I didn't see and kept it movin'. Am I wrong for not even attemptin' to stop to see what it was that I hit? Tony never hit the brakes even after he hit the dun bruh. He's wrong off of the rip for not carin' enough to stop.

That's not good enough for you playa? Okay, how about realizin' that this cat is a professional driver that handles vehicles at speeds up to darn near 200mph. So you're tellin' me that on a caution flag on a freakin' dirt track where he was goin' 40 or 50mph he couldn't maneuver his way away from a dun in the way? Are you kiddin' me? If you believe that I've got some palm trees to sell you imported from Gary, Indiana playa!

Again, did he try to hit him? Absolutely not! Did he use poor judgment in the heat of the moment and just got way too close? You darn right? And that’s the edited version. And the poor judgment of both of these cats cost a boy his life. After all, Ward was only twenty so he wasn’t usin’ wisdom because he wasn’t old to enough to have any yet.

However, Tony is forty three years old bruh and should have done more to avoid him instead of bein' a bully out there drivin' against some young rookie type cats anyway. Why is he even out there messin' around with a bunch of cats tryin' to make it. That's like KD or LeBron goin' to a D-League game, takin' over tryin' to bully a boy and then gettin' into a fight. It makes no sense! Why is he even out there? Talk about not stayin' in your lane.

When you burn the candle at both ends on a regular basis you end up gettin’ burned. Kevin Ward’s temper got the best of him and it cost him his life on Saturday. On some real talk, it’s only by the grace of God that any of us are still here today because we’ve all jumped out of the birthday cake and acted a fool and we’re still here.

Tony’s temper got the best of him too because even if he doesn’t get charged with a crime he’s gonna get the brakes sued off of him and you better believe that. Can you say "Wrongful Death?" His reputation has already gotten the best of him because no real cat is gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. Not on this one playa.  He farted on Big Foot’s shoulder one too many times and he finally got body slammed too.

He threw the rock at the neighbor’s dog, King, tied up in the back yard one time too many and he got loose on him on Saturday night. Did he run ole boy off of the track? Sure he did! Does he pull that kind of mess all of the time? Sure he does! Do boyz go at him for it on a regular because of it? You darn right? Do they ever get hit accidentally and die in the process? Not until Saturday night.

King finally jumped over the fence and bit him square in the butt and now he’s gotta deal with it. Because any lawyer worth his weight in his degree is gonna clean that dun out. I'm just sayin' and you can stop me when I start lyin’!

Holla At Ya Boy!
Get @ me on Twitter: @jaygravesreport
Instagram: JayGravesReport
The caption under the photo isn’t real but its REAL talk!  

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